HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 08/18/1958 Kent , Washington August 18, 1958. Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain-, Woodworth; Minutes adopted by motion of the last regular meeting except. Shafferts motion should read larger signs to show the direction of the center of Kent placed at the Reith road and the Kent- DesMoinest directing traffic to the center of Kent. Correction to the minutes" that Councilman Curran attended the meeting with the County Commissioners in place of the Clerk. Correction 11 That .the Obrien water system would be aquired by transfer" not purchase. Correction to the minutes of August 4, 1958; It was the intent of the council that the Rainier Asphalt Paving Co Contract No. 1 by paying final payment the job was accepted. Iherby move that the contract of Rainier Asphalt Paving Co be accepted as of August 4th. 1958 as recommended. by the City Engineer for LID 237. Motion duly made by Pozzi, seconded by Strain, yes 6, No 0; . Correction to the minutes of July 21.6t.1958, It was the intent of the council that the contract of Russ Davis Company, Contract No. 2 was accepted by the final payment. I hereby move that the contract of #uss Davis Concrete Construct- ion Co of Tacoma be accepted as of July 21, 1958, as recommended by the City Engineer for LID 237. Motion duly made by Pozzi, seconded by Shaffer, Yes 6; No; 0. Correction to . the minutes of June 2 , 1958, It was the intent of the council to accept the contract of Stewart-Matrins No. 3 by toe final payment'. I hereby move that the contract of Stewart-Martins Contract No. 3 be accepted as complete and final , as recommended by the city engineer. Maotion duly made by Pozzi seconded by Strain, Yes 6 No. 0. June 2, 1958. Mayor Thornton declared the hearing opened on a Plat presented by Mr. Dalman, no objection heard the hearing was declared closed. Ordinance No. 988 approving a plat of portions of land in said city under the name Green Valley Heights Division No. 1. Motion made`"and duly passed. Motion made by Shaffer and seconded by Pozzi. Yes 6 No. 0, Councilman Woodworth recommended the lighted cross walk sign on West . Meeker if the sign can be hung on wires from the buildings to save the cost of the steel surporting poles.Matter deferred till next meeting. Councilman Scott infromed the council of the death of Mr. Richard Tollensdorf that was the asst. operator at the treatment plant , and that they had secured a man that had some experience in this line of wo3rkka Mr. Kristofferson of Kent. Councilman Scott also reported on the pump in the North Park Lift Station that it was not repaired as yet, this repair was t the obligation of the Valley Construction Co. Mayor Thornton instructed Councilman Scott to obtain costs on the repair., Councilman Pozzi reported on the alley in the rear of the Ford garage and that it was complete and under the specifications of the city engineer. Pozzi also made a report on street cleaning. Motion duly made and passed to recind the policy of the city furnishing 15t of Sewer Tile for private driveways.Motion made by Pozzi and seconded by Woodworth and passed 6 yes No.O. Councilman Pozzi discussed at length a policy for a two lift oil job, suggested that It be done by petition, and the property owners informed that this type of street was not a permanett job. and suggested that city equipment could be used for private jobs. Councilman Shaffer 'duly made.,. .mot.kaq'-to accept Gwenaette Ins . in on our city business insi*r•a`hee 'plicies ,under our agent Bell Insurance Co. Motion passed Councilmen Shaffer made a motion and passed to have the clerk write a. letter to the R.R.Co. and request a 33 ft . street on Winnier instead of a 30ft. as granted. in a letter from Mr. Moore of the N.P.Railroad Co. continued. 160 continued Letter read from the Northern Pacific Railway Co signed by Mr. J.T.Moore Manager of Industrial Development stating that the Company will give deed of dedication of the North 30 ft- of the Ramsay Estate property for the widening of Winner St. Grant a roadway permit to the city for the triangular stripe for rightway required for realignment of First Ave North at the intersection of Winner Street . Grant a change of grade on First Ave. North and Winner Street to provide a better grade for a future spur to serve the north- ern part of the Ramsay Estate, The Railway Company will replace the broken sidevfalk along; the west side of First Ave. North adjoining Railway paned:. 1i1yT. property. Mr. Palm requested a Trailer Court permit at 21740- 84th. Ave. So. had been approved by the Planning Commission as to location. Motion passed to place in the hands of the Police and License Committee with power to act.. Ordinance No. 989 read and passed the unanimous vote of the council , relating to and regulating the conveyance of passengers and baggage for hire in the City. Ordinance read for a deed from Millerts for the extension of Guiberson Street West from the Reiten Road, the ordinance was referred to the Engineer and was not acted upon. Motion made and duly seconded for the passage of Ordinance No 981 providing for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the city in the principal sum of $100,000 to provide funds for certain capital purposes as more specifically author- ized in Ordinance No. 968 passed January 6, 1958, and author- ized• by the qualified electors of the city at a special elect- ion held therein on March 11, 1958, providing the date,formg terms and maturities of said bonds and for the annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount to pay the- principal and interest thereof, and creating a fund for their payment . Motion above made by Shaffer- seconded by Woodworth i was duly adopted by vote 6 yes 0 no. Motion dmly madedald passa.detlo have a public'tlibrary bond sale"and bids to be ppened at 8totclock P.M. on Monday Sept. 15th. 1958 at the Council Chambers it the City Hall Kent , Wn. The above motion made by Shaffer seconded by Scott was duly adopted by vote of 6,yes; 0 , No. Letter presented by the City Engineer stating that the pe petition for annexation to the City which was filed July 22, 1958 shows that signatures representing 80. 0 % of the assessed valuations were recorded. Motion duly- made and sec onded- and passed to hold a hearing on the 15th. day of Sept. for the above annexation. Councilman Scott reported to the council that the construct- ion Company working for the School District- on the sewer line up the North Road left the road in very rough condition. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the school Board requesting the Contractor to repllce the road in better cond- itionp- or as near as it was before the construction began. Councilman Woodworth reported to the council that the legislative committee postponed their meeting, and he would write letters to the various members for a new meeting. Councilman Pozzi recommended that their should be something done about the creek and culvert by Gerbers Cabinet Shop, so that he- can expand his buildings Engineer stated that the last estimate on the moving of the culvert was in the amount of $4,200.00. Motion passed to call for an estimate on the fixing of the city hall roof. ' Jimts Disposal and Eraths in the north end Clover Dale and Shinns CloverDale addition was refered to Councilman Scott. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Exp. 4, 522.68 Street tt 451. 56 Water 1,493.64 Sewer Rev. 272.99 Park 916.39 Parking Meters 34.$ MEETING URNED C�erk �yoghas. ridge City