HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/04/1958 Kent, Washington August 4, 1958. Regular meeting of the. City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth; Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed; CCOgR'C58D-EFERITOMINUTES Councilman Woodworth reported that the cross walk was not completed as yet on West Meeker, but was still making some progress on it. Councilman Scott reported that the Asst. Worker or operator at the Treatment Plant was very ill and was in the Hospital and a .letter from his Doctor stAttdd that he most lik&3�y .; would not be able to do strenuous work from now on.Mr. Tollendorf had a heart attack. PozzirCounc rman brought up the -Hauge-Armstrong street job, they would like to-have the City accept the streets in their addn. as permanent with using a two lift asphalt oil job.City Engineer brought to the attention of the council that they did not want to -accept other jobs of this nature as a pernament street. Motion passed to have the clerk write Mr. Armstrong a letter for him to sign and return, to the effect," that the city will accept the street with oil on it as a gravel street for maintenance". Couhcilman Pozzi: I hereby move that the City Engineer's E:stimate No. 3, Final, of work done by the contractor Rainibr Asphalt Paving Co. of Renton, Washington on Contract' 1 in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the city be accepted and approved; that the city issue warrants on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the City in the Amount of $317. 90 to provide funds to pay such estimate; that said warrants be in the following numbers and de- nominations: CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 8-18-58 Warrant # 61, in the amount of $317. 90, be dated August 4, 1958, be made - payable to Grande & Co. , Inc. of Seattle, Washington and bear. interest at the rate of 4. 6076 per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrants be credited to "Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund" of the city created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. The above motion made by Pozzi, seconded by Parsons was duly adopted by vote of 7, yes; 0, no. Councilman Pozzi: I hereby move that the City Engineer' states 1510 is now due of work done by the contractor Stewart-Martens Company of Seattle, Wash- ington on Contract 3 in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the City be acc- epted and approved; that the City issue warrants on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the city in the amount of $1, 834. 86 to provide funds to pay such estimate; that said warrants be in the following numbers and denominations: Warrant # 62, in the amount of $ 1, 000. 00; and warrant # 63, 'in the amount of $834. 86, be dated August 4, 1958, be made payable to Grande & Co. , Inc, of Seattle, Washifigton and bear interest at the rate of 4. 6076 per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrants be credited to "Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 237 Construction Fund" of the city created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. The above motion made by Pozzi, seconded by Strain, was duly adopted by vote of 7 yyes; 0, no. Councilman• Pozzi stated to the council that the Cemetary Rd. is progressing very well. City Engineer reported to the council that from now on the people in an area that wants a street improved will have to have a spokesman and the money placed in escrow, and a contrat- or hired to do the job. Councilman Curranannounced that on July 2$th. the Mayor and Council had a meeting with the Obrien Water System Trustees CORRECTED-REFER TO to propose an agreement for the purchase of the Obrien Water MINUTES OF 8-18-58 System. the Agreement of purchase was submitted to the Board, but they could not came to an agreement , so they will hold a meeting at a later date. The same even(`i.ng we had a meeting with Mr. Derbyshire and submitted to him, that we would let him have water through a six inch main but the pumping would be up to him, at thi,4:time he has not contacted me on the matter or a• decision-,has not beenV,,-Wad` Also Mayor Thornton-;, Shani� r{ y.; e nc lny`fie, -4,iad a meet- ing with the Board of Counter .QQmmmissi ri' rs'' ri~ and to the continued. continued; extension of 4th. Ave. North. North to the Taylor Road, thence North to the Obrien Road. and a road from the Peterson Road to the Water Transmission line south of the Dump.Also the question of the dump was brought up, and Commissioner O'Dell has been looking into the same question. Councilman Parsons announced that he had a contract from Johnston Campanella of Renton for the design of the new Library Building, and that it was to be placed on file with the clerk. Councilman Strain placed onfile with the clerk a street light recommendation plan from Mr. CarKeek of P.S.P.&.L.CO. Councilman Shaffer recommended that the report go into the Association of Washington Cities, that they have requested for all cities for legislative purposes.Shaffer also stated that the Railroad Cots were going to go along with uss . City Engineer spoke ofn the Rigby drainage system .that was on the back end of a couple lots and said that the City Attorney advised him that it was a private deal and not with the city. Easement of Hau�ets to be signed by the Mayor & Clerk, by motion passed, this being a release Easement. Mayor Thornton announced that there was a hearing to be held to-night but on the toshort time limit it was postponed to the next regular meeting of the council that being. August 18th, at the same time and place. Motion passed to have the notices posted according to law, by the CIty Clerk. for the Plat of Green Valley'Heights Division No. 1. Motion passed to have discussion on Sick Leave and salaries o at the next meeting. 6.01 Councilman Shaffer made a motion and passed to have. the clerk Ui Ui ; write a letter to the State Highway Engineers requesting them to place large green state signs with arrow on roads next to Wo city limit signs on 99 letting the people know the direction wL to go to get into the main part of Kent, . (r Mr. & Mrs. Frazier was present at the meeting and suggested to the council that Water Dist # 75 was going to drill a well in the city bt their place and they hoped that they would not erect a tall water tank, if they were they would sure object. Motion passed to have Mr. Curran look intro the well option that the District had. Motion passed to have an informal meeting after the council meeting on the Duke & Dutches contemplated annexation. Salaries and Claims presented and allowed as follows; Salaries for July 14, 252.$0 Current Exp. Claims 855.34 Sewer Revenue It 668.06 Street " 11280•39 Water " 520•15 Garbage " 230.88 Library 158.74 Park " 337.03 LID 230 11 7.56 LID 237 " 19834.86 Meeting adjourned; _ 4 Chas. Bridges _ Mayor C s. es g City Clerk MAYOR s� y