HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/07/1958 _� N•y �RIM�d 4 yyi� 'm+nod W�1 ? Kent , Washington July , 7, 1958. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. Minutes' approved as printed of the last regular meeting. Report of Officers; ' Glen Sherwood City Engineer reported to the council, that he would recommend that 4th. Ave. " the Part through Sandwicksts Addn." would be accepted. Motion made aid passed to accept that part of fourth ave. as a city street. Councilman Woodworth recommended to the council that the list of Street signs for the various areas be accepted. and by motion made by Woodworth was passed. Councilman Scott reported on the garbage 'truck that the Garbage Department tried out and said it worked very well. also read a letter from Mr. Sherwood in regard to the West from State Ave: on the south side of Pioneer to the alley this improvement of the street has been delayed' for some time while waiting for the final word on the fight of way, this of course was in no way the fault of the Contractor, the Engineer Mr. Sherwood recomended that the contract be accepted as complete provided that the Contractor be re- gmired to post a certified check in the amount of $500.00 to guarantee completion of work, this action is requested at this time so as the State Excise Tax , the I.I.&.M.A. can be exp6ditJed at a sooner date. Councilman Shaffer Made a' motion to place the Association of Washington Cities " decision on Annexations in progress and before a bond issue is actual passed by ordinance for sale of Bonds" place on file. carried. Shaff@r also requested the clerk to send for a list of material on Urban Renewal. Shaffer also made a motion for the Engineer to attend a meeting, in Seattle, and carried. Councilman Shaffer also moved and passed to send a letter to Mayor Gordon Clinton of Seattle , and thank him for the reports of Brown and Caldwell. Councilman Shaffer made a report on the meeting of the council, with the Planners, and Mr. McKay District Engineer of the Highway Department, at this meeting the Mayor and Council, Planning Commission and our City Engineer submitted ideas on the Thru-Way. the next meeting the State will sub- mit what they can give us. Councilman Curran reported that he was going to have a meeting with the County Commissioners on the extension of 4th. ave. to the north. Councilman Strain reported to the council that hi� would have a plan' for Mercury-Vapor Lights by the middle of August. Councilman Parsons reported to the council. on the meeting with the Library Board, the State Librarian, and the County Beard, this meeting was conducted by Councilman Woodworth. Parsons requested of the Kent Library Board to have a Budget submitted at this meeting this they had, bot# Outlay and operating. Councilman Parsons moved that we take action to night -only on the proposed Capital Expenditure Budget and that we give tentative approval provided that any floor plans for the proposed Library and drawings have the approval of the State Librarian before calling for bids and start of .Construction. I further move that we procees immediately to provide for the issuance and sale of the General Obligation bonds and upon completion of the sale of these bonds and net proceeds are determined that the board be requested to submit a re- vision to its budget as necessary for final approval. I further move that the Library Board agree as a condition of the final approval of the Capital Expenditure Budget to submit for Council approval all building plans and Uidsp the, three above motions duly made and passed, 6 yes and 0 no. Mr. Meadowcroft president of Library Operations, surestQd that the council take options on Library sites. Motion passed to have Mr. Meadowcroft take option on grounds for Library. continued; x , >i continued; Councilman Curran reported on the meeting the members of the council had with them, and stated that the Obrien members would like to have an other meeting, so July 14th. at the City Hall $;P.M. was set, for ameeting with all the members of the Obrien Water Systelp/ Curran also reported that he would have information of theautter resources permits. also made a report and re- commendation for to continue on with the gauging at the Rock Creek Station for an' other year, Motion passed to allow $650.00 for the recording fees. Motion made by Councilman Curran to allow payment to Hill & Ingman Engineers for the amount of $1,049.62 ,and to deduct the cost of repairing the main in the canyon, some $59000Opand delete Ranny Well Claim for $320.00. Councilman Strain made an amendment to the motion that the Ranney well engineering claim be allowed.Motion made to table Motion and Amendment, lost for the lack of a second. Chair called for a vote on the amendment lost 4 to 2.Motion to -table motion lacked for a second.Motion made to recess for five minutes on the matter. Session reconvened Council- man Curran made a motion to pay the Engineers less $320.00 motion carried Strain voting ney. Letter read from the Library Board stating their vote on King County Library activity , they voted to rule their own Library three to Two. Motion passed to place on file. Letter read from Operation Library. Motion passed to place on file. Letter from Washington Cities Assn, . placed on file. Letter from Rotary Club stating that they were behind the council on the Planning Program. Motion to place on file. Letter read from Jbhn Fournier in regard to a three day conferance. Councilman Strain and Pozzi was appointed as a committee to 'work on the conferance. Mayor Thornton announced a hearing opened on Miller' s Northern View 3rd. Addn. no one raised objections to the acceptance of the plat so the hearing was declared closed. Ordinance was read and by motion passed to table for two weeks; on account of the transmission main not being located in the easement . Motion by Councilman Woodworth to have the Fire Chk&f attend the Washington Fire Chief' s Convention in Chahalis July 23rd. Motion made for the City Attorney to start condemnation proceedings on a piece of property near the river by Auburn, where the Raney Co. drilled a test hole. Amendment to the motion to have the Attorney establish the boundries, and investigate cost, and recommend a Firm of Attonneys for Council.Amendment carried; Vote on Motion, than motion was withdrawn. Motion passed to have City Engineer with the help of Hill and Ingman locate the land and the land west of the lot to the river. Motion for City Attorney to contact Council that is qual- ified in condemnation procedure and report back at the next meeting. Councilman Parsons requested all wage increases be in by July 15th. Letter read from Attorney General requesting the city to make charges for water to the various depprtments. Motion made to proceed as in the past. Motion for City -Attorney to get releases for water main in Armscrest Addn: No. two. Motion made to collect $64.00 from Hauge for damage to water transmission main. Motion made to table motions, and carried. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to Mr. Fournier saying that the council is in favor of the three day conference . Motion passed to have the Committee that was appointed work with Mr. Fournier. Mr. Thatcher reported on his findings on the culvert on Dean Street that is in question and explained to the council various approches to the situation. Motion made to refer continued. continued; the letter of request on the culvert to Councilman Curran. for further studty for the remedy `of the water on Mr. Calverts property, motion did not pass for lack of a second. I hereby move that the City Engineerts Change Order No. 1 of work done by the contractor Russ Davis Concrete Construction Co of Tacoma on Contract II in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the City, be accepted and approved; that the city issue warrants on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the city in the amount .of 227.70 to provide funds to pay such .estimate; that:. said warrants be in the following numbers and denominations; Warrant ,#59 $227.70 be dated July 7t 1958 , be r4ade payable to Grande & Co. , Inc. of Seattle,- Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.66%, per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrants be credited to "Local Improvement District No. 237 Gonstruction Fund" of the city created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. The above motion made by Scott , seconded by Parsons—was duly adopted by vote of 6 ,yes; 0 , no. I hereby, move that the City Engineert s Estimate .No. 2'. of work done by the contractor Rainier Asphalt Paving Go. of Renton, on Contract 1 in Local Improvemqnt DTstricto. or trie My be accepted and approved; that the city issue warrants on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the city in the amount of $7,479.67 to provide funds to pay such estimate ; that said Warra ts-15 e in the following numbers and denominations: Warrant No. 51 12000.00 Warrant No. 55 1,000.00 Warrant No. 52 1,000.00 Warrant No. 56 1 ,000.00 Warrant No. 53 1112000.00 Warrant No. 57 12000.00 Warrant No. 54 il)000.00 Warrant No. 58 479.67 be dated July 7, 1958, be made payable to Grande & Go. , Inc. of Seattle , Vas ing on, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60f per annum; that the . proceeds of the sale of such warrants be credited to "Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund" of the city .created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. The above motion made by Scott , seconded by Woodworth was duly adopted by vote of 6 , yes; 0, no. PAYR011' AND CLAIMS PRESENTED AND"ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Payroll for June $14,319.27 Current Expense Claims 87$.40 Water 2,308.12 Street " 1,317.97 Sewer Revenue " 698.61 Garbage " 192. 52-2 Park 'f 1,666.64 Parking Meter " 59.20 Water G;onstruction " 3$,138.15 L;abrary " 6$.47 MEETING ADJOURNED: i Mayor Chasq Bridges -yity Clerk ,fY