HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1958 14U Kent , Washington April 21, 1958. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth;/. Motion passed to approve the minutes of the last previous meet- ing as printed. Report of officers presented and by motion placed on file; Mayor Thornton declared the hearing open on proposed annexation by petition by the people west of the city limits and contiguous thereto. Mr. Enst Peterson spoke against the annexation, although he resided outside of the proposed annexed area. Mr. Nelson of Star Lake area and Mr. Prevost asked questions of fire protection angles also out of the district.Mr. Dalman spoke for the annexation. Mr. McManious spoke for the district and lives in the proposed territory. Mrv. Fraizer spoke for the - annexation; and resides in the boundary; Mr. Tom Peterson spoke against the annexation and lives outside the area.Mr. Larry Gray -spoke against the annexation and Silvia Pines, others spoke for and againsty one letter received and read from Mr. West Morrill residence of City-of Went, he was also against the annexation. Motion made and passed to cut off the debate on -the hearing. Motion made and passed to continue hearing to the next regular ,-meeting of the council May 5th. 1958 at $ Otclok P.M. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to our Planners and find out if there could be any unforseen difficulties in the west side annexation. Mr. Hauge appeared before the council and would like to have his Plat Plan changed. Also stated in very strong words that the water connection charge and main charge was very unjust. Mr. Thatcher-explained to Mr. Hauge the reason why the charge was being conducted now, and also the water chairman Mr. Curran explained as to why-the charge had to be greater than it was two years ago.The two explanations caused Mr. Hauge to ex- plode in profane language, and still did not concur with the water rate connection ordinance. Mr. Thatcher explained more to Mr. Hauge , that the breaking of the transmission main through his plat had not been paid for as yet. after more heated discussion , Mr. Hauge agreed to pay the damages. Mr. Turner requested the use of septic tanks in the south end of the Kent Hurst Addition., the City Engineer did not approve the septic tank idea, and will run a smrvey for the sewer line, and also prescribe the size of water line needed, this was dine by motion passed by the council. Councilman Scott reported that the maintenance work on the Treatment Plant would be complete in a few days, and the plant operator recommended that the city expend $750+00 for a change in the digester system. Motion made by Mr. Scott to purchase a ,IMP mAt-er for $490.00 to handle solids up to TIR�`'11nd semen eights inches, and the total cost to come out of maintenance to be $ 750.00. motion carried. Councilman Pozzi• reported on the Rond:;4t Perrips, and also the Appleton sidwalks. - ,. Councilman Shaffer reported—on, the �pz°crg ess bd1hg. made with I the officials of the N.P.Railroad, widing Smith Street ;to connect with Shinn; Moved battery box-at James Street ; and i7e.verse switbh#ig ing from the North- instead of the south. Councilman Curran Made a motion to have heaters put in pump motors; also a. pressure switch on supply main, motion carried. The name Kent to- be placed on the East Hill Water Tower will be $ ft. lomg� C2ynd T3 Jf:,t,. .high,.f,`for, the `c,ostp of $140.00. Councilman Strain reported on the progress of the street lights to be installed, by the power company. Mayor Thornton reported on the progress of the newly appointed Legislative committee. • continued; continued; Letter read from H .P.Pratt Company stating that they were ready to have a meeting with the council to discuss the additional bond issue for the water system. April 28th was set for the meeting. Water waivers were discussed and persons out side the city limits did not need to sign one if they are connected on a standard size pipe line. Ordinance No. 978 passed the vote of the council accepting deed for street purposes. Ordinance No. 979 declaring an emergency for current Expense fund in the amount of $5,000.00 for planning program. Motion carried. Resolution No. 398 passed the vmte of the council to de- clare an emergency and hold a hearing on Monday May 5th. ,at eight O' clock P.M. for $5,000.00 for the current Expense fund for Planning purposes. City Attorney read letter Mrom Mr. Haugen of Renton,an Attorney for Mr. Tonelli, and request payment for. his re- seeding and fixing the bridge. Motion passed to reject the claim, Mr. Sherwood the City Engineer requested of the council to accept the new utility building as completed, so that clearence from I.I.&.M.A. and Excise Division be submitted and the Contractor be paid in the -thirty day period. Motion made and passed to accept�ithe Engineer' s recomendation. Motion made and passed to notify Mr. Harris that the City would vacate his lot on R.R.Ave. the last day of May 1958. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to get in tquch with our Planners to see if they had ideas on the Library Site. Mr. Sherwood explained the status of the annexation on East Hill, that has been pending on additional signatures to the petition. CLAIMS ,PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; C4rrent Expense Claims 1,038.21 Water it412.19 Street It554.38 Garbage if 123.70 Sewer Revenue It 6.62 Library 77.0i Park " 15.00 MEETING ADJOURNED; Vd" Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk .:. c MAYOR a