HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/07/1958 C-4 Kent , Washington April 7, 1958. ,Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton; Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott Shaffer, Woodworth. Motion passed to approve the minutes of the last previous meeting as printed; Mayor Thornton declared the hearing opened on the Plat of f Hauge Armscrest Addition no. two. no one appeared for or against the plat so the Mayor declared the hearing closed, and rekuested the reading blfethe lbrdinace , under ordinances. Two hour parking was granted on the south side of East Meeler between North Central and State Avenue, as recommended by Councilman Woodworth. Councilman,Woodworth made a motion and passed to award-the bid for two police cars to C. & J Auto Sales, their bid being the low bidsc®tt Councilman reported to the council that the Sewer Committee had purchased a use G.M.0 pickup for use at the Treatment Plant, for the amount of $500.00 . also reported on the progress the Valley Construction Co was making on the repair of the trunk sewer, out side of sand coming into the lift station it is in fair shape, . and they are going to clean the sand out again this week; Mr. Scott also reported on the city sewer line that ran thr through Mr. Currans property with no visible means of an easement. also reported on the Cloverdale Annexation, that we cannot pick up the Garbage until we have paid forttoe contracts that are now in operation for a period of five years, or not do our own pick ups, and instructing the office not to bill the people in the new district until the City Attorney gives the go ahead on same. Councilman Curran reported on the water contracts No. 1 to Seven, and stated that they were all going along fine , and some were complete. Motion passed to Have the Chairman of the water committee have the letters painted on the water Tank of the City. Motion passed to extend Pittsburgh water tank contract 20 cal calander days, that would make the completion date April 24, . Letter from Hill & Ingman in regard to the success in the pumping test shows that the booster. in the main line will deliver 1,600,000 gals. per day more water than by gravity flow. The pump test on the Reiten Road pump placed 55 lbs. per sq. inch at Maple Street and Reiten rd. .. Councilman Curran also announced that the council and the Mayor , Fire Chief, and Engineer had an informal meeting with the interested people on the west side annnexation. Councilman Parsons announced to the council that the new Utility Building was now complete and after the meeting we would all gp down an inspect same. Councilman Shaffer made a very complete report on the meeting he attended at Portland Oregon on National Highways' and placed on file with the clerk a National Highway folder for future reference. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the State Highway Commission in regard to the starting time on the thru- way through Kent. I. hereby move that the City Engineer' s Estimate No. 4 of work done by the contractor Russ Davis Construction Co of Tacoma, on Contract No. 2 in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the city NO accepted and approved; that the city issue warrants on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the city in the a- mount .of $ 7,650.83 to provide funds to pay such estimate; that said warrants be in the following numbers and denominations: Warrant Nod. 30 5,345. 58 Warrant No. 31 13000.00; Warrant No. 32 11,000.00 Warrant No. 33 305.25; be dated 4/7/58, be made payable to Grande & Co. , Inc. of Seattle Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60,E per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrants be credited to Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund of the city created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. Motion made by Pozzi and secanded.,,,by Scout...,. nd 'duly passed the vote of the council Yes, .. . ,. ..... ':�`t7bf'�st1:T1'LtQCli' �r. '` ti;.i 4w• .ti..y.•'',a continued. Letter of request from Mr. Perrins asking the city to fence or drain the lake of Mrs. Gilmore. to make his property safe. After disussion it was felt that it was aprivate condition between two properties and the city had no action on the subject. Motion passed to have the City Attorney draw an ordinance to create an emergency for matching money in the amount of $5,000.00 for our planning program. Letter frm Water District No. 75, requesting a meeting with the council if the west side anne xation goes through. Letter from Mr. Haguan and Attorsey from Renton requesting the Council to take care of seediiag and fixing a bridge in the field of Mr. Tonnelli' s . Letter was referred to the City Attorney for answer. Resolution No.395 read and by motion passed to make application for a 41,000.00 bond to bQ presented to the county for a franchise to lay water pipe along their rightsawyy. Resolution No. 396 passed the motion of the council to in- vest $1,000.00 from the LID Guaranty Fund , in LID 236 Bonds. Resolution No. 397 passed the motion of the council to hold a hearing on Monday April 21 at 8 P.M. City Hall, on property j; t petitioned to be annexed to the city. Ordinance No. 976 approving deeds for street purposes, passed by the unanimous vote of the council present. Ordinance No. 977 approving a plat of Armscrest No. 2. , and for Mayor and Clerk to sign the plat. , Motion passed. Mrs. Kock Chairman of the Library Board appered before the meeting and stated that the Library Board had a site to - consider for the new Library Building for $ 25,.500.00. Mayor . Thornton appointed a committee from the council to work with the Library Board; Parsons, Woodworth, Strain. Baffaro Chairman of the Park Board appeared beforQ the c oundil with a request to move the now existing fence north to include the ground that is to purchased from the Legion. Motion passed to have the Peak Board proceed with the moving of the fence as soon as the attorney has the ernest monayy paid on the contract. and signed.Woodworth voting ney Councilman Pozzi made a motion to call fov bids on Qasoline Regular and Ethel. motion passed. Mayor Thornton appointed a legislative committeee at the re- quett of the Washington Cities; Thornton, Shaffer ,Curran, Pozzi; Motion passed to have the street committee and the City Engineer work over plat ordinance for curbs gutters and hard surface. Motion for clerk to write a letter to the Debate Team for the4W fine debating they have done at the meets, this year they have finished 3rd: , CLAIMBLPRRBENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 1,782.42 Street N 't . 51$08.70 , i Sewer Revenue " 1,418.60 Garbage 't 214.29 j Park " 21$.59 Library 'f 43.68 _Parking Meters " 87.48 LID 229 9. 57 LID 234 10.58 LID 236 253.16 LID 237 72650.83 Water Cost. 55,844013 MEETING ADJOURNED; P- Mayor Chas. Bridges Clerk MAYOR