HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/17/1958 Kent , Washington March 17, 1958. Regular meeting of the city council present , Mayor Thornton, Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott , Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth; . Minutes approved as printed of the last regular meeting. Report of officers presented and by motion placed on file, Clerk' s Budget, Treasurer' s . BIDS; Bids were opened and read on 611 1 81 1 10" cast iron pipe delivered to our stock pile in Kent. One bid was received frbin the United States Pipe and Foundry Company; 6 inch pipe at $2.034; $tt at $2.905; 10" at $ 3 .834; . Bid from the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 6" pipe $2.029; $tt at $ 2.898 and 10" at $ 3 •$24; Motion passed to award the bid to the low bidder, Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. for the amount of $10,413.23. Bids were opened for two police cars, and the trade in on the present oneonow in service. Three bids were received Kent Motors, C & J Auto Sales and Straints Auto, all bids were referred to the Police committee for study. Mr. Meadowcroft was presentat the meeting as well as Dr. Owen Taylor, they reported on Operation Library, and stated that the election was a sucess, and carried by 63%, and we want to thank the people for the fine way the turned out at the polls, and put over the Bond issue of 100,000.00 for a new Building, Land, and fixtures. Mayor Thornton thanked them for their splended work they had done to make the election a success. Motion passed to have the clerk send Mr. Meadowerdit 'al letter of appreciation, for the fine work that Operation Library had done on the Library Issue. , and hope that they will continue their fine work with the Library Board, to see it at its final completion. SHERW66H; City Engineer reported' that the water ordinance has been gone over by himself and the office in regard to changes that were recommended WOODWORTH; Motion made and passed to have a lighted cross-walk on West Meeker at a point opposite Vants Shoe Store, and a letter send to the Highway Engineer to request such a walk SCOTT; Valley Construction Company has resumed their operation of the repair of the trunk sewer, and the North Park Lift Station is back in operation until the trunk line can bb repairedt the repair work is being done under the supervision of the city Engineer. Motion passed to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the new a- greement with the Valley Construction Co, for the repair of the Sewer. COUNCILMAN SCOTT recommended that the extension of the sewer line on Lane Street be done to take care of the house on Walnut & Lane'. Motion passed to have the sewer main extended as re- commended by .Mr. Scott. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the High-Way Department in regard to fixing the holes along the curb on West Meeker'. Motion passed to have Mr. Thatcher record deed from the Tide Water `Corporation and the University of California, for the strip 'of- land on the South Side of Pioneer St. COUNCILMAN CURRAN; Motion passed to grant F.M.Taylor a 10 day extension on Contract No. 7 on account of the delay on the transformers.Also Curran reported that he and Mr. Atkins of H.P.Pratt Co will have a meeting on the determination of how many more bonds that are needed torcomplete the water construction project. COUNCILMAN STRAIN Stated that street lights have been ordered in at Winner Adams and First Winner and James And the N.P.., COUNCILMAN SHAFFER; r-.• �' : >� Announced that the-'Coh" on +ra gay r ,: s�` b'e �JM Spokane t this May, and to make reservations early. continued. continued; SHAFFER: Had a meeting with Mr. Stoneburner on the land the Legion would like to sell to the City for Recreation Park expmsion. -Motion passed to purchase from the Legion and pay $2, 500.00 out of this years budget and $2, 500.00 out of next years budget. Planning people are to start work in the very near future reported by Councilman Shaffer. - Armscrest No. 2 Plat was submitted and by motion passed a-hearing was set for April 6th. 1958. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the County Commissioners in regard to the Dump situation. MR. GLENN SHERWOOD Mr. Sherwood has studied the application of Mr. Pollock for a water service and recommends that it be rejected. Also rejection of Mr. C.L.Baker' s application. , -and the study of the application of Mr. Smith for a larger main be approved. Motion paased to accept the recommendations of the City Engineer. Mr. Sherwood reports that the petition filed March 17, shows the signature representing 76.1% of the assessed valuations were recorded, It west side annexation". ,Motion passed to have a meeting in the area by the council as a committee March 24, 1958, HEARING; Mayor Thornton announced that the hearing was now open for anyone to object or otherwise to vacate a Lane in the Waller & Tonnelli property. no one objected the hearing was closed and the ordinance no. 975 was read to vacte said Lane. Motion made and passed to adopt Ordinnace No. 975• Motion passed to have`the deedsLaeceptdd to Maple Way, record the deeds by the City Attorney. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the High Sckool about the fine basket-ball team thy have. MOTION MADE BY POZZI To take the water ordinanc off the table, and passed. MOTION MADE BY CURRAN, to adopt the water ordinate as corrected, motion carried. MAYOR THORNTON appointed Mrs. Davison to the Library Bo - Board and by motion this appointment was confirmed by the council. MR. THATCHER reported on the city sewer line that is through Mr. Currans property without an aparent easement and if it is the case the city has no right to have a sewer through the said property, and to do something about it. the question on the sewer was placed in the hands of the Health and Sanitation committee and City Engineer, Councilman Curran made a report on the last State Auditors report oncthe Water System. Motion that all claims be allowed, and passed. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 2,079.87 Street " 409.95 i Sewer Revenue 468.64 Garbage " 183.15 Library 9 134.17 Park " 78.00 Parking Meters " 69.70 Water " 1200.81 Water Construction 1t 5:084•59 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor as. Bridges City Clerk MAYOR