HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1958 126 Kent Washington February 3 , 1958. Regular meeting of the Cit Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, ozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. Minutes approved' of the last regular meeting as printed. City Engineer Mr. Sherwood reported to the council that Mr. Dhbster Derbyshire of East Hill would like a connection to the transmission line of 6" size. Engineer stated that this was a deltvlalle point to have a six inch connection, and would recommend this connection. Motion passed to grant the request of Mr. Derbyshire for a six inch main connection. Mr. Sherwood requested of the council permission for his assistent "' Jack Wilson to attend a meeting in Seattle on February 6th. . pertaining to standard street project probedure. and sewer construction procedure. Mr. Sherwood also reported on the meeting that he attended making all construction work on a standard proceedure , making it easer for the Contractors to bid on the various construction works. Motion passed to have the Asst . Engineerrattend the meeting of Feb. 6th. in Seattle, . Cave in on our newley constructed trunk sewer line created a grave condition and Mr. Monroe Watt of Seattle was retaindd as council for the city in the' matter of wether or not the cave in was the fault of who,the contractor or the Engineers. Motion passed to have the Chairman of the Health and Sani- tation Committee and the City Attorney proceed with three arbitrators, one to be picked from the Valley Construction Co, one from the City, and the two picked to pick one, and for the Construction Company to proceed withrarc6st"plusc15% on the repair,if the arbitrators decide that it was no fault of the Contractor. Mr. Harvey Russell Superintendent of Howard Mfg, stated that they were not in accord with all the mess- that the Contractor made when the trunk sewer was put in, and they did not want a reacurrance of the same mess, that it hampered operation of their plant. Mayor Thornton declared the hearing open on the Sandwick Plat and .if there were any objections now is the time to stand give your name and place you live. City Engineer ex- plained the plat to the council and the ones that were int. terested. No one appeared to object to the plat so Mayor' Thornton declared the hearing closed. Ordinance No. 970 read approving a plat of portions of land in said City under the Name of Sandwick' s Addition. Motion passed to adopt ordinance No.970, six for, Shaffer voting ney. Councilman Woodworth read the highlights of the Police Report, and moved that the report be accepted and placed on file motion passed. Councilman Pozzi made a report on a meeting with Hill & Ingman Engineers on the street designs they have advanced for further street improvements, Councilman Strain- also was at the meeting. Councilman Pozzi moved that Hill & Ingman, our Consulting Engineers be paid the engineering fee on the LID 237 Street Job, 1012 hours labor, expenses, and overhead- $4,791.59 plus 15% 471$.74 being a total of $5, 510•33, be accepted and approved; that the city issue warrants drawn on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the city; that said warrants be in the following numbers and denominations: Warrant No. 15 $1,000.00 Warrant No. 16 $1;000.000 rt " 17 19000.00 " " 18 1:000.00 19 19000.00 20. 510.33 be dated February 3 , 1958, be made payable to Grande & Co. , Inc. of Seattle Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60% per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrents be credited to Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund" of the city °created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay the Consulting Engineers. continued; continued; The abof'e motion made by Pozzi, seconded by Strain, was duly adopted by vote of 7, yes; 0, No. I hereby move that the City Engineerts Estimate No. 2 of work done "by the contractor Russ Davis Concrete Construction Co on contract two in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the City, be accepted and approved; that the city issue warrants drawn on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the City in the amount of $4,330•67 to provide funds to pay such estimate ; that said w warrants be in the following numbers and denominations; Wdrrent No. 21 1,000.00 Warrant No. 22 19000.00 Warrant No. 23 1,000.00 Warrant No. 24 1 1,000.00 Warrant No. 25 1 330•87 be dated February 3 , 1958s be made payable to Grande & Co. , Inc, . of Seattle, Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60% per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrants be cr credited to 't Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Ffund of the city created by its Resolution N8. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. The above motion made by Pozzi, seconded by Strain was duly adopted by vote of 7, yes; 0 , No. ; Caunci man reported on the East Hill pump station and that urr n Massart ons ruction Co has posted a certified check for $1500.00 for the completion of same at a later date, and reported on the rest of the contracts on the water improvements also that the north end contract with mister Taylor is all in order, and his $1,600.00 is posted with the clerk, and the State Highway has given thitir ok on the job. also reported that he had a request from the Thomas water District 87 to hook with our system, and will be a meeting with them on Monday February loth. at 7;45 P:M. at city hall. Repairs on the line crossing the canyon cost55$.00, $465.00 of that amount was done by city employees. Water chairman reported on the Drury water Connection, and stated that after study on the matter, the recommendation was that Drury pay the connection under the new water connection rate. Curran stated that the water ouddinauce would be change for r passage at the next meeting. Councilman Parsons reported that the new utility building was about 75% complete. Motion passed to have the room to the north of the council room redecorated not to acceed $250.00. Parsons also reported to the council that a steno, was needed in the clerkts office and for the clerk to interview applicants for the position, motion made and passed. Councilman Strain made a motion and passed to have the clerk write a letter to the Power Co inregard to the installation of a street light on Winner & Adams Street, Councilman Strain stated that he was working on the street light project for the business section. City Engineer Mr. Sherwood was instructed to get in touch with the County Commissioner in regard to the letter that was read on roads in and along new annexations. Agreement was read fro feeding prisoners by the county when the city had to hold longer that a couple days, this matter was referred to the Police Committee. Mr. Rawley was at the meeting and stated that the side walks on North First were in very bad shape. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the N.P. and Bordens on the condition of the walk and the fenee along the west side of the walk, also a letter to the School District on the walk around the Jr. School on East Titus. also a letter to the M.P.ryilroad about the rough crossing at Smitl* Street, requesting' a tempoary fixing of same on account of renewing the trunk sewer line this spring. Mr. Omey was present at the meeting and requested a water line on the Molke Road of some 450 ft. Motion passed to place in the hands of the water committee. People from Lake Fenwick District was present and asking about annexation to Kent in that area. continued. continued; City Engineer and the Water Fo,Plmanmaade arequest tt to call for bids on two car loads of wat pl p ^ or stock pile purpose. Councilman Pozzi made a report on the Taylor Construction job stating that the streets were in fair shape and a certified check for $1,000.00 was in the hands of the clerk for the repairing of the streets at a later date. Motion passed to have the Street Committee make a study of work done on streets ,, for the size of bond posted, for the guarentee of placing the streets back in the same condition they, were found. Salaries and Claims presented and allowed as follows; Salaries for January 13,303 .88 675 Current Expense Claims ,4 3 561•. Water " � �'7 75 Street " 512• 86 Sewer Revenue 302.45 Garbage, " rr 3 ,604.03 Parking Meters „ 46,454.63 Water Construction rr 6.14 LID 232 52510.33 LID 233 4,330.87 LID 237 'MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk MAYOR z e i