HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 01/06/1958 Kent , Washington January 6, 1958. Regular meeting og the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen; Curran, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain Woodworth; Minutes of the previous meeting was approved except the word roll call vote was used instead of noninations by ballot , for Woodworth and .Coen. Councilman Scott reported on the plans that were turned over to the city Engineer for file , of the Trunk Sewer, and Lift Station, completed. by Hill & Ingman. f Councilman Pozzi made a motion and passed that the City Engineer's Estimate No. L of work done by the Contractor Russ Davis Concrte Construction Co- on Contract 11G in Local' Improvement District No. 237 of the City bE accepted and approved; that the city issue warrents drawn on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the City in the amount of $7,899.86 to provide funds to pay such estimate; that said warrents be in the following numbers and denominations; Warrent #5- 0,000.00 #6--$2,000.00, # 7-41,b00.00 #8-- $12000.00 #9-412000.00 #10-- 899.86, to be dated January 6th. 1958, be made payable� to Grandee & Co. ,Inc. of Seattle, Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60% per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrents be credited to " Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund' pf tie city created by its Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. Councilman Pozzi made a motion and passed that the City Engineergs Estimate No. 2 of work done by the contractor Stewart-Martens Co on Contract No. III in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the city be accepted and approved; that the city issue warr,4nts drawn on Local Improyement . District No. 237 Fund of the city in the amount of $3,681.10 to provide funds to pay such estimate ; that said ,warrAnts be in the following numbers and denominations: Warrent # 11--$11000.00 # 12 -- $1,000.00 #13-412000.00 #14 $681.10, to be dated January 6, 1958 , be made payable to Grande & go, . Iqc. of Seattle, Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60% per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrants be credited to ff Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund " of the city created by its Resolution No. 387, qnd be used to pay such contractor. Councilman Curran announced to the council that the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co had requested the full extension time of their strike that would bring the time up to June 30th. of 1958. Hill & Ingman w?.--ote a letter stating that Jan. 2nd, the rest of the job would be completed and it would be of no use until the elevated tank was installed, and requested that they proceed with the contract schedule. Councilman Curran stated that he and Mr. Ramsay of Hill & Ingman and Mr. Sherwood City Engineer took a trip out to the Rock Creek project and Mr. Sherwood recommended that the the test holes be marked with color monuments, that cover be •locked and drainage ditches be dug to drain water away from roadways. Motion passed to have the water crew tape care of the re- commendations that was n6t in the scope of the contract. Letter from Mr. Taylor Contractor on water contract # I requesting a 15 day additional time on the contract because, on account of the fills not being settled yet. Motion passed i to grant Mr. Taylor an additional 15 days on the contract. Contract 5 was withheld on the payment until a guy wire was replaced or put back in condition belonging to the Bcnneyville transmission line, the work on this contract is being done by Nielson Bros & Johnson Construction Co. Councilman Strain reported on the contract with the County on, the recreation Director, and stated that the raise to the Director was not being d4acted on account that- it was not in the county budget, and that budget was drawn in July, and the Act'ivitiis Council was not sure at that time that the Director wras Worthly of a raise, and for the city not to send in our extra money that was budgeted., because they the county had no way to pay it to the Director. Mr, Thatcher our City torneay is oing o heck with the Division of Municipal Corp. we c n pa • o tie �irector the additional money that we have in our budget. continued; 124 continued; Petition read from the Hillcrest Crest Burial Park requesting certain streets in the Kent Cemetary vacated, and stated that this vacation has been before the Planning Commission and thye have went on record for the vacation as outlined. Motion passed for the Attolknr'y to draw a resolution for the hearing on the vacation. Mr. Sherwood our City Engineer explained to Mr. Clifford that the Annexation that he was working on should be property contiguous to the city, and also the Engineer reported that the water committee and he 3vas working on Mr. Pat Costello' s water connection on Morton Street out side of City, and also Mr. Jake Breimer on the Peterson Road, both connections were oked. by the water committee. Letter from Mr. Novak in complaint to. the raising of the side walk in front of his place , and stated that the drainage was worse since the walk was raised, to solve the condition a catch basin will be installed. Communicati,on. from the Treasurer of the City of rent draw- the attention of the Qouncil; Water. Construction Fund invest- mentb maturing Jan. 17, $350,000.00 Motion passed to have the Engineering Firm of Hill & Ingman compute the costs on the construction on the water improvements and report to the Treasurer what would be a safe investment on the balance. also the street fund should make a loan of about $ 8,000.00 to keep the fund solvent until about May. when the Real estate taxes start coming in, . and also the Library Fund is in the same status, it needing about $1,000.00 until May. Motion assed to draw a Resolution to borrow from the Garbage Fund 9,000.00 for the two above mentioned funds. Motion made and passed for Resolution No. 389 , retaining council for certain services in connection with the issuance and sale of $100,000.00 of general obligation bonds of the City. Motion made and passed for Ordinance Not . 968 providing for the submissidn to the qualified electors of the City air-a special election to be held therein on March 11, 1958, of a proposal to authorize the issuance of not to exceed $100,0000 of unlimited tax levy general obligation bonds to aquire a site within the City, if necessary, and to construct and equip thereon, or on property within the City declaring an emergency. Hearing was reopened on the Waller & Tonnelli annexation, no one appeared againest the annexation so the hearing was declared closed by Mayor Thornton, and the reading of the annexation ordinace No. 967 was read, and by motion the •date of January 20th. for the effective date was inserted. Motion passed to adopt ordinance No. 961. Mayor Thornton declared the hearing opened on LID 236, where the council sits as a board of equalization on the different assessments. Letter frm Mr. Jacquemin read in regard to 236 assessment and this letter is on file with the documents of LID 236. Mr. Dale Hubbard requested of the council that his reference to the street work not being completed at this time be apart of the minutes. Mr. Hubbard was informed that .the street work would be done by City Transfer._wheiri'the weather would permit , and the city had an City'' Transfer to do the work at a stipulated ;cost and that was in- cluded in the asse.ssments. ,no further discussion was had so the hearing was declared closed and the City Attorne*ead the ordinance No. 969 to approve and confirm the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 236 created by Ordinance No. 953, for the improvement of certain ptvperty in the City of Kent by the construction of sanitary sewers trunk and laterals, and to levy and assess amounts against the several lots and parcels of land on said assessment roll, and establish a LID Fund in the City Treasury. , motion made and passed. A check of a petition that was placed in the hands of.the City Engineer last meeting was reported to have 80.75% of the. assessed valuations were recorded. The area includes all of the W j of Sec. 7,TWP. 22 N. R 5 EWM and has an area of approximately 320 acres. Motion passed to have the City Attorney draw up a Resolution for setting a time of hearing. continued. continued; A two hour parking signs was requested by Mr. Edline to be placed on the East side of Fourth Ave. South of Meeker St. by his place of business. This request was placed in the hands of the Police and Police Committee for considertion. Letter read from Senator Jackson in regard to the progress on the matching money from the Federal Government for Planning. Copy of a Western Union -Telegram read from the Housing and Home Finance Agency in San Francisco to Mr. Jackson stating that matching funds would be along but slower than we expected. Letter read from the Bureau of Public Roads to W.G.Magnuson our Senator stating that we could not expect to have priority on our matching funds over Federal Aid Highway Funds. Ten copies of the report on the State thru-Way was received and passed out to the council members and Mayor. Letter read from Mr. Kirry Planning Engineer of the Washington SbUte Department of Commerce & Economic Development stating that - projects will be approved on a priority basis on -the date of receipt of their application. Our Planning assistance rant will be approved on the beginning quarter of April 1, 195 • Letter read from the Puget Sound Engineering Council drawing the councils' 'attention to giving the first oppartunity to Engineers inside the State of Washington# before ouVof State Firms are hired. Payroll and Claims read and approved as follows; Payroll for December Payroll 12205$0,46 0 Current Expense Claims 1,350.48 Water rr �'F> — a� it2,676.10"N Street 355.47 Sewwr Revenue " 2,194.94 Garbage 405.18 Library " 93.51 Park 54.06 Parking Meters 25.14 Water Const, 125,026.85 Meeting Adjourned. LL Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk. i�Iik MAYOR i ,l