HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/16/1957 120 Kent, Washington December 16, 1957. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Minutes of the last regular meeting by motion approved, except for warr,6nt payment to Grande & Co Inc. for LID 237 the motion was to read; I hereby move that the City Engineer' s Estimate No. 1 of wor k done by the contractor Stewart? Martens i on Contract 3 in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the city be accepted and approved; that the city issue warrents drawn on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the City in the amount of $5,244.23 to provide funds to pay such estimate; that said warrents be in the following numbers and denominations: Warr�6nt No. 1 $1,000.00; Warrent No.2 $1,000.00; Warrent No 3 $2, 500.00; Warrent No. 4 $744.23 ;to be dated December 2, 1967, be made payable to Grande & Co. , Inc. of Seattle, Washington, and bear interest at the rate of 4.60% per annum; that the proceeds of the sale of such warrents be credited to "Local Improvement District No. 237 Construction Fund" of the city created by its 'Resolution No. 387, and be used to pay such contractor. City Engineer gave the estimate on the drainage on High- way 5-A and on,East Smith street crossings, to releive the Perrins drainage condition for the amount of $ 400.00. Motion passed to have the street crew instal.]_ the 122 drain pipe in the crossings on Hi-way 5-;'1 and�_,Edst Smith & and Alvord. Councilman Scott made an informal oral report on the sewer situation before the meeting, this report was made on the Hill & Ingman report on the South End Sewer project. Councilman Curran made a motion and passed to grant Mr. Sandwick the water mains he requested at a previous meeting and tdbe installed under the supervision of our City. Engineer. Motion passed to lay on the table the water mains for Mr. Sandwick. Councilman Curran reported that Mr. Paul Wiser was very anxious to get the water main into the Heath Mfg. Co. and tr that he Would give a proper easement, and sign same when he returned from California. Motion passed to grant the request of Mr. Wieser for the water line and for him to sign the easement . Walt. Ramsay of Hill & Ingman reported that progress at Rock Creek was progressing fine, and they would develope a fine amount of water. Johnson Construction Co requests a ten day completion date on their contract. Motion passed to extend the 10 day completion dates and for the Engineers to prepare the change order and for the Mayor & Clerk to sign same. Resolution was read from the Kent Area Activities Council requesting a raise for the Recreation Director,. from $4,$00.00 to $ 5400.00, half being paid for by the County, and the other half by the City.Motion passed to have the Clerk send a City Budget to the County, showing that we had included in the budget $2,700.00 as our part of the salary. Contract presented for the signature of the Mayor from the United States Department of Interior, to run a water pipe across the right-of-Way of Bonneville Power Line, known as the Covington-Grand Coulee electric power transmission line right- of-Way. Motion passed to have the Mayor sign the permit from the United States of America, Department of Interior, acting through the Bonneville Power Administrat6ri giving the City of Kent a permit to place a water main under ground in the Covington-Grand Coulee Right-of-Way. Contract read from the Parks & Recreation Dept. of the King County, for the payment of the Director for the year of 1958. Motion passed to approve a revised contract with the County Park Department, and when revised for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Motion passed to write the State Department of Commerce &r Economic Development to find out our next move, after the letters read from our Senators and Congressman stating thht continued. 4! continued; the Federal grants to cit,/ies have been allocated up to the 3rd. quarter, and the grants are taken in order received. Motion for Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Kirry of the State Department and find out our next move in the program. Copy of a letter written to Mr. Richard Ridell Chairman of the Metro Plan read before the council saying that there will appear on the March 11, 1958 the formation of the Metro Plan and voting of a one-year One-Mill-Levy. Letter -read from the Kent Community Safety Council recommd- ing to the council to place signs on 5th. Ave. behind the school for Parallel Parking, and discontinue the diagonal parking, it being very dangerous for the children in the area.Motion passed to refer to the Police Committee. Hill & Ingman report on the south end sewer project refer- ed to the Health & Sanitation committee for report back at next meeting. Letter of proposal from Mr. Thorgrimson, to draw ordinance for G.O.Bonds up to $100,000.00 and get it ready the proposit- ion to be placed on the ballot in March at the City general election and to give opinion as to the validity thereof will be $ 450.00, and if the election fails the fee will be $125.00. Motion passed to accept the proposal of Mr. Thorgrimson to proceed as •the letter of December 4,1957 outlines, for the city to lace °on the General Election ballet a proposition to vote 9100,000.00 bond issue for a Library Building, and Grounds. Motion passed to have the City get a deed for a piece of ground known as Alvord Park, that the county has for sale. Pozzi voting ney. Mr. Sipe Secry of the Planning Commission raised the question to the council of the County Commissioners holding a hearing on Jan 6th. for the vacation of certain streets in and around the Kent Cemetary, he drew the attention of the council that this land was in the city by annexation, and it would be up to the city council to hold 'a hearing on the vacation of these steets. Motion passed to have the clerk extend the information to the Secreatry of the Board of County Commissoner that the annexation had taken place. Mayor Mooney declared the Hearing opened on the annexation of the Waller Tonelli property. Mr. Waller was present and requested the Hearing tube laid over for two weeks. The request was granted, and the hearing tope held over till the next re- gular meeting of Jan. 6th, 195$. Two petitions for annexations to the City was presented, one from the East , and one from the North of the city boundaries. One petition was not complete so the City Engineer was in- structed to inform the party that it had tq�e contiguous to the city, and the other petition was referred to the Engineer for afidavits as to the property owners. Mr. Heath of Heath Mfg. Co appeared before the council and requested the water main to be installed to his plariias soon as possible , that the new addition to his plant was very muff h in need of the larger water main. Mayor Mooney' s resignation; This is to advise you that effective today I am resigning my position as Mayor of the City of Kent. If has been a pleasure working with each of you and the em- ployees of our City. I wish to thank each of you for the many hours of your time devoted to bettering our community. We all have had differences of opinion and several times heated discussions have developed, but, from this has come constructive improvements for growing community. We are different in our political beliefs, some being Republicans others Democrats. I am a firm advocate of our two party system. I do know we are all Americans first. God Bless each of you and help guide you in your destiny of building a greater Kent. Yours very truly Dave J. Mooney. Mr. Mooney requested that the Mayor pro Tem Councilman Thornton be voted into the Mayors position. Motion passed to have Mr. Thornton take over as Mayor until the next City election. continued. 122 h*�9 continued Nonminations opened for the filling of the vacant chair of 4councilman Thorntonst . Larry Woodworth and Bob Coen were nonimated for the position. Motion made to table nonination WO until the next meeting roll call vote: taken and it ended in wW a tie. Mayor Thornton proceeded to call for a vote on the WZ noninations. Roll call vote on the noninations with Woodworth °� five and one vote for Coen. Larry woodworth was seated in the vacany MT!yof Thornton' s until the next City Election. or Thornton appointed Mrs. Isabell Wallace to the Library Board, and by motion passed confirmed by the council. Officers reports were presented and filed. Treasurers, Budget and Clerkts. Letter read from Mr. Bugge Director of the State Highway Department and assured us that he would cooperate with our Planner Ivan Block & Asssocaates on all Highway information that pertained to the Kent area. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 92904.78 Water 945•26- Street 1,015.66 Garbage " 241.51 Sewer Rev. " 646.15 Library ' i93.01 Park " 670.79 MEETING ADJOURNED e Mayor Thornton. e.cq F. J. B. J _— Chas. bri ges a / City Clerk Y ,44