HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/04/1957 (.3 Kent , 1,1a shJ_nr;ton Hln'uernber /1., 1957 Regular meeting of the City Council present I"Iayor Mooney, Councilmen Parsons, Pozzi) Scott , Shaffer. , Strain, Thornton. Minutes of last regular nief ting was by motion approved `accept the word Ivan should have been used instead of Van. Cou>cilman Pozzi reported that n.r. Perrin �jould like to have the street put bath at the orif;nal plan, because it seems not feasible to put it in as recommended at the last meeting and also a new owner is abutting the street . Motion passed to have the Engineer and street committee contact the new oviner, and amendment passed to look for new idea on the street. Motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to Hr. Boyett and Mr. Kennedy and other petition signers, to let them know about the change in the Perrin street plan, and will be dis- cussed at the next regular meeting. Motion passed to have the Engineer release the building permits toil Mr. Perrins. Claims of different estiir.ates from the water contractors were read and by motion passed to be paid. Motion passed to call bids on the :ale of LID 237 bonds if necessary at this time. Motion passed for the Mayor and clerk to sign contracts on the sucesful bidders on LID 237• Motion passed for Sewer Committee and Finance Committee to work out rural sewer charge. Discussion on the closing up of the Valley Construction Contract was had and the City Attorney suggested that we close 'up the contract to elimate the long drawn out litigation that might .arise. Potion passed to have Mayor & Clerk sign the Compromise and accept same . City Engineer stated that for the easement on I'Joodford Ave , . through the Johnson place he reeo amended that the city install_ a c-itch I,si.n as requested by TvIr. Johnson. City Engineer recommended to the City council_ t.o accept a portion of Woodford ave . that lies north of George Street as a city street. 'Motion passed no accept that portion of Woodford ave as a city street. Petition presented and read f_ron; Mr. & Ilrs. Chatley Waller, Mr. 8:, Mrs. August Tonelli for annexation of their property top the City Limits, petition turned over, to the hngineer for review)by motion passed. Councilman Sdott' is going to make a study of the sewer conditions on the East Highway to the North. Mr. Bob Coen was present at the meeting and representing the Chamber of Commerce, the request was :for the council to go on record to oppose the Brown Route , or the thruway that lies to the East part of the City.After discussion Motion was passed and Pozzi voting ney, that the Clerk write a letter to the Chamber stating that the traffic problem was the first consideration, and if the location effected the City in other ways ,than at that time we tijould handle the situation as presented. This action by the council was given on account; of the Planners that we have hired, this will give them no hands tied-!or obligations to .work to. City Attorney made a talk on the Railroads rough crossings and when they will be repaired. Councilman Strain made a short report on hi., attendance at the Activities Council meeting. Motion passed to have the I4ayor set up a meeting on Metro as soon as possible. Bid was opened on fuel oil for the City, one bid received and read. Motiom passed to ac,,ept the one bid Fr,lm Smith Bros Heating. Stove oil 17 cents and Furnace oil 14.4 cents, which is much better that we have been paying. Letter read for water and sewer service on the west side of the city , refered to the Engineer for study. Ranney Well Co. is leaving the well casings in the ground. continued; 114 continued; 2 Letter from i4r. Tha4,.c1.v,r City Attor;ny on Codification of our ordinances as to the. adoption of them by ordinance, the recommendation was not to adopt until our ordinances are brought up to date and our Plannin',; ordinances are worked out better. Motion for clerk to call Mr. Kirry at Olympia, as to to the time of the emergency ordinance for Comprehensive Plan for the Federal Government matching moneys if it should be effective in 1957 Or 1958. 11iotion passed to send a copy of the State Traf`'ic­ letter, to the Safety Council , on the subject of a crossrialk on Wiest 14eeker. Letter read from Kingsley Page a real estate Firm request- ing information on annexing various properties to the City. for his Firm to sell to Industries. Motion passed to have Clerk answer letter and let him knot that we would be in- terested if the sections were `contiguousfithe city and if the people would petition the council on their on volition for annexation. Mayor Mooney appointed Mirs. 1latson to the place vacated by Mrs. Ahna Fisher retired the first of December, 1.957. 6;P by- motion passed the appointment was confirmed by the council. \ PAYROLL APPROVED AND ALLOWED " AS FOLLOWS; CLAIMS; I Payroll for October 12,)r79.1.2 Current Expense Claims 1,134 .27 Water It 11 11,1.23.97 Street It It 1,089.33 Sewer Revenue It 517.01 Garbage " 136.13 Library 37.37 Park 't 66.21 Parking Meters 'f 514.08 Water Construction " 131,010.90 LID 236 3 ,495.05 MEETING ADJOURNED; 9 Mayor has. Bridges City Clerk i