HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/03/1957 Kent , Iolashington Sept. 3 , 1957. Regular meeting of the City Council present lvlayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Minutes read of the last regular meeting and approved; Hearing ,dec.lared opened on the appeal to City Council from order of Planning Commission; William Elmo Boyett ; and Glenn P. Kennedy, and all others` Whom it Play Concern, Subjecy Mr. R.M.Perrin to construct 30 unit apartments on Highway 5 south of Kingdom Hall.' Mr. Kennedy stated that his land was annexed to the City and the' officials promised him that it would remain the same as in the County and that was R-1, and he was assured that the City officials would look after his interests, that if the aprtment units were allowed that it would increase the traffic hazard. Mr. Boyett also made a very extensive plea to keep the unit housing out ot" the district , and keep it an R ,l. Mr. Sipe spoke as the Secretary of the Planning; Commission and Mr. McDermitt of the Commission.I,1r. Blessing, Mr. Partridges and Mr. McLees wanted to have Sumitt Ave . extend to the Cantyon Drive and if the housing units were permitted they could not expect to get the street through.114r. Perrins spoke to the Council and requested that action be taken to night . Motion passed by Councilman Curran to limit speakers to five minutes and no one permitted to speak twice. Hearing declared closed and to be continued until_ the next regular meeting of the council, and. .for a committtee to be a- ppointed, Chairman Parsons, Strai, Shaffer, Pozzi. Mr. John Fournier spoke for the Kent Merchants Parking Assn. and the 'Chamber of Commerce for money from the Parking Dieter Fund to 'purchase parking #Lots tube used by the shoppers, and that the Chamber of Commerce and the Parking Lot Assn. would raise $ 500.00 per year for to purchase parking lots, the city would raise about $7,000.00 per year if they went along with the program. Motion passed to place resolution on file, and to have a committee work with them on the parking lot situation. Councilman Thornton Pozzi, and Shaffer was appointed on a committee to work with the Business men on a better street light system. City Engineer Sherwood reported on the Reiten Rd. Sewer, and stated that the sidesewers were the only operation left to complete, James Street and Alvord st to get straighened out, and for the Engineer to prepare a description for the Attorney to prepare legals. Councilman Scott reported that the South End of the City Should have the long waited for sewers, and. that Hill & Ingman should be retained for the Engineering, and if not a study should be made for Engineering. Councilman Scott reported that Mr. Clark should be refunded his extra charge on the sewer, and utilities. Attorney to draw sewer ordinance amendment , and to include in the ordinance the refund of Clark and Shaffer, this motion passed by roll call vote. , Pozzi and Thornton voting nay. Chet Woods of Hill & Ingman reported on the trunk sewer, and stated that the Janke property should be restored to natural state by next week. The street lights were rejected in the Kent Hurst addn. be- cause no streets had been accepted by the city. Water application of 1'1Ir. Evans was rejected by the council on recommendation of the City Engineer. Mrs. Anna Fisher requested her time be extended, so she could qualify under socfial Security. Motion passed to accept Thatcher' s check for water payment, and .reject his claim for same. Resolution read for the vacation of a dead end street except 15 ft. in Marlowe' s addition. Hearing to be held Oct. 7, 1957. Motion passed to adopt resolution. Ordinance No. 958 for spur track across First Ave. by motion passed. continued 106 D--Gy �d Ordinance No. 959 read' and by motion paaaed to improve eertain streets` and Avenues by curbs, gutters, pavement , aria sidewalks.LID 237. Motion passed to accept assignment of Thornburn & Logozo to the National Bank of Commerc Seattle. Letter read and placed on file from " Operation Library Committee" and for committee to look into the election, and if they want other items to go along with the Library millage, or it to go alone. Motion passed for Iayor & Clerk to sign release of ease- ments on old Farmers Water Pipe Line. Counculman Pozzi stated that Mr. Worth and others had not worked with him on the improvement of Guiberson. St. \, Motion passed to call for bids for the street LID 237 Sept. 25th. and award on October 7th. Motion passed to have the City Attorney investigate the law on the adoption of our City code , and if it can be done to present it in form to be adopted by the council. City Engineer stated that Mr. Hauge had contacted Mr. CORRECTED-REFER TO Curran and myself in regard to water main in Armscrest Add. MINUTES OF9-16-57 and by motion passed the &Engineer was instructed to install the water main. Mr. Thatcher informed the Council about the maybe trouble that might arise out of the Kenning building permit on Canyon Drive , if surveys can be proved other wise as they are now. PAYROLL AND CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOV,II?,D AS FOLLOWS, Payroll for August Payroll 10, 557.75 Current Expense Claims 1,475.06 Water it 1, 540.98-- Sjtreet " " 11 205.40 Sewer ttev. " 387.39 Park " 40.83 Garbage " 86.00 Library 13.94 Parking Meter 978.58 Water Construction " 11,991.91 LID 236 " 7,445.35 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor -Chas. Bridges City Clerk i n -