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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/15/1957 Rnsular meeting OP the SYY ,.gpnL Hayop HuoHey
Councilmen; Currnni Parsonq Ponzi , 500''''L ' sh' pcnr, ]Lrnin,
Minutes of the lust roguinr menLing aPorOv-d -MOPW
City Treasurnr to tag-ocynd with hip interpret ation 'Whe Sevver
noL La to is doing now,
Ordinance that he had done prrvious,
until the Send& ordipance is r-ady for wawragc -
City Fnqinenr reporLod on the conLract with Thornburn L Logozo
-d on th- job as Q
for the LID SeNer Contract and he was Valu , WaWl or within
today, his bid being 10Y under thy. Enjinears est
10% Of the EsWaLe- inch anin on George Street
City Engineer rccomm-naq ) n 4"
for Walmslay. and for 6" to connncL on SUVe Ave, HOLiOn Pusn"
to have Mr. WalmslQY Pl,t in a 6" main on WaLc Ave. to LUC W01
property Line. , and the four inch 11nQ stand rejected.
Motion passed to acNopt the change nn prupnrLy location on Q,-_?
graves water appl_inuion thu hal Wan :Ip woved previous.
Nr, Pratt was at Uhp mp-Ling oF P , WYAL W Co 40
his bill or wark don�, undcr Lho conLr. vt , no staLnj I that &
a Fivasure to vmhk with this PaYOr 0 Council-
Co"ncilman Curran ma& a mwinn and pponnd Lo havw Qu cik'
request parmis5iql of Lho DplarUm-nL of Cono-rvatinn awl Urv-101
ment to grant inter fro" 1111 or-ph for iriSuion, L"aU part W'
the water' in Wr -. 4-0 that comet frbT the over flow of our
� inL' Pys. Ton& ii Ail 1 aive us �t
reservoirs, provdi ing t
hold harmless agreement if soifieLhinn mQhL turn up a �ainvsL
C A e Tonall ' is or thy' easc' nnt'
the iLy.This guest forh
for the water main through their placn,Nr. Curran then Lhanknd
rr. L Mrs. Tonelli for being ah We "P('.tinS and sLowing interest
and the siEnnint o$ thy', Easement .
11r. Ken Lane of Valley Land Co Aas present and requested Of
the Council to lower the costs and rPjuirP"-NLs 0" the "Pet'
piagram, that his Company wao going to build Piedium priced
houses and that it could not be done on thvee thousand dollar
lots, Recessed for five minqtas- raconvtned. Hation passed to
have the city put" in the lateral storm Jruinp and catch basins,
and for the contractor to put, i+,urbs,, and auLnyrs and Aft.
type b asphaitiCconcrate. the Johnson
Per. Parrii roq"estcd to b"! Td multi-house On
property in the East. part of the City, Planning Commissien
is going to have a hearing on this question duly 30th. and
also the extension of Summit Ave . to the Canyon Drive is very
inTortant ,
Shafer reported that the Trea r suer has invested 0400,000-00
from the water bond fnnd in 90 jyy Tycas"rery notes of the U . S.
Government ,
notion passed to install adequate strn-U lights on Lenora Ave.
and for clerk to instruct Po�pr Co.
Motion passed" toinstall on(' more Forcury Vapor light On T,jorl'h
Central Ave, as, recommended. by the Street Lighting Committee.
Fation passed to call for bids on the new Utility bldg. as dn-
siEned by the Engineer, and also a cycl on- fqn(-e type for the
yard area. 11,� 11,,ij several ea5emrnUs)
Councilman Curran announced
and claims for same, Evion passed 10 havo the award of
contracts on the water main jobs. F.p.Taylot on North End
job, and wants the Engineers to push this job through, that
is what the people granting the eaeo-rnts rc unsL.
Notion passed for Curran to got signature iron the rest of
the Vocaok family.
Motion passed to meet on the 310th. day of July to award
contract on Rock Creek Main and Intake waork.
Notion passed to award Contract ll on East Nil! Pump StatiOn
I - anti Heating which is low bid.
, P.1 -)ibg
to L.G.7osse, --uml aylor hij on Upper east Nil I Pump
Motion passed to award F.H.T
Motion passed to have the City Attorney write a letter to kill
and Ingman in regard to the Ranney WQY deal, that. pipe was
suposed to be left in the ground, and our payment of )4)000.00
should of covereA this item in which they are trying to collect
Con nue
�,427.16 for the pipe left in tl-ic ground. at test wells 9 & 10/.
Mrs. Thorl.ands complairit about tl e delay on the trunk sewer
has beFn taken care of by Councilman Scott, for the present.
Valley Construction Co has resumed work on the trunk sewer.
theQ� will be a meeting at the Dexter Horton Bldg. tomorrow
with the Council employed by the City in ref;ard to the
contract on the sewer line with Valley Construction Co and
1•7r. Shaffer will represent the Council.
Police Committee and Chief of Police recommends a stopif f
sign and a right turn only at the exit of the new 13ank at
First Ave.
Motion. passed to refer no Parking on nr_rrro� streets ,
to the Police Coimnittee and Chief of Police and report back'
as recbmmen.ded by the City Engineer.
Letter read from the Kent ArraActivities Council recornmend-
in that the Council purchase more property for recreation.
Hearing set for the 12th day of August for Street i.rnprove-
ments. Motion passed to adopt Resolution No. 385•
•lotion made tb remove culvert at East Titus and change the
creek bed to fit, motion lost for a second..
Hearing held for annexation of properties on the South East
side of the City Limits. no one objected. Ordinance read any
by motion pass ed to adopt sarne.11o. 957.
Letter read from our City Attorney stating that he would
be out of the City until the First of August.
Release was read for an old Farmers Water line easement in
Walmsley Addition that was drawn in 10$0, 'vlotion passed to
relaase old easement.
Motion passed to have the' Clerk write a letter t6 the
operator of the Kent Merchants Parking Lot on R.R.Ave. and
to have them fix the sidewalks on East Goew & East Meeker,
Motion passed to send claim of P. S.P.&.L,.CO to City Transfer
for the damage they done to the light cable while fixing the
sidewalk in front of the neW Bank Building.
Motion passed to send Fire Chief to the Pacific Coast Inter-
Mountain Fire Chief Convention at Portland.
Officers reports submitted and 151aced on file.
Claims presented and allowed as .follows;
Currerit Expense Claims 5 ,704.72
Water, 1L1.,20$.96 l'Ji
, Street, 'f 557.4Z
Garbage rr 143-02,
Sewe r Revenue 655.78
Park " 431.17
Parking Meters 'T 63.50
Libra ry 't 87.37
LID 230 " 1,959.34
Meeting adjourned;
Ghas. Bridges t
City Glerk.