HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/05/1957 Kent , Washington July 30, 1957 Special meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen; Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Engineers recommended that we award the last two contracts j on the water system project , contract No. 5 & 6 , and the i stated° thatthe Geologist advises that there can be had. 7:2 Million gals per day, , when the 11bible project is developed by a collector system.So they recommended that Johnson be awarded contract 5, and Ace Construction Co be awarded 6. to be completed by next April. Motion passed as recommended by the Engineers. Engineers stated that there could be 3 to 4 million gals. by gravity and the balance be had by pumping. Meeting adjourned; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk. e _ Kent, Washington August 5, 1957. Regular meeting of the City Council present; : Mayor Mooney councilmen, Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Minutes of the Special Meeting and the Regular meeting read -and approved; Councilman Scott reported on the progress of the Reiten Rd. saniatary sewer, and the fine job the Valley Construction Co. were doing on the trunk sewer, . City Engineer reported that Mr. Miller was grading Seattle Street and would hove it done in the near future: Mr. Dahl of 1105 Seattle Street was present at the meeting and was representing a group of people that requested the Council by petition to accept the street for maintenance , and also for the City to pay half of a dust oil on account of the traffic being detoured on -Seattle while the Cemetary Road is closed on account of the sewer job. Councilman Pozzi mace a motion to accept tie Seattle Street when the City Engineer pronounced it up to grade. Passed. Motion to reject the city share of the oiling that was requested passed. Councilman Parsons made a motion to purchase a mimagraph for the office Motion -passed. ° Bids were read to the council that were opened at 1 P.M. for the construction of a Utility Building, meeting was re- cessed for five minutes to study bids, council reconvened and Motion passed to lay all bids over for two weeks and for the Engineer and building committee to study same. Councilman Curran read a letter from F.M.Taylor stating that he had made an honest mistake in the gage of the pipe that was to go into the North- End main , and the Engineers recommended that the Council award the bid a bid on 9gauge steel pipe with concrete instead of the 7 gauge that was in the specNs, and that this pipe was special run by the manufacture and it had a test of far greater pressure that we would ever need.Motion passed to use 9-gauge pipe as a change order. Motion passed to pay Weyerhaeuser Timber Company $ 400.00 for loss of timber for easement rightaway for pipe line. Motion passed to give the water Committee power to sell timber from these easements on the new pipe line. Motion passed to have City Attorney return Easement that is not required for the water pipe line. Letter read from the Department of Conservation and Development stating that the city could furnish the water from our reservoirs before it reaches Mill creek, but not after it hits the channel o9f the stream than it is ngLtural rters under the rule of t e Department of Conservation an the stream is over loaded now. continued. 102 continued; Motion passed to have the clerk forward copy of letter to the Tonellis, and a letter of regrets; that the City could not help them to use the creek for irigation. Pete Baffaro requested of the council to have the City Engineer place monnments on the property that the park owns up on the Black Diamond Road, he was so instructed. Letter read from the N.P.Rail Road Co ,and an ordinance presented for a switch spur across First. Ave. So. for the use of the Lynch Mfg. Co. Motion passed to have Mr. Shaffer meet with Mr. Moore of the N.P.Co. to discuss further on the spur tracks, and the poor condition that they keep the present ones in, Letter read from J.A. Shipp requesting to have the old Farmers `dater Line removed from his land, (Easement, o Motion passed to have the Attorney draw papers to remove easement from Mr. Shipps property and also Mr. Kenndeyts Wm and others if is foundq while going through the process. Petition received from the Titus Ville Lodge to vacate Wo certain streets and alleys in the newley annexed area, By motion passed petition referred to the City Engineer. WO Motion passed to abandon the first street LID as presented Oz by our Engineers, the hearing held to many objections. ° Mr. Julie of 1001 Chicago Street was present at the meet- ing and stated that he had oiled his dtreet three years ago and the city tore it up with a sewer. , and he wo&hd like some more oil.Street Dept to do something about it. SdnitatioA Committee to handle the dump situation, to see if they can get a better dump grounds. Motion passed to join with the Cities that want more representation of 3rd. and 4th. class cities in the Adsn of Washington Cities. Proposal for meeting with Council, Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. McKay. Meeting Adjourned. Payroll and Claims presented and aoolwed as follows; Payroll for July 12,642.23 Current Expense Claims 2,351.14 Water rr 1,944.28 � f Street " 1, 512.15 Garbage rr 237.40 Park rr 292.50 Library rr 23.97 Water Cons, 25,939.32 Sewer Rev. rr 918.98 LID 236 " 6, 539.01 Parking Meters rr 542.43 Meeting Adjourned; MayorChas. Bridges City Clerk a