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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/20/1957 190 ' t�a r Kent , Washington Ma.,,! 20, 1957 Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen- Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott , Shaffer, Strain; Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Report of Officers Budget, Treasurer, and Clerk' s by motion j passed placed on file; Councilman Shaffer reported that the council as awhole sat in on a meeting with our financial advisor, and a Mr. McLean of McLean & Company of Tacoma, before the meeting, cnd a very fine proposal came from the McLean Co, for the �� 7002!000.00 bond issue for further source and development of our water system.Mr. McLean offered the city council a 1�.10 %orate on the bonds and- wiay ll and ed delivery. P passed to bonds to McLean Company, Pozzi voting ney• the bond proposal Motion passed to have the Mayor & ;.ler�c sign p I as presented, for McLean & Co. Motion passed to have the Mayor & Clerk 'Sign the new Blue Banner Lease, as read by the City Attorney. Motion passed to award the drilling at Rock Creek to the low bidder , Western Dri], ing Go. Ordinance No. 94 dread and by motion passed for the sale of $700,000.00 water revenue bonds. Scott explained to the Council about the short street off cry Alvord Ave. and stated that the owners did not want the vadation of the street at this time. Motion passed to have the City Engineer make a preliminary study of the Sewer on North Central Ave. to see if it be feasible to run it notth along Central to Novak Lane. City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission had no objections in the vacating the 11ley by Clark .Street, ts the petition calls for. motion passed .to call_ for bids on culvert pipe at East Titus street . Petitions received from Hauge Armstrong and Titusville Lodge for the annexation of property outside of city limits on the South East Boundr<y. motion passed to accept petitions and for the Engineer to get legal owners obi property that wishes to annex.. Petition received and. read to vacate alley in" Block 52 Walmsley Additic3n to Kent .[Aotion passed to accept petition, and for the City- Attorney to draw Resolution to hold a hearing on June 17, 1957. Resolution-# 376 read and by motion passed to hold a hearing for the improvement of certain streets, Bearing to be held June 11, 1957. Resolution- � 377 passed the council. , to hold a hearing on June17, 1957- for the vacation of an alley in Block one, Washington Central Improvement Knob hill Addn. Resolution passed by motion (378) to vacate an alley in Block 5, Walmsley Addn, and hold a hearing; on the 17Yl . day of June. Hearing opened on the vacation of an Alley In Block 4 Walmsley Addn. Hearing closed, Ordinance No. 950 passed the vote of the except Strain he refrained . Council Letter read f.rorn the Valley Construction Co, in regard to j the cause of the leaks in the new trunk sewer that they have just completed, letter is on file in the office of the Clerk. Motion passed by roll call vote to mark the west side of State Ave. a two hour parking area, from Smith St. South to Ward Street . Motion passed to have the building; committee purchase name plates for the City Engineer and the Press. Motion passed to call for bids for the City' s legal printing from July lst . to Dec.31 1957. ;haffer and Curran �'�Tithheld ' their vote. Motion passed to call for bids on a one years contract for gasoline delivered to our City Pul�lp. Reichers Market on So. R.R.. Ave . re<hzested a loading and un- loading zone ,;,lotion to refer to IOl_1Cf` C01mR].tl;e ;. Continued. cly ".. Continued; Letter read from the Treasurer that )2'7, 606. 59 was paid. in the thirty day period, and lF�vi.n1 a balance of �21., 229.99 ?ioti�n passed to have the City Attorney c'ra.":r a bond ordinance and have the Mayor & Clerk issue bonds up to the amount left unpaid. TIiI; FOLLO`4"1II'1G CT,AIN"') "trE'RLI, nR1',Ci;i�1"i 1?l AND ALLO,'1TD AS FOLLO`.15; Curr-nt Expense Claims 1,190.77 Water 669.271 Street 11 ,T 639•11, Sewer Re-Venue " 109.01 Garbage T'-'a-9 Park 3/1 .19 Library „ ; .45 LID 230 ,t 11Y.,,3 LID 233 LID 234 n 3 .1�7 Parking Meter 't 15 . 50 - ' Meeting Adjourned.; I,'Iayor �_—�Chas. Bridges City Clerk. a