HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/04/1957 Kent, Washington 11arch 4, 1957. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; City Engineer stated to the council that he had selected. an Engineer for his as st. his name was Jack Wilson, and resides on the East Hill_. City Engineer reported on the Ward Street project, and stated that it would. take loft. off of the old Clark house. Councilman Shaffer reported that he had attended a meeting at the U of W on the Urbun Bill. Councilman Thornton reported on the loading zone on West Harfisoh for the City Transfer, and recommended with' .the -,Chief of olice that a loading zone was not , necessary, Motion passed as' recommended by the committee. Letter read from Valley Construction Co -requesting a 60 day extension on their contract on account of the weather conditions, Motion made. to+:.grant the 60 day extension, amendment to the. moi,ion that the request be granted if they take care of other matters'..;by a good reduction. Amendment carried and motion lost. Conditions of the Borden sewer connections and payment for sewer main; Flood sewer connections and line; Sandwickts; Stoneburner; Motion passed to accept Stoneburner Sewer easement line , and the width of the easement tube 10f_t. and for a .lamphole to be installed now as recommended by the City Engineer. Flood and Sandwick sewer connections and payment to be installed and paid for according to ordinance. Bordens sewer to be paid for at $2.00 per ft. as recommended by the Engineer, alT by motion passed. Councilman Curran recommended that the purchase of Riley' s property be held up until our Engineers are assured that we will be able to ,get ,the proper grater-rights from the State. Letter read fvom Fisher & Berger requesting additional houses tqbe hoofed up on their present line. Motion passed to permit hook up if done under supervision of Engineer,and tube a 611 line if this is the place for a line of any size. and all hook ups of ,6" or larger will have to be studed by the Engineers, before considered by the water chairman. Letter read from Mr. Bigley requesting two more hookups on the main that runs to the Meridian Tracts, this was declined by the Engineer at a previous request, owing to the fact that the line was not large enough for further and additional connections. Motion granted if he installed a 6inch line from the main, and for the clerk to write him a letter to the this effect. Motion passed to install- two more street lights, the location tube at the Reiten Road and Walnut St. and One at Reiten Rd. ow and Maple Street .and for the Clerk to notify the Power Company of Same. Motion passed to have the Mayor &: Clerk to sign contract with the Recreation Director to pay half' of his salary, and bene- fits. Motion passed to have the Clerk write a letter to the owner of a dangerous swamphole on south third ave. Letter read from John Obenchain in regard to the trains blocking the crossings in Kent for longer periods than necessary Motion passed to have the clerk answer the letter, and amend- ment made to the motion to have the Mayor call a hearing with the RailDoad officials and the include the Public Service Commission, for a round table discussion on the matter and see if something thing can be done about the blocking; of the crossings for such a long period. Letter read from a vetrrian and requested a sticker for his car to be able to park without placing a nickiih in the meter when diing business with the stores, as a salesman. Hearing opened on Armscrest plat, no one objected so the Mayor announced that the hearing be closed, and the ordinance No. 944 read and by motion passed to approve the plat . continued. �a continued; and for the Mayor & Clerk to sign when bond of fip3,000.00 is posted. Hearing declared open on an alley vacation north of Pioneer between State and North Central no objections presented, the hearing declared closed, and Ordinance No., 945 read and by motion passed. Ordinance No. 946 by motion passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sell Bonds for LID 232, and bonds toe issued on or after 8th. of March 1957. Final Assessment Roll being presented and on file for LID 233 . Motion passed to set final hearing on 1st of April 1957, and for clerk to post according to law and send notice to each property owner on the rmll, stating time and lace of hearing. Motion passed for meters to b@from Engers o South Central the extra ones that were taken out. Sergent Foxley is going to resign on account of ill health. ` Water committee to hqLve permmission to select a site for the water tank to be erected on East Hill. Motion passed to have the Clerk write a letter to the: County Engineers, copy to Planning Commission, copy to County Commissionessso requesting them to lay aside a rightaw-gy of 66 ft. wide for the extension of 4th. Ave. in the City to Obrien Rd. or (212th.S. ) . Bids were called to be opened at $' o' clock for the sale of the water warehouse on R.R.Ave. So. and for the relocating a culvert on East Titus St. no bids were presented. PAYROLL AND CLAII�JS WERE PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payrolls for February 12,076.16 Current Expense Claims 649.07 Water " 727. 52 Street " 11 1,32$•36 Sewer Rev. " 323.29 Garbage " 109.28 Park " 26.59 Library " 16.29 Sew. donst. " 6,$39.40 Parking Meters " 525.29 LID 229 n 11. 59 LID 230 " 7. 50 MEETING ADJOURNED. Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk � I