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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/19/1956 Kent , anning0n Eovcvx,r 19,1956.
Regular meeting Q Ur 05Y couryn iwo�ent voyor -ooncy
Councilmen Curran; POW& Scott , bhnfPqr, Strain, Thornton;
Einutes o? tie IaA rynulnr mn-tir ; rawd and approved;
Report of Officnr2 PPes0nLeP "d by motion "I"
IQ;In-er Whcr goo d rapOrM On Lhc control of thp gravel,
pit that w=_-. brought bef or'- Dq co"NOT la& mcc"C by
f&. UK*hac live on VandeVant-r Avn. just Abovu and East
of the Gravel Fit.1W. Shoruood o=od QnV Lh- SPnvnI was
being usQJ to fill is the ownnrw oim Pr pop nnd also
rccminenlY that tho Orainage on Nornh R.R.UP . bo 07nrrp,�-
" , Y.,
until a locol imjwevu�PK dish rinL AK rOr" 70' u" I"
Also called Mr. rpcannnn oP Do A. P.PY any Co- all haj a
talk with him on Lh- innP UnK Av" , any' 4,
tit fed. that hq oing to
,,j th,,,ht that th.y :oujo h-1p h"D th- improvPmPA .
The City Enqin� :r viso sub"itLad a tq4pory solution I.
thn drai a ngQ pr ai
m on VandyVailpr, nz was, hroughL up A
thy' last me-tin` by UP r-w1junLa in LhnL arca. �r- Shorwooi:
estimated th- in mnL-rial nould. bQ about 0210,00
Notion pc' _sec- to improv- thr Or- lw%q- on VanJqVAPLqP az th''
Councilmnn Posii r, pork-a
ovZ nnin� on Lh- MrQA rrogr. ", by lnUlon j; the
,t,., joprjj �_q is Lo pynca-! kho program nK ouLlined.
Wouncilman Shaffer -"pnrtcK an to 0miqnion Tno , aud
it to bn repelldd.POU (m jussni GO rqPea -
Admispion Ta_ Ordinance, and anrnd E 1 0 Tan ond0a"co to
Poclude %11 thaU was covqrad hy Y"ission Un, and to
create License for 113 CnImnVail "I 71ruys and other of
the same mabure, a 04%.00 Lic-nna. Una Ur put UQU�
Councilman StrU a m
n pade oLiou Ln h-vP
inValled on AnA PawrisonVnd fop QP cl-UH: to inArlit Lh,.
F. 2.F&:L.00 to insLoll namn ,moLlon paosad.
U3 K�r MPA&Z vn � 7-a=r0d hor counil-
' Aid noU Ipprove of Lhn Sr�v-j QL operaLion�;
that ho -still
in thq hill below his rocidence , nnd 7PIt that khv drainage
condition of Hal ion Arent PrOPWLY owners was not taken
care of -by the Enninner' s recomendation.
Councilman Curran raported to thn council that he had in
his hands the two rupoits an water , Notyh end, and East
Hill, and also that Ranney was going to drill another test
well down by Auburn as soon as the City Attorney, set up the
legals on the property.
Motion passed to to have the Attorney write the Ranney 0
. Company a letter in regard to the payment Cor their test
holes, as our contract is written.
W r
Meeting with the Hi r h a, Diarict Nnnineep to be held
; io P.M. at City Hall,
Konday Nov. 26th. at
Letter of request from TaT. Little to hvve grade sbb for
sewer line on Clark Avo . Notth of James Street . Notion passed
to place in hands of Sewer Committee
Request from James Biggar to make East Smith Streog passable
to Spring Streeqand also for the city to remove two trees
on Spring Street. Vanor not enough dnOicatcd rightawgy on
East Smith St . at Spring. The City Engineer sugesLed that he
will see Mr. Betchert the owner of land on the South side of
a 12ft. rightav,,y to see if he could get 40ft . to make this
Dart of East Smith a 50ft. sGrent . Spring street not being
accepted by the City the abuUtinK owner shod remove the
trees in the street if so desired.
Councilman Strain recommenaej that two street lights be
placed on West Harrison, Motion pasFod to accept the re-
commendation and instruct the Clerk to vrite a letter to
the P.S.P.&.L.CO, for installation.
continued ;
!Iotiori made to navo ic ants
-(= ,,I-jrj oUt(lo(-)I' I)Y'IV-r ic) ,,,t o" s,
,,iith goats, chick I , _- .- j C) I
lost by roll vote . ; Lotiojj to Llic. Chief
of Police investi(--,ate the Chi(--kfl:rl , ')(,)j �e of I
sheep, a,-id out side toilet and 1'<Tort council , all
in favor ecept Stuning 11(, voted ney*
14ayor ordered th ! Fire C11jer to ii-,iv,1,stigate why 1ir. Hart
was building boats plastic" in an H"2'l area, .arid order it
stopped because it eras a sever firE!
Washington Title Insurance Co by letter, the
person responsible for filing a new assessment roll i,,Tith
the City Treasurer) and could that person notify us of the
filling of-the ne,i assessment. ,ilotiori passed for the Clerk
-to give them the informationp requested.
Motion passed to renew, tlaug' s Sidesewer License Scott
voting ney.
Resolution passed to se r,t a hearing for the annexation of
the Cemetary property to the City, for December- 17, 1956 at
810clock P.M.
Ordinance No. 936 passed by the unanimous vote of the
council- for amending the tra- fic code. for the
I Councilman Curran brought up the matter of Water
Biggar Houme on East Smith Street and Spring Ave . Motion
passed to have a six inch main extend. up East Smith Street
to Sumittt and for Biggar to pay for his share.
Motion for City Engi
neer to procure more land if feasable
for the entrance of Spring Ave. from the East Smith Street
entrance. o be held on December 17 � 1956.
CORRECTED-REFER TO Hearing on , LID 232 t
N 12
Cureent Expense Claims .55-5
Water 1, 587.61
Street 11 332. 50
Sewer Construction 11 327.20
Library 19.02
Park 2.55
Sewer Refenue 278.67
Garbage 98.74
Parking Meters 2-15
Cum. Fire 215-11
Mayor Chas. -Bridges
City Clerk