HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/04/1956 yqnt washinrLon S,pLnoher M, 1956
Regular meeting of the City cOun-ii JwOtnnt Kayor Mooney,
Councilmen, curranJarsons, POZZ!, scnLt , Sharfer, Strain)
Thornton; .
vinutes of the last regular meeting road an filed, after
ajo.,,?rov,al ; CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 9-17-56
City Enginner reported that the hidn on LT_!) 234 should
be rejected and a call for new bils ho authorized.
Motion passed to rnjpct all bid" on LTD 234, ;_end for LN'
clerk for Ball for bids on UP ?3A tobn 0MY Ond read
September 17th.
The Engineer reported that PIT )-,o;• n and himnalf cot
together• and made a count of th- homes in the new
annexed area to . the East of the old Nny Limits nud found
that there werq 20 homes, in thn nee, area.
Mr. Gilmore was not able to get together with Mr. Ril,ley
on their sewer problem, so thn h- is going to run a sewer
service and pay at Lh- same rate ns wao established in
LTD 230.
Pioneer and State street improvements to the streets
and walks were taken up under discusvuion and it was the
concesus of the council to include it in a larger LTD ffor
next spring, and thn street commute r qagreed to make a
study of same.
Notion passed to adopt Crdinannp No. 911 providing for
the licensing of dogs in th- city limits, 011 voting in
favor except Parsons he voted ney. K,Tion pa2sed to not
publish dog ordinance until other cities also acted.
Contract with Auburn E. Enulwla� to hire dog wNrden and
housing for dogs, aL Auburn, for the T nyo a0d Klrk VI)
N csign the contract fUvr r lK
unanimous vote except Parsons voLinr ney.
Councilumn- ScoLL ryporWd an the anniuminn survey
that was conducted by thn U of W. it K-A ) Wd reported
that Councilman Survan nDj hjmo-lf oLtKnOnd Lhn or
report in the City Hall . Mot-inn passed to have the clerk
write a letter to VW, Charlps Wrinht at the U of W. thank-
ing for the survey juK conductod and the council invites
other surveys that theANighL put on in Lhe futurn.
Motion passed to instruct Lho Clcrk to write a letter,
to all the eating pl"cuds in tho city and draw their
attention to pour houslmkeeping.
Eatter of garbaKe being Krpwn alone LhQ route to the
dump, this was one of the things that the survey made,
stated that they followed the Garbage truck to the dump
with an open tail gate .
Sewer convention of the Pacific will be held in Posie
Idaho, Councilman Scott made a motion to have Mr. Clemets
attend the convention aith expenses paid, motion passed.
Hr. Thatcher City Attorney reported that the Ranney Co
was not doing so good on the KcAlnendera and Nalnati and
was necessary to drill test holn in Mr. Moes place, Motion
passed to have the Kayor and Clerk sign the easement , and
clerk to draw warAnt to pay 05.00.
Mr. Woods of Hill & Ingman made a report on the Ranny
Co , and stated that they would like to retain NaInatils
easment for further drilling if necessary, but 7r. Woods
stated that the w ell compnay would like to drill further
up the river on a Per. Olson' s place that they thought they
might hit a better strtta. my notion passed the Engineering
Firm was authorized to proceed on thn Olson property after
obtaining proper easements.
-otion passed to install light at ChlcaEo St. & VnKQn Rd .
and for the clerk to wrlw a letter to QQ Power Company
instructing theta of Lhq covn&117 action.
Letter read frow Froston J ThoiT)Kwwon V Hu-owiUn on Pond
Sale of 1201000,00 Cor sewer revnnue Ponis, an! 11. PenkrVi
and h1r. AthensoA was pims= Prom our flnancq Company . 4r.
FpnkUh roconannUd that we call nn adjourned meeting on
Sq1tomber 7th. at 01aclock to M- oponin.- of bids on the
VardinK of the
sale of 1203000.00 �qr& of "onds, and Vhp
low bid 'an the sewpr And lift &Uinn job.
TAles Drake Enginner rcquesLU uF thy Counpil to =Vy
th- King County Planning Commission if the Lone Cedar Tree
Addition 16cated out side the city limits on thn, W,:!st Ki-
way, could secure from the City of "ent. 14tion passed
that rehest be -ranted if they annex to the city and Erant
'661 sfrpet instead of Wt. and holy to carry the unnennLiOn
south to the RiKr. I
Motion passed for clerk to notify Mr. Horraard of 'the
annexation because at one time he petitioned the council for
his pla6e Wbe annexed hut it uas to snall a price and was not;
allowed. 4
Mr. Thatcher reported that nearly all the Qaaewnts were
secured for the trunk sewer. , and j 250.00 was to 40 Paid for
about 2/3 of an acre of corn that would he destroyed..
Utter read from Mrs Ned in reaard to the "ntension of
R.R.Ave. to the north Boundry of the CiUyt letter was referred
tb the Planning Commission.
Letterof appreciation was real from the Clerk at HtVernon
for the loaning of the council table plans.
Motion passed to requ6st ' State Traffic division to measure
traffic on 7nnker Street at 2nd. Ave.
Motion made q to eliminate diagonal parking on North Second
by Enger Lkros Store , by roll call vote the motion lost.
Mr. Noel Bicknell was present at the meeting to explain
the cost of transformers to be bought outriOht by the City
or lease, for the new lift station.
Motion passed to adjourn the menting until Friday at 81
P.M. Sept. 7, 1956, for the opening bids on the sale of
$120,000.00 worth of Sewer Revenue Bonds, and to let the
bid for the construction of a lift station and trunk
Salaries & Wages Auggst 13;049-90
Current Expense Claims 1) 484.21
Water it 778- 53
Sewer Revenue TT334.36
Street Expense 225 .20
Garbage TM 42.49
Park 97.89
Parking Meter 740-10
LID 233 11,013 .03
Adjourned until 8T oclock P.M. FUday Sept . 7th.
Adjourned. mer.ting September 7, 1956
For the purpose of opening bids for �120,000:00 Sewer Revenue
Bonds; aftd awarding a contract for the construction of 'a Trunk
Sewer line and a Lift Station,
Present Mayor Mooney, Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer,
Strain, Thornton;
Bids were opened and read for the sale of $120,000.00 of
Sewer Revenue Bonds; Five bids were received as follows,
McLean & Company of Tacoma, Effective interest rate 4.072$4900
Foster & Marshall of Seattle, Effective interest rate , 4.6609%.
First Washington Corp. of Seattle, 'Effective interest Rate
4 .3571230.
II .P.Pratt & Company of Seattle Effective Interest Rate 4..25i?.
Grande & Co Inc. of Seattle Effective Interest Date 4.1,12627%.
By motion passed the council_ recessed for 15 minutes to
give consideration to the bids.
Council reconvened; -By motion passed the bond bid was
awarded to McLean & Company of Tacoma, Shaffer voting nky.
Motion passed to return all checks to the unsucessful. bidders.
Motion made and passed to award the bid of Valley Construction
Cc of Seattle on the construction of the trunk sewer and lift
station for the amount of `113 , 405.00.
Motion passed to instruct the Engineers to notify Valley
Construction Co to proceed after the signing of the necessary
Chas. Bridges
City Clerk.