HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/30/1956 j7pin WovuhingLon AuguA A0, 1956. Regular meeting of thy' City Gounpil n—rPnL Mayor Mooney Councilmen Curran, Pnzzj3 scotK Strain, Thornton; Minutes read of the last regular meetinq ana yproved ; Report of officers presented and by motion played on file ;- Councilman Thornton reported a meeting with the school d Directors, and stated that if the jiLy would furnish them with a legal description with Wal the City required for Kenoshia Street they would put it up for action. Street Committee 1,ngineer, and City Attorney to meet with the School Board. Three sewer connections were prpsonted to the council by Councilman Scott ) Harold Vickery; Er. Ronish, and 7r. Gilmore. By motion -passed , sewer connection granted to Harold Uickery on Kenoshia, if he pay the assesment rate to the city for his frontage on Kenoshia St. and if a sewer district goes through on Kenoshia the money will be paid by the city, instead of Vicker3, property at that time. Mr. Ronish was granted a temporary hookup on the sewer on VanDeVanter, to eliminate his septic Tank until he has his new house completed . oW IV. Gilmore wants a sewer line run into two units on Sumlit ,one a -single and the other a triplex , this matter was left in the hands of the Engineer and the Health & Sanitation `Committed by motion passed. ' Mr. Penketh of H.P.Pratt I Co made a reportion the financing of the Trunk Sewer And stated that the interest rate is up by quite a bit more thah the council expected on municipal bonds so by motion passed the council recessed for 30 minutes I for study on the financing of the sewer bonds. Council reconvened; ; Motion passed that City Attoenry proceed with easements as limits allowed. Motion that financial advisers proceed with necessary notices on public bid call , carried. Motion passed to have special council on bond ordinance. Motion passed to lay the awarding of the bid over till the next regular meeting. Bids were opened on LID 234 for the construction of a sewer two bids were received One from Frank Collucio, and one from. Valley Construction Co they seemed to be about 10% higher that the Engineers estimate , so by motion passed they were referred to the Engineer to be presented nenU regular meeting. Re west of the council was for the chief of Police to check debris on the Cemetary and Rieton Ad. and have UP parties that strew it along the righaway pick it up. Councilman Curran reported that tile, large reservbir fence was now about complete, and also recommended that the 11ayor and Clerl: be instructed to sign the resolution for a rivn year power obntract on the East kill reservoir well. curran also reported that proZres3 was being made both on the Uorth nd Water mains and also the Vast Hill area that has been annexed to the City. City Attorney announced that he W the anrermant5 with The HcAlexanders, and the Nalnatis. Notion passed to have the Nayor and Clerk sign the access Easement and option agreements of McAlexanders and MaInatis Motion passed to have the clerk draw warrAnLs an required for McAlexanders and the Malnatis. , for easements. Mr. Roberts was present at the meeting and requested of the council permission to renew their pipe line with plastic pipe of 2" size. Notioh passed to denie Hr. Roberts request on plastic pipe of the size requested. Kotion passed for them to install 6" castiron, Transite or Cement Asbestas, with Thornton voting ney. Mr. Hubbard was present at the meeting and requested inform- ation from the council on the final acceptance of View Place St. and the seeing of the final grade. continued. Continued; ` Letter read from .',�'[ergenthal calling the attention of the council where street jig hts were needed on Chicago St, letter was referred to the Street lmghtir�g Committee . Applications for water by 14rs. I;arry IIerritt of Pine Tree Farms, and Mr. Raisio for Lot 5 Meridian Lake Shore Tracts was dellined by the Engineer, and by motion passed the council upheld the recommendation of the Engineer. , for no such connections. Petition received from North Park residence requesting the drainage ditch be cleaned out Notbli of Cole St. Motion passed to accept petition and place on file, after being informed by the drainage committee that their wars going to be something done in regard to the matter. Dog ordinance was taken off table and discussion followed. 1,'Iotion passed to let lay for two weeks, Health & Sanitation survey that has been going on. here in Kent, by the University of Washington was due for a report August 23 at City Hall between hours of 10 AM and 121 Letter read from Mr. Glenn E Guy Resident Engineer of the Department of Highways thanking the various officials for the fine cooperation shown him in work on P.S.H . No. 5. Letter from the I`'t Vernon City Clerk requesting the prints of our new council table . CLAIMS PRESENTED AF•ID ALI_,OWED AS FOLLO'.!IS; Current Expense Claims 1, 870.00 Water ,T TT 265.31 'l�"', I Street TT _ Garbage „ " 35.65 - Sewer Rev. ,r „ 3,720.18 ParkTT ►' 2.03 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. bridges City Clerk