HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/02/1956Rent, Washington July, 2, 1956.
Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney,
Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain;
Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved;
Councilman Curran read to letters of proposal one frmm
Hill & Ingham and one from Ranney Well; Motion made to accept
the first proposal of Ranney Go, and was seconded, a better
idea was to reject the two bids before the motion just made
the second with drew and the motion withdrew, and a motion
made and passed to reject the bids received at the last meet-
ing for a survey of the stbe to be picked by the Engineers
and to start with test holes for quality and quanity.
Motion passed to turn over timber that the PS.P.&.L:Co
cut along our land at the water source,ttto clear their wires «
to the Jr. Chamber -of Commerce. ,
Motion passed to accept the Ranney Cots First proposal to
drill and make a survey of water on a site on the Green River
as recommended by our Engineers and water committee.
City Engineer reported on the grade of 4th. Ave. and the
spur track that crosses 4th. Ave. North, and how the grade
was put in as it is now . Motion passed to have the City
.Engineer contact the Milwaukee on a new spur track that they
might put into service along the Libby Plant.
Councilman Scott reported on the progress of the new trunk
sewer and lift station, and requested Ilr. Penketh of H.P. Pratt
Co to make a report on the financial status, he in tVrn
stated that -the Chairman of the Finance Committee would make
the report and recommendation at this time.
Hearing opened on the Batt side Annexation, no opposition
to the annexation so the Hearing was declared closed. `
Ordinance for the Annexation was read and by Motion passed.
Mayor Mooney requested the Water Committee to work on a
( plan for water for the new annexed area, this annexation to
be effective July 2h, 1956.
Motion passed to instruct the water committee to make a
study with Engineering advise for an adquet water system to
serve the annexed area to the East of,the City.
P.S.P.&.L. Co Resolution presented and read and by motion
placed in the hands of the Water Committee for study, this
resolution was to extend the power rate at the Sumitt Ave.
reservoir for an other 5 years.
Emergency Ordinance No. 927 by motion passed the unanimous
vote of the council.
Motion passed to accept H.P.Pratts contract and delete par-
agraph No. 10, to proceed with financing the new trunk sewer.
Motion passed to negoicate the sale of sewer Revenue Bonds
with H.P.Pratt & Co. 1.
Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw Emergency
Ordinance to pay for Engineering on Sewer project.
Motion passed to place for sale the water uuilding on R.R.ave.
Motion passed for the City Engineer to proceed with detailed
plans for the new building for the utilities equipment, one
plan for shop , and one for equipment.
Motion made to place building at the Blue Banner Site.
Motion passed to table the motion as to site for the new build
ing for two weeks Parsons voting ney.
I•lotion passed to go on to the next order of business.
Mr. Pinketh of Pratt and Co thanked the Council for the fine
cooperation that they extend to their Company, also Mr. Woods
of hill and Ingman extended the same thanks from his Company.
City Engineer recommended to the Council that they except
Pioneer Street, from State Ave. to Kennebeck. Motion passed
to accept the street as recommended by the City Engineer.
Motion passed authorizing the City Engineer to exchange file
equipment for the better one, that it would fit the needs
c ont inue d='V=
Motion passed to purchase and have installed a Mercury -Vapor
light at 2nd. Ave. Notth and Harrison Street.
Motion passed to instruct the Engineer to install Curbs, and
leave a 16ft. drive way across from the Fire Station on
Gowe Street] Curran & Strain restrained form voting.
Mayor Mooney informed the council that the Telephone Co
was not up to par with their service in the annexation
to the north, because Heath & Co requested a three direct lines
into their Business, and could only get one, and this request
was made in May, not only that but the one they had was out of
service for quite a spell-, they thought longer than necessary.
Motion passed for the clerk to write a letter to the Western
Washington Telephone Co in this regard, and to forward a copy
of the letter to the Kent Chamber of Commerce.
Payrolls for month
Current Expense
Water "
Street it
Sew. Rev.
Library IT
Garbage 11
Parking Meter "
LID 233
Park It
of June 12,749.84
Claims 1723.96
,t 5:638.64
it 164.21
it 215.58
it 39.37
it 84.05
,t 591.22
" 3,040.53
Chas. Bridges
City Clerk.