HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/18/1956 48 Kent Washington June 18, 1956. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Curran, Parsons, Pozzi., Scott, Shaffer-, Strain, Thornton; Minutes of the last meeting read and approved; Report of officers presented and. by motion placed on file; Treasurers, Buget , Clerk' s. ; Councilman Thornton reported on the meeting they had at Auburn on'the dog situation, and suggested that there might be a solution to the dog question in the very near future. Police committee and the Chief of Police decided that the Kent News Journal did not need a loading zone in front of their place of Business„ Councilman Strain reported on the progress of the street lighting ; and stated that the three TIercury-Vapor lights would be installed in the very near future. Councilman Curran recommended that the bid of the Cyclone Fence Co. be accepted and have the 12 dip instead of the standard six dip as was bid. Motion passed as recommended. Bids were opened and read from two well drilling companys Ranney Method Corp. of Sacremento, Calif. and one- from the Layne Pacific Inc. of Seattle . Motion passed to lay the bids over for 'two weeks to give the Engineers time for study and recommendation. Pozzi Strain & Shaffer committee reported that they had made a study of the offer that we have a full time paid Director for recreation, the County to pay half, the City to pay half, and the School to furnish facilities, and the County director of Parks stated that they could hire a good man for the amount of $4,800.00 per year. this to take effect and budgeted for the year of 1957. '4otion passed to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the Director of King County P Parks and inform him that the City will budget half of the $il ,&00.00 for 1957. Mr. Harris of Harris Cold Storage stated that he had purchased the lot from that the city leases from M. L. Armstrong for parking of City Equipment , and that he thought that he should get at least :$25,00 per month. , inttead of ir,15.00. Motion passed to pay �'25.00 per month for the lot rent to I',Ir. Harris, Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw proper papers for the lease. Tir. Watkins Ingineer from the I,I.P.Railway Co requested of the Council for the acceptance of Fourth Ave. North . Council man Thornton reported that the street committee had looked over the condition of the street and stated that it should have some screenings on it before the grader could smooth it out, and also the City Engineer was instructed to look into the crossing of the spur tracks, and write a letter to I,'Ir. Iq Moore of the N.P.Co. and state what material was necessary on the street and also on the spur track crossing, and the City would use the grader on the street to bring it into shape. Letter read from the State Highway Engineers Office , in re- gard to the light wire that was cut in several planes, stating that they had no responsibility in the Tpattrr because�he city could not locate the wire for the coritractor.ITotion to place letter on file. Three sidesewer License renewal was submitted to the couniil for oK . by motion passed they were granted, Boyker P & H. Reynolds P & H and Grant Dunbar. Ordinance No. 926 establishing No. 2 Fire Limits, by motion passed. Ordinance No.----- presented and read on its first reading declaring an emergency, making appropriation for the water fund for extension and replacement of water mains. Resolution No. 364 passed the vote of the council setting a time and place for holding a hearing on the water emergency. New Engineer' s car was hit by a school bus, so attorney prepared papers to collect from the School District. continued---- continued** 'Motion passed to have the Mayor & Clerk sign Mr. Appletons agreement with the city that he build no more buildings on the lot he now lives on in North Park. City Engineer reported on the progress being made on LID 233 and by this time next week most likley blacktop will be in place at certain points. , Councilman Scott reported and recommended that a power m mower be purchased for the Treatment plant. Motion passed to have the operator at the plant pickup a mower. The consulting Engineers had a preliminary report on a trunk sewer to go west on Winnier St , to the treatment plant, . Mr. Pemketh was at the meeting with a report on the financing of the trunk but stated that; he would have to have more time to make a complete study. Motion passed to hold an adjourned meeting on Friday at 7:30 P.M. June 22, for a report on the feasibility of the trunk sewer line. Councilman Curran presented Engineer' s Report on water main going north, Engineers indicated that they would proceed with detailed plans and specifications. Motion passed to commend Police Chief Lee on Safety program for City placing in the AAA clubs pedestrant Safety Contest . CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOVTED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 2, 478.29 Water if 467.47 Street " 'T 187.37 Garbage 'T 793.98 Sew. Rev. . rT 414•80 Parking Meter 'T 111.21.76 'Park 11 19.54- Meeting adjourned until 7;30 P.M. Friday June 22, 1956. Roll Call Thornton Mayor pro-tern Councilmen Curran,Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Councilman Scott ask Mr. Penkith from H.P.Pratt Co for firiancial statment of the Sewer Fund to construct a trunk sewer and lift station, at present he stated that an extra 35cents would have to be levid agaivest the residance that were now on the sewer, to be able to bond the system for A160,000.00 that the Consulting Engineers made a repent that a project would run around 160,000.00. Motion passed to have the Engineers proceed with the improvement , Alternate No. 2 . and get i� in shape to call for bids. Motion passed to have the City Attorney proceed with the legal matters such as a plan & system ordinance. Motion for Mayor &, Clerk to sign contract with Engineers for lift station and sewer trunk. MEETING ADJOURNED; , Mayor. Chas. Bridges city clerk