HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/04/1956 46 ' tea Kent Washington June 4, 1956 Regular mee-ring of the City Council present Mayor protem Thornton; Councilmen Curran; Parsons; Pozzi; Scott ; Shaffer; Strain; Minutes read and approved accept meeting of the Police committee on dogs tote held at Auburn June 13th. Bids were read and opened on pumping equipment for the lift station in North Park on Winner Street. Two bids received One- from R.H.Brown & Co, for the amount of $ 3 ,950.00; One bid from H .D.Fowler Co. Inc. for the amount of $3 ,395.00. the low bid was awarded to H.D.Fowler Co. Inc. for the amount bid. Bids were opened and read for a fence around the large reservoir on East Hill; Cyclone Fence3, 626.00; Anchor Post Fence Division $3 ,713.00; The Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp. $4, 576.00;' Seattle Fence San Jose Steel Co. $3,695.00; by motion passed the fence bid was placed in the hands of the water committee, to report at the next meeting. Motion passed for the Clerk to write a letter to the District Engineers Office. Tree trimming permit for the P.S.Y.&.L.CO to trim trees along our property at Rock Creek, by motion passed and for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. A sidesewer contractors permit was submitted for approval for renewal, from the Kent Cement Block Co, by motion passed the permit was authorized. Water connection was granted by the council for Mr. Elmer T. Skagen, on the recommendation of the Engineer. Letter read from the Kent News Journal requesting a loading and unloading zone on So. First Ave. in front' of their place of business, the matter was referred to the Police Committee. Notice of a meeting of the Valley Cities at Bellvue was read and placed on file. Kenthurst Plat submitte&and by motion passed to accept same and for the Mayor & Clerk to Sign, only if bond is posted for the amount specified by the Engineer for improveuients in the plat. Motion passed to place in the hands of the Engineer to ob- tain easements along the 30ft. boarcler --treets of the plate to make streets full width. Ordinance No. 925 passed by motion to approve a plat of port- ions of land under the name of kenthurst. Motion passed to place the plat bond at 1110,000.00 for the Kenthurst Addition, Resolution No. 363 passed the vote of the Council to set a a time for a hearing for annexation of certain lands to the City. Mr. C.F.peterson appeared before the council with drainage problems at his home at 705 VandeVanter Street, councilman Pozzi a:i:;ured him Uh%L Uhei•c.- WOUld he nonwt.Oitij,; docte the wet weather set in/. Mr. Baffaro submitted to the council the operatigan of a full paid supervisor of 1�ecreation the program was for the County to pay z and the city to pay 2 of the salary, and for the School Dist to furnish facilities. Councilman Shaffer, Strain & Pozzi was put on a committee for further study of the full time Director. Motion passed to higher Hill & Engman to lay out an other trunk sexser• from the North End of the City to the Treatment Plant. Motion passed to rent a garage for the Engineer' s Car. Motion passed to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the Milwaukee & N.P.railroads in regard to the rough crossings. Motion passed to table the motion on $1.00 fines on parking meters until the next meeting. Motion made to recall for bids on the front door but lost for the lack of a second. Engineer made a report on the side walk on Pioneer and North State Ave. and stated that it would cost about 9"1,400.00. City Engineer recommended that Marion Street be accepted by the City . Motion passed to accept Plarion Street. continued continued; PAYROLL, AND CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Payrolls For May 112968.52 Current Expense Claims 2, 619. 59 Water " 1,945.01 tr 281.03 Street Garbage it 54.43 +� 50.93 Library LID 233 +t 4,117.$8 +r 12.Lt.2 Park Sew Rev. ,+ 125.59 Parking Meter rf 194.07 MEETI14G ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. §ridges City Clerk