HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/16/1956 Kent Washington April 16, 1956.
Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney,
Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott , Shaffer, Strain,
Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting;
Officers reportts presented and filed, Treasurers, Budget,
and Clerk' s Pepont;
Motion passed to have John Beachrdnd H.C.Barnard correct
their sewer condition.
Motion passed to have the City Attorney draw an Emergency
Ordinance for the expense of enlarging the North Park Pump-
ing station, the ampunt to be $4,000.00..
Discussion was "held on 5th. Ave. So vicinity, in regard to
sanitary sewers, no action taken.
Discussion on the drainage problem on R.R.Ave. North,
Councilman Curran recommended that a two-way radio be in-
stalled in the water pickup truck on the Police McG.Motion
passed to have installed the radio Trans-& Receiver at a
cost of $150.60.
Councilman Curran repaorted that the water committee had
a meeting with the consulting Engineers on the water hook ups
on East Hill. Motion passed to adopt the policy as read by
Mr. Curran. , and the policy is on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
Motion passed for the Clerk to write a letter to the State
Hiway Dept . to collect damages to the Street light under ground
cable that their Contractor cut into, in t,,,ro or more places .
Motion passed to expend up to $200.00 for the painting of
street light Standards.
Motion passed to remove street li VC10.00)
t standards that were of
no use, and to cost not to exceed Central & Meeker;
Central & Gowe; and Central & Titus;/
Motion passed to include Mr. Dimick' s request to have a
portion of the City' s Insurance Business.
School presented a petition for the vacation of portion of
State Ave. North, and Mrs. Morris & Schools; for vacation of
part of alley. Rlotion passed to have the Planning Commisssion
and Engineer make a study of same , and report back to the next
council meeting.
Motion passed to instruct the Engineer to mail to the School
District the part of Kenoshia that they might dedicate a strip
of land for the purpose to make a wider street.
Letter read from the Principal of the Elementary School
stating that there are too many dogs on the school grounds,
Motion passed to have the police committee look into the matter.
Letter received from Mr. Jaeger Manager of the National Bank
of Washington requesting that Parking Meters would not be in-
stalled at First Ave. & Meeker St, because it would interfer
with the new Building construction program of the bank, and the
contemplated parking lot. Motion passed to place in the hands
of the Police Committee.
Letter read from the Planning Commission recommending that
the traffic in the alley in back of the Bank building be re-
versed, also a letter received from Mr. Jaeger of the Bank.
Motion passed to have the traffic reversed when this improvement
was completed.
Letter from Mr. aaeger requesting exist on First Ave. 'Motion
passed to accept the request with right hand turns only.
Permission was granted to the Bank to drill test holes at
the street corners and the alley corners.
Planning Commission requested changes in off street parking
Ordinance. Motion passed to have the Street & Bldg. Committee
study ordinance and have power to instruct the attorney to
draft near ordinance , Councilman Pozzi Voting; no.
Letter read from Mr. Sipe Secretary of the Planning Commission
requested of the council a telephone paid for by the City,
Motion paased to place a city phone in the office of Sipe' s
Transfer, all voting eye , Curran voting ney.
Letter read from various signers from the locality of
Pipe Lake and Cherokee Bay Country Club ,wanting to know
when Rock Creek will be developed, or if the City should de-
velope another source , if they would be willing to give up
their water rights on Rockcreek. Motion passed to refer to
water committee for answer.
Mayor brought to the attention of the Council the matter a`
of dogs running the streets. Motion passed to have police
committee study and submitt a good dog ordinance, that will
keep the dogs off the streets.
Mayor Mooney appointed Mr. Wieser and Owen Buxton to com-
plete the five members of the board of appeal.
Mayor' s veto of Ordinance No. 920 read and by motion passed
to spread on the minutes.
I am hereby placing my veto to Ordinance No. 920 for the
following specific -reasons.
(a) On May 16,1955 the City of Kent entered into a contract
with the Firm of Hill_ `X. Ingman of Seattle , Washington for
Engineering Services for the City Water System. The Engineers
agreed to perform according to the best of their ability and
skill, all engineering services required by the City in the
preperation of a comprehensive study and report relating to
additional water supply, transmission facilities, equipment
and storage which will include, but not to be limited to: ,
(h) The -.feasibilttyof establishing a water supply
at some point on the Green River by . means of specially designed
underground collectors, with cost estimates.
Webster says the wor ' Feas�ble means Capability of being
effected or accomplished, Capable , , means able to do or to
I dontt feel the Engineers have fulfilled their obligation
under the contract I signed concerning item (h) as it should
include the quanity of water available from this type a well.
I further object to the City of Kent wxpending any money for
surveys and report's until such time the engineers produce a
full repevt�
(b) Ordinance 920 statae a preliminary reportt
and survey has been made. Under the contract it specifically
calls, for a comprehensive report. What kind of a report was
made? .
(c) The 1956 Budget has $1,000.00 budgeted for
source of Supply. I feel this is ample money to determine
the flow of Rock Creek and remove brush that is hampering
° I further wish to make it very clear to the members of
the City Council that it is my intention to force a Court
Order for my signature for payment of any funds spent for
duplications of the contract with the Firm Hill & Ingman.
Dave J. Mooney Mayor.
Motion passed by the council to reconsider Ordinance 920
Motion passed by the unanimous vote of the council to
adopt Ordinance No. 920.
Mr. Woodside of Western Well Drilling Go requested to
submit to the council a proposal of well drilling, Motion
passed to submit the proposal to the water committee Chairman.
Bids were opened on a motocycle for the police dept, one
bid received from the Harley Davidson Co.The Bid was refered
to the Police Committee.
One Bid wasrreceived on the front door of the City hall,
this bid. was rejected by motion.
Bid opened on the repair of the garbage truck, one bid re-
ceived from the Transport Trailer Co for - 640.00 plus Tax.
Motion passed to award bid to the Transport Trailer Co.
Motion passed to insyruct the City Attorney to draw
Emergency Ordinance for Engineers equipment , and car for
transportation for the amount of $6, 500.00.
Bids were awarded to Warren Office Supply for two files
for Engineer' s office,$ 574.00; Nonroe Caluclating Co for
$650.00 ; K & E Co for$600.00.;Jand Kueker-Ranken $884.88.
Motion for clerk to call for bids on a `Panel Truck for
use of City Engineer.
Motion passed to call for bids on gasoline & Oils for two
year period.
Motion passed to permit diognal parking on North Second
Ave. this tolbe only temporary measure.
Motion passed to have Attorney prepare ordinance to adopt
the 1955 adition of the National Building Code, and for it
to take care of all future changes.
Motion passed for the Street Forman to go ahead with the
street improvements that has been hanging fire.
Motion for Clerk to write ,a letter to Drake in regard to
what was done on the South fifth Ave. Sewer Improvement.
At the request of Mr. Campbell Manager of Stoklyts, Motion
was passed to permit him to make minor improvements to t'he
street in front of the building of Stokley' s but not t*e
considered as of 'a permenant nature.
Clerk Was instructed to write a letter to the State about
the drainage condition on R.R.Ave. North, to see if they
will go along with Stokleyts, or would perfer an L.ID.
Clerk to write a letter to the N.P.& the Milwaukee request-
ing an under pass on Winnier St.
Discussion after the reading of the veto message of the
Mayor on Ordinance No. 920, Councilman Shaffer refered to
the Mayor' s action was of a political nature, and Mooney
. assured Councilman Shaffer that it was not, that it was
the Engineer' s that had not given a comprehensive report.
Councilman Curran expressed his thoughts that a re- _
shuffling of committees on the council should take place f
at this time, because in the past we always had harmoney
and I do not feel that I would like to resign the council
at this time so I request that I be taken off the water
Committee as chairman. Mooney replied that he had nothing
againett any of the councilman , but he thought the action
by the council was not for the best interest of the people,
Motion madefof adjournment and seconded. Reading of the bills.
Current Expense Claims 2,074.70
Water. Tt 648.52
Street it T' 3 ,080.63
Library " T' 51.66
Sew. Rev. " " 254.24
Garbage Tt tt 102.42
LID 229 it 't 6.30
Mayor Chas. Bridges
City Clerk.