HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/19/1955Kent Washington December 19, 1955. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved; Report of officers presented and filed, Treasurer's, Budget, Clerk's; Councilman Curran reported that he had the hydrological water report on the Wilson Well, and read same to council, and said that he would get it into the hands of our Engineering Firm. Discussion of the sale of the timber 6n the Rock Creek site, this to be brought up later after study. Councilman Curran brought up the installation of water mains on Plerrie Hill Addition, and by motion placed on the table, until need for same. Water committee to work out a proceedure on water main extension after the first of the year. Councilman. Pozzi reported on the loading platform at Libby's that they seemed to be willing to remove the platform and that would set the trucks 14 ft. further back off the street, when loading and unloading. Motion passed to have Libby's remove the platform, amenment to have the clerk write a letter to Libbys that this was a tempoary action of the council, and amenment for the Firm of Libbys to furnish the city with a harmless action agreement. Motion by roll call vote passed againest the motion as read. Motion passed that Libbys be given tempory permission to load and unload on 4th. Ave. only after the 14 ft. platform was re- moved, and providing Libbys provide the city with a hold harm- less agreement for same., Councilman Curran voted against the motion. Mr. Dunbar and Mr. McDermott from the Planning Commission was present and requested of the council to have a survsy made of 4th. ave north extended to the Taylor Rd. for future planning,. Motion passed to have the city attorney get legal description of same. Motion passed to include the fourth ave to be a 66ft. rightaway. Motion passed to request the local Planning Commission to request the King County Planning Commission for extension of 4th. Ave. as a Eft. street to the Obrien Road without legal description. Councilman Strain reported that he had a figure on the council table from Les McIntyre and the outlined cost would be about $650.00, the council requested a drawing be made of same and presented at the next meeting. .-__Motion passed to accept the bid of Book Publishing Co, if $1500.00 could be paid in 1956 and 1500.00 in 1957, for the codifying the ordinances. Councilman Scott repaorted that two manhole s at the treatmment plant should have locking covers, so that when the river is at high level the water would not boil out of same. Motion passed to purchase two locking covers. Contracts from Hooker Chemical and Penn. Salt for chlorine to be used at the Treatment Plant was presented. Motion passed to table the contracts at this time. Letter read from Ostruske-Murphy, stating that he was not contacted on the few minor troubles we were having at the treatment plant, but now that he is aquainted with the situation it will be taken care of. Letter read from Libby's in regard to a 10% reduction in their sewer charge was placed in the hands of the Sewage Committee,to contact garey & Kramer our engineers that set the charge. Hearing on Merrie Hill_ Plat was declared open, no objections hearing was declared closed. Ordinance read for the acceptance of the plat, Motion passed to adopt ordinance. Motion passed to accept the plat bond of Mr. Drakes for P4errie Hill Plat. Motion passed to reject petition for annexation of Mr. & Mrs. Kendalls land to the city. Discussion on drainage of Pioneer Street which was brought up by Mr. Wynstra. continued 26 continued; Motion passed to have the Sewer Committee and Street Committee work on the storm drains of the city, to have them segregated from the Sanitary sewer system. Councilman Curran suggested to the council that a letter of commendation should be send to the members of the fire dept. It was suggested that Mr. Curran draft a letter to be sent the firmmen. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 72375.58 Water " " 430.24 Street IV124.72 Garbage " It 86.48 Sew. Rev. " " 2,735.69 14EETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk