HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/05/1955 Kent Washington, December 5 , 1955..
Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney,
Councilmen, Curran, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain,Thornton;
Minutes of the last previous meeting read and approved
accept in Mr. Parkers report to the council the word Business
places be deleted, because he was representing industries only.
Motion passed to table action on the petition for various
one hour and two hour parking zones, to be removed from the
table in two weeks.
Councilman reported to the council that the filter will be
shut down till May, by approval of the Pollution Control
Commission on account of such large volume of water that has
to pass ,through, and also reported that the flow meter is giving
trouble , and has been fixed several times.Also he reoommended to
the council that the pumping plant in north park is not doing the
job it is supposed to, that it will not handle the excess water
from the surface after heavy rains. and recommended that the
check for Ostruske-Murphy be held up until the city receives a
letter from him being responsible for minor equipment operation
at the Treatment Plant. Motion passed to hold Ostruske-Murphy
check until a conclusion is made known to the council.
Mr. Thatcher city attorney made known to the council that the
protest has been sent to the Hydraluic -Division in regard to
the Wilson Well.
Councilman Curran reported to the Council that the Engineers
on the water supply will have a final repovtt ready at the next
council meeting, also on financing. Also recommended to the
council that people on the transmission line that have a building
permit and have made application for water prior to October 3,
and sign an affidavit that they will not oppose a water district
or other development of water distributation, shall be allowed
to connect without coming before the council.Motion passed to
allow the recomendation of Councilman Curran.
.Motion passed to secure hydrological report from water Dist.
75 on the Wilson Well.
Councilman Shaffer reported to the Council that he had viewed
the Norgard annexation as petitioned, and recommended that the
application be tabled at this time , until a larger scope of
property could be included.
Letter read from Libbyts requesting an answer of their letter
of September, in regard to the decreasing the sewer charge rate,
the letter of September was not presented to the council, and
by motion passed the clerk was requested to write Libbyts for
a copy of the letter of Septtmiabrr, as referred to in the letter
Letter read from the Chamber of Commerce stating that they had
passed a resolution as being against a business tax and parking
meters, and they urged that the council take notice of this
Natural Gas Notice of Hearing in Olympia referr'dd to the
finance committee.
Two contract for Chlorine for the coming year referred to
the Health-Sanitation Committee for study.
Mr. Drake made application for water mains in his proposed
plat in- Knob Hill Add. Motion passed to place in hands of the
water committee for study.
Mr. Drake present Merrie Hill Plat for ok and requested a
hearing on• same.Motion passed to hold a hearing on Mr. Drakest
Plat at the next regular meeting, and for the Clerk to post
notices according to law.
One bid received and read on the Codification of Ordinances
from the Book Publishing Co of Seattlel Motion passed to refers
bid to the City Attorney, and Finance committee.
Hearing was declared open for comments on the vacation of
an alley in Knob Hill Addn. no objections, hearing was de-
clared closed, Ordinance read for vacation of ,alley by roll
call vote , a unanmous vote was cast in favor of the vacation.
Hearing opened on annexation south of City petitioned by
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall, no objections other than the council they
by motion passed to lay over till next meeting Councilman
Shaffer voted ney.
Ordinance No. 912 read for traffic regulation by Parking
Clerk read a letter of statment from Councilman Parsons, he
' not able to attend the meeting. Letter was presented on his
views on the three ordinances that were up for a vote, he
stated that he was in favor, by increasing water rates because
the citizens of the community participate in the problem. By
installation of parking meters those that live outside the city
will contribute to the income of the city. By inactment of an
ordinance to license business and collect a business tax the
citizens that will benefit the most from an increase in popu-
lation will contribute a nominkh amount in addition to the other
contributors. The business tax will likewise bring in revenue
from firms outside of Kent , but dfmmg business in Kent in
competition to local retailers.
Motion passed to accept comments from the audiance in
attendance at the meeting.
Mr. Joe Blessing of Blessing Jewelry representing the retail
trades committee of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, spoke in
opposition to the Parking Meter Ordinance and Business Tax and
License. Bob Morrison a residence of the City spoke in favor
of the Parking , Business tax as proposed by the council, and
remarked that if that was the program of the council that was
good enough for him.
Pair. Fournier of the Kent News Journal spoke against the
business tax and license, taking the place of Mr. Parker
which he could not be at this meeting to represent the Industkies
of the City. Councilman Shaffer stated the reason for the pass-
age' of the three ordinances, and also stated that the council
had been working on additional taxes to balance the budget,
and had requested of the Chamber of Commerce to take part in
the program, at the meetings they had held, but could get no
cooperation from the Chamber.
Councilman Curran stated that he was elected by the voters
of the city to do a job, and he felt that it was his duty to
vote on the three issues, to keep the city in good financial
condition, and he also would be paying the tax as well as
other business mene and he had made an extensive study, and
had taken a lot of time on these issues. Mr. Orval Good
Manager of J.C.Penney Co protested the passage of the Tax
ordinance on Business and Parking Meters.
Motion made and passed the unanamous vote of the council
present by roll call, for the passage of Ordinances No. 912-
913-914. Parking Meter Ordinance No. 912; Business Tax & Lic-
nse No. 913 ; Water Rate ordinance No. 914; .
Motion passed that present controll of parking be inforced
until Parking meters are installed.
Motion passed to instruct the clerk to have ordinances
printed for use of the public up to $200.00 if necessary.
Police Salaries November 2,140.70
Fire Salaries It 258.40
Payroll General " 2,357. 56
Utilities " 4, 220.1.2
Current Expense Claims 11664.58
Water 5
it 267.71
Street � ,t 23 .�,.0
Garb%gge�e It 201. 57
Sew* xeve tt 592.47
LID 230 tr 4 OL}.71
Mayor Chas. Bridges city clerk