HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/21/1955 Kent Washington November 21 , 1955. ' Regular meeting of the City Council present Thornton Mayor Pro-Tem Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain; Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Report of Officers read and filed,. Budget , Treasurer' s & Clerks; At a special meeting of the council a report was made from the Engineering Firm of Hill & Engham, on additional source of water, various ways were discussed, Wilson Well , Rock Creek, Radial Well, and source from the Seattle Water System. P,layor Mooney was authorized to inform the Container Corp. of America that trey would lie furnished water for their factory if they located in the City, Motion passed for our Engineering firm to procure a hydrological report on the Wilson Well. , not to exceed $450.00. Request for extension of mains in various parts of the City, Stoneburner' s Plat , Sandwick' s proposed plat , Mr. Irons from State Ave. To Kennebeck,and from James Street north on State Ave. all extentsions were tabled by motion passed until such time building permits were obtained for construction on locations named. Discussion on water applications along the transmission line was held and a motion passed to stand on a previous motion not to permit connections on the line. Letter read from Mr. Barnhart requesting a 12" line at Hollywood Park addition at flake Meridian, which he had previously had permission. Motion passed to denie Mr. Barnharts request , as previously granted, if water main was installed as our Engineers pointed out in their report, there would be a consideration of same. Request of various business places requested a one hour parking at Smith Street from R.R.Ave. to State Ave. ; R.R .Ave. South from Titus St to East Gowe St. and a 2 hour parking limit on East Gowe from R.R. Ave. So. to Central Ave. Motion passed to plave in the hands of the Police Committee for study. Petition read for the annexation of a peice of land on the west side of the City along West Meeker extended, petition signed by the sole owner, Mr. & Mrs. Norgard.Motion passed to have the finance committee make a study of same. Mr. Thatcher the City Attorney stated to the council that taking in small parcels of land like this is creates and extra cost to the city and very inconvbnibnt to him, where it would be much better to interest a larger group to annext at the time. Petition of protest on Business tax, and Parking Meters was read from the Retail Trades Committee of the Chamber of Commerce Motion passed to place same on file. Motion passed to have the City Attorney read two ordinances one , Business Tax & License, and water ordinance fixing and regulating and controlling the use and price of water, and fixing fire protection standby charges, this matter not to be voted upon until next meeting when at such time a Parking mebbr ordinanee will be read. Mr. Sam Parker of Northwest Metals read aprotest on the CORRECTED-REFER TO Business license , and water rates, representing most of the MINUTES OF 12-5-55 ! Business and Manufacturing of the City.Motion passed to place protest on file for study. � - Motion passed to accept Kent Motors bid on the police car this bid being low bid.$ 2128.00 plus state sales tax, and less 4800.00 for trade in allowance on present patrol car, $ 1398.94. Motion passed to allow and expense of $ 230.00 additional to the bid for other necessary changes and equipment. Motion passed to purchase a new redio for the police car, to the amount of $ 471. 06 plus state sales tax. Agreement was presnted by the City Attorney, and signed by Mr. Ullery for the removal of a building on Sam Street by May lst of 1956, :_t and to post a $2,000.00 bond for same. Motion passed to instruct the Mayor and clerk to sign the agreement. Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to prepare and file a protest on the wilson Well for 2 million gals a day by Mr. Wilson. , and for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. continued 22 r+�w l� �.4 Miriutes continued; Motion passed to instruct the cleric to call_ for bids for the codification of city ordinances. Mrs. Koch a. member of the Library Board stated that she had heard that the council was considering joining our library with King County, and that she wanted to announce that the Board was opposed ;to such action. Motion passed for the building committee to loos: into a bldg. permit at 5th. and crow, and for the person concerned to get in touch with the City Attorney for further instructions. Motion (passed that Ostruake-Murphy be deleted from the bills, that the items were not taken care of at the Treatment Plant. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 26.46 Water 't " 545.16 Street rt It 704.o5 Sew. Rev. it 6.20 Garbage " " 59. 52 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor f . Chas. Bridges + City Clerk I