HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/07/1955 20 Kent Washington November 7, 1955• Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi-, Scott, Strain, Thornton; Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved; Two bids were received on a police car, by motion passed was placed in the hands of the police committee for study, one bi4 from Kent Motors, and one bid from C & J Auto Sales. One bid received on the garbage pickup in the new North End Annexation C.V.Erath made a bid of .65 per can on Residences, and allowing -100 on commerical pickups. Motion passed to accept Mr. Erathts bid. Letter of request for water on Jenkins Creek Tracts by Mr. R.Ruskin Fisher of Seattle, Motion passed for the clerk to write a letter to Mr. Fisher stating that the water from the Kent -system has been terminated along the transmission line into -Kent. Water applications foam four residences on the Black Diamond Road -was submitted to the council, and was reffered to the water committee, and no action will be taken until our Engineers have -made their repent. Complaint from people on Meeker Street , requesting something be done in regard to people using the entrance to public buildings and on the walk, for a public toilet, in the small hours of the mornning, motion passed to place in the hands of the police committee for study. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to have the water appli- cation for water rights on the well north of the City Limits published t,,rice in the local paper. Motion passed to install water main on Sam Street , provid- ing that Mr. Ullery ,furnish a bond to the city, for the re- moval of a building that is now in the street, the date not later than i.Iay 1, 1956, the bond shall be for $2,000.00. City Attorney requested the council to remove from the table a motion that was passed for the claim of $200.00 for four old apple trees that was removed by the city in error. Motion passed to take from the table the motion in question. City Attorney informed the council that Mr. Hare offered to settle the claim of $200.00 for the removed trees at the amount of $100.00.Motion passed to table the offer of $100.00. Resolution adopted by the council to hold a hearing on the vacation of an alley in Block 29 W.C.I.Cols Knob Hill Addn. Resolution adopted to hold a hearing on annexation of a strip of land on the south of the city limits petitioned by Mr. & Mrs. Kendall. Councilman Curran voted ney on the resolution to vacate the alley. Recommendation of the finance committee to raise more funds to operate on, owing to the fact that our surplus is nill, and if the council is going to develop and improve the city as demands for expansion are currant , our recommendation is increase water rates, parking meters, and business tax and license. Motion passed to instruct the city attorney to prepare ordinares for the following, and be presented at the next regular meeting and be numbered as follows; 1 -Parking meter ordinance; 2 Business tax and license; 3 Increase of water rates; . Motion passed to hold claim of Traffic Sign Co, and Ostruske- Murphy, the Ostruske-Murphy claim to be held until the dif.ficu lties with various items at the Treatment plant are worked out, an amenment to the motion for Councilman Scott to follow through with a letter to Ostruske-Murphy, amendment passed. PAYROLL & CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLO1,VE D AS FOLLOWS; Salaries October 9,039.37' Cur. Expense Claims 1, 784.85 Water 11 " 1, 323.00 Street " it 756.37 Library " 59.66 Garbage " 215.80 Sew. Revenue " 857/24 MEETING ADJOURNED Mayor Chas. Bridges city clerk