HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/03/1955 r-t o n Ccto i 3 , Y)'5
Regular MCCtlinf7, of the City
UI-ain Thornton;
(,'ouncilr;i(--,n Curran, Far�7,0.ns 11oz:,,i, L�coftll Zhaffer Q L-)
T.Iinutes or Lh�, re,-,iilar 11in.--, r(,aJ and aP',)rovc,d;
Lotion passed to h Uave U!,e City A oin.c3,, i,rtc vieta 1 `r. Hare
on the claim of the apple trees tl),it Were removed, by the City,
and present to the council 11-4s
'Tot -he ' Clc�rl: 1EraLli to pickup ion passed to have �
the garbage i-ri tl,vC n(,w anne-;,it -iol-I north of t.liF, "ity. 111otion
Dass(ld for thc� cl-(-rl,.-. to call) - for bi, s on a co,11tract for -,arbaf-'r.,
pickuip north annexation.
Committee reported. on the loading zone for, i,r. Nerdryx, and
advise ^ of the Chief of Pclic(,, -cia's not needed 0 t i()'-I pas s e
to instrti.ct the Cley,l_ 4 u0 write
e a letter o 6 rHendry; stating;
the action of the council oil the rlLlItLer
!.,lotion passed to rent machine to the r-'round at the,
treatment plant to plant a 1�-,a,,n. Noticii passed to purchase
wire -S. posts for a fence a.t the treatment plant.
liayor su,,'-rre-ted to the council t1tat -I conducted tour of
the Treatment plant would at this tirim, he in order, and
appointed Coiiticili[i,-tn ScotL to ,iad:c `'or- wale.
Coijncil;,,ian Curran male a r,.,paort to tit(, council that a
special me-tinlr, of tl,e council held ��-nd our water
1,11,-ineers Hill Inrr-man made a preliiiiitiary ri-porL on t11(-�ir
survey of additional 1,,Tater supply, and tlhe, -Engineers would
have thier final report ready in abot-il, two weeks.
Motion passed to- have the Street Formian remove the dirt
along the east sidtl of Alvord Ave. after E'n,-Iincer s(-,.t
the stakes, and also r, i,,iove a large tree i,2itli the cons-nt
of the Engineer.
Councilman Scott^ reported on the ,-tet-r, that' was
requested to be stbdied for the portion of the
City, his recommendation was that th- entire south -nd
should be considered. 111otion passed to :instruct the City Attorney
to draw a Resolution to create an LID District for the
South end of the City.
Request of 1,1r. Ullery on Sari Street , to havc a water line
laid for his houses, ",lotion passed to heave jTr. Curran lay
a 61, v,,ater main in 1,)ai-,i street.
City was instructed to write the 1"-,inF, County Traffic I-nrine',�r
requesting t]-ie county to ake, the west part of t1r-te Otbrion
Road a 45 mile limit , to be Lh(� same as that Part that is in
the city limits.
Reading; of the bu ',,_,,et as printed rand i-riotion passed to haold
the he�,,.rino- on the bud-,et alid tax levy on October, 7, this
being an adjourned meeting for this purpose.
Motion passed to have the finance committee work on a
feasible program to raise more revenue for operation of city
expenditures and report at the next rc-,,-,ular meeting.
Motion passed to have the INiayor and Clerk sign the agreement
with Lake City Gravel & Materials for LIT) 233 .
Motion passed to instruct the water office not to issue
water connections for ti-ie out side of city limits, until they
have been presented to the council.
Salaries for September 8,993 -04
Cur. Expense Claims 1, 052.612
t,lTat e r 11 548.12
Street 451- 59
Garbage 6.20
Sew. Rev. 71 327.26
Park 77 53 .25
TJettinq a(Ijournp(i iintil- P.P!T. Friday October 7, 1995.
October 7; 1955
adjourned meeting . from October 3 , 1955
Present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi,
Scott , Shaffer, Strain, Thornton;
Notion ,gassed to City Attorney make application for water
rights on a well located on the East Ili ;hway & the Wilson
Road and pay fee for filling.
Motion passed to have the I'[ayor and clerk sign the
application to the Depattment of Conservation and
Development of the State of Washington.
Hearing declared open on the budget for 1956, no one
appeared for or againeQ the propo<eJ budget the Bearing
was declared closed and the reading of the Budget
Ordinance , and by motion passed adopted the Ordinance
No. 910.
'Fax levy ordinance no. 911 read and by motion passed to
adopt said ordinance.
Peeting adjourned;
Chas. Bridges
i City Clerk