HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/17/1955 Kept Washington Ockobar 17, 1955 . Regular maetinE of th- city council lyrnsen Inyor Nooncy, Councilmen Curran, PozzilylcoU , Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Tanutes of the last regular mentinE read und approved ; Report of officers prevented and hy moLi"n placed on file ; -nCouncilman Shaffer announced that the finance committee held a meeting of the council as, a whole to sock more finances, prior to this regular meeting, and announced that there would be anokhor meeting at 7 O ' clock P.M. on monday Ockober 24th. Councilman Pozzi vnde ,a report on the vacation of an alley relucsted by Mr. BroQ5 Loop in Knob Nill Wition, and by motion passed unanimous except councilman rran , the clerk was instructed to post notices for a hearing as law provides. Councilman Scott announced that a tour of the Treatment Plant will be held on November 5th. Uh. For the public. Councilman Curran reported on water Ennlq�ering firm, and said that the report would he in next men Ding. Councilman Curran reported that he lookod over the Sam St . water main project and by notion passed teat the water main would be installed afner the build Las was Wvnd frON the Vrey� OVII UnOL Mi I oWn. XVVV nuuld pay for Weir sLarQ of Lho main . Leber line south of the city limits his a Y r! had 1-0 in nad poupic on Do end have no water, owing to the fact that they cannot get together and have same fixed, and to pay for a previous bill for fixing the main by the city crew, Kotion passed to place a master meter on tho line and prorate the amount of water used to each of the customers on the line. Also motion passed to permit no further connection On this line until at such time they have some aqrnn lNV with the city as who is responsible for same. Councilman Strain recommended to the council for the installation of two more strooL lights on Sqattle CLrnet , motion passed to have the two strpct liqUv placeO an Seattle Street and for the clerk to notify thn Ponor Comally of the councils actions. Application for a water connection by Vr. T>Tjahan on the Black Diamond road was presented and by moki"n rnrryrOd to the water committee. Mr. Sandwick made application "or a water main in his proposed plat in North Park, by motion passed rYYPrwd 40 the water committee. r. Stoneburner re w s i K questea ;-rater mains, his Plat On nob K M ill by moVonpassed was referred LO the WULOr COHMiLtee. . Motion passed to have James street a 66 ft . street instead of the proposed 60 ft. street . anJ for the clerk 40 call Vr- Iles of the school ! istrict and inform him of thq rcjuest- Letter read from Carey Kr Amer suinestinr that it would be in order to pay the supplement contract with Ostruskey-Furphy for work done at the Treatment Plant. VoLion passed to have the committee study the Co"munication and claim, and hold payment ofn the claim until the council had time to think. Leave of absence was requested by latrolplan Foyley, for thirty days , by motion passel r7nost granted. Letter read from YatrolmarKdQubry that he Lrett- ful' for the time spend at a Anq' crIwink school at Fort Lewis and a letter from the Chief of Police stating that NcQuery used his vacation time to attend this school, to better the police department. Motion passed to write a letter of conmendati)n to patrolman 7clunry, for his interest in the work of the police department . Petition received from TIr. c, 111rs. cib Kendall to have their property annexed to the city, . Icy motion passed to instruct the *City Attorney to place machinery in action for the annexation. Plat bond submitted by Nr. Stoneburner for Stone Crest Plat motion passed to accept plat bond and place on file. City Atkorner yv -=ted on the meeting with 7r. Hare in regard to his claim o Q2 0.00 for the apple treen that were removed continued by the city crew �aitli out consent by i`.r . Bare. "Ir. Bare staLed that his price i,'as �200.00 and thatt:Ta. it . Itt.orney placed it back in tree hapds of the council. I',Iotion passed Lo table the claim of :;p200.00 of P-Ir. Hares for the trees. Letter read from Iir. LeVact ue in rr,"Iard to th'' expense tliat he 'aa.-, put to in the repair of the cit;r se"'rer in front of his place. I'loLion passed to place it-, of Sej.,ez, corinittee for investigation, and to report back. Motion passed to have the clerk call_ or bids on a police patrol c r. to be opened and read at Ule nc_� ;t r<_� ular meeting. P',oti.on passed to have the clerk a letter to the County Commissioners for an official count; of the number of people that r,>side in the reccnt north end annel.ati.on. CLPIII_.11, PRI=NTI;D AND ALLUC"W'D Al: FOLLO','S; Current Expense Claim;, 3 , 91 .li.l,. I:��ater '� 635. 22 Street it Tr 609. 50 Library It T1 13 'i .60 Garb �ge It T1 128.1), Sevier Revenue 50.05 LID 230 'T 86. 80 1-7 Park 5- IiEf;TIi G ADJOURNED; PMayor Chas. Br dgeQ I