HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/19/1955 14 Kent , i,Tashington September 19, 1955. Ref ular meeting of the City Council pr(:sent 1'ayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Parsons) ozzi, S P cott , Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; T7inutes of the previous meeting .read and approved; Report of committees and officers, Budget , Treasurer' s and Bidgk' s presented and placed. on file ; Councilman Pozzi reported on the additional Land that is red quired from the school district to ,,iiden Kenosia St. Motion passed for the clerk to write a letter to the school Board in regard to the land that is needed. Street Chairman also checked with Don Bell on the Parking area that was submitted, and Iir. Bell stated. that at present the Chamber of Commerce was �;oinF, to proceed with the R.R. Park property along Railroad ave , and develop it into a T)ark- area for cars, but at this time the i.aest side of tracks were not going to be touched. Chirman of the Street Committee reported on the vacation of a street that was petitioned by Nr. Love Jarvis. T,-Iotion made to vacate street with reservations for util.ites motion died for lack of a second. Clerk was instructed to write a letter to I'�Ir. Love aiid Jarvis and inform them that at this time the council wishes to take no action on the petition. Councilman Parsons moved and passed to purchase p75 .00 worth of paint to fix up the rooms in the city hall after the window job was done. Clerk to call Carey & Kramer and request them to have an Engineer out to the Treatment Plant , and meet with Scott, Shaffer Curran and Thornton, to go over the plant to find some of the bugs, that the operator is having to "contend with. Councilman Strain recommended a street light be placed on Seattle Street in about the 1100 Block, Tlotion passed to install the light as recommended and instruct the clerk: to notify the Power Company of the Council ' s Action. City Attorney Mr. Thatcher reported to the council that the deeds on Summit Ave. was not complete as yet. ,, Petition received from Brooks Loop for the vacation of an alley in Block 29 in Washington Central Improvement , Knob Hill Addition, Lotion passed to refer to the street committee for study and report back: at the next regular meeting. Letter read from P.D.&.J .Meats requesting to connect a three inch main to our main on west meeker extended, for the re placement of a two inch main that is being disturbed by the County having the old Kirchner bridges removed, in which this old main was attached to the said bridge. I,Iotion passed to grant the request for the installation of a three inch plastic pipe, and at a future date the city might have master meters in- stalled on. such lines out side of the city. 'A request was read from a Lr. Glenn P. Kennedy requesting of the council to release an old water main easement on his prop- erty that the city, has no more use for. motion passed to place in hands of water committee for recommendation, Notion passed to release the easement , and for city attorney to proceed with the legal waork. Letter read from the Planning Commission on parking problems by motion passed the letter was referred to the Chairman of Street , and Chairman of Police Committee , for study. Letter read from. Mr. Wes. Janke in regard to not using tine City Park on First ave . for parking . i''Iotion for clerk to an- swer his letter and thank him for Iuis interest in the Parks along First Ave. Letter read from Hill &, Ingman our water Engineers requesting a letter by the clerk to Seattle 'ATater System. 'lotion passed to instruct the clerk to write the letter as perscribed by the Engineering Firm. Hearing opened on a Plat , Hauge-Armstrong no objections heard the hearing was closed, and a motion passed to accept the plat subject to ease!ie!ts noted on the plat if effected by same. continued continued; Motion passed to adopt Ordinance No. 909 approving llauge- Armstrong Flat . Motion passed to have the Engineer place grade stakes on the East End of Seattle Street , for the installation of dater mains for the Hauge-Armstrong Plat, Councilman Shaffer .requested of the II.'.ngineer to have tha work commence at Smith and State for the neu Cleane, i31d . on LID 233 to �°,'ork in ;.Iith the open inr, date of this new construction. notion passed for the Engineer and Street Dept . move as fast as possible on tlii.s part of the work. I,lotion passed to replace the se,vJer on Clakk Ave. between Temperance & Smith Street . Loading zone :for Dr. Hend.ryx on Go,-re street , was placed in the hands of the Police Committee for study, this zone to be used for invalids that tale treatme t from the Doctor. ;street and Police Committees to contact LibbyO s iri regard to loading and unloa dinj; on l,.th. Ave . Preliminary Hearin,; was held on the buJ cL for 1956 , at tl`iis> date no budget ttiras agreed upon, �rnd no motion set for a hF�armgg on same. CLAIMS 'DR AND AUIOV1EiJ AS Current E'xpense C1_aims 2 , 273 .10 Itiiater it :�itns 17.15 Street _110.16 Garbage 2 " 35.00 Set�Jer Rev. " 22a.0'7 LID 230 03 P EIETING ADJOURP4ED: Mayor Chas. Rridges City Clerk