HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/06/1955 12
Kbnt s,,lashingLon September 6, 1955.
Regular meeting of the City Council present IMayor V[ooney,
Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi , Scott , chaffer, Strain, Th
Minutes read and approved exd.ept the motion made for the Water
Chairman to make study of a letter varitten by ;ir. Spowart, to
read answer the letter.
Bids were opened and read for the improvement of streets by
LID 233 , two bids were received One from Rainier Asphalt and
Paving Co of Renton for :�53 , 525.75 , and one from Lake _GUy
Gravel Co. w49, 480.00 , the bids were higher than the Engineers
estimate so the bids were p_laued in the hands of the Street
committee and Engineer for study until Friday evenning at 7 ;30
Motion passed to .repair the ceiling in the council room up
to $ 360.00 dollars.
Councilman Pozzi reported on the request of 11r. Calverts to
furnish a grade for the VanDeVanter StrE,et
Councilman Curran reported to the council that the firm of
Hill &, Engman wotild have a report ready about October on the
crater survey.
Letter read from a Mr. Ellwood drawing t`le attention of the
council the obstruction by shrubs in tls�_, hark by -the U.P.tracks
for motorist vision for on coming trains. Motion passed to
have the Park Board eliminate this condition.
Request of Mrs. Straub that '100.00 was not paid on Lot 5
Block 1 , city View Addn. before the city hooked it to the sewer.
her thaught is that the office slipped up and did not have the
person that constructed the house come to her and pay the P100.00
'Motion passed for the clerk to write a letter to IArs. Straub
and mention that she still has rights to collect throught court
action, and that the city is not a collector for her interest,
but' we are always willing to help.
Letter in the form of a claim for the removal of four trees
by the � treet Foremen on his property, which was not a deeded
street as yet-, �50.00 for each tree , or a total of ,;v20O.00
for damages. Motion passed to refer to the City Attorney.
Request the City Engineer, City Attoreny and Street Foremen
to appear before the property owners' on Summit Ave. to get
deeds to the sixty foot "street rightaway.
Letter from Book Publishing Co, in regard to the codification
of city ordinances."llotion passed to write a letter to the Book
Company and inform them that they may use the copies of the
ordinances on file.
Letter, rchd from the County iti r,.,gard
to the removal of the old i_irschner bridged that our pipe line
is surported by, I'=lotion for clerk to write a letter to the
County Engineers for pe.rrmnission to turn over the bridge to the
City for use of the pipe line surport.
P-etition received from Love L- Jarvis rcquestin,_- the council to
vacate a short street that they are the sole .,aners of abutting
property. Iotion passed to place in Land_ of str�,et committee for
study and report back at ne1:t meeting. °
Ordinance No. 908 fox: LID -233 read an:_' motion to lay over till. next
meeting, motion to be brought back or, table , Motion to adopted
Ordinance No. 908 and passed.
Motion passed to extend a water main on Tempera.nce from Clark
to Lennebeck,and extend north on I_ennebeck to last new house , this
to be 61, main.
Motion passed to accept deeds to to parts of Seattle 'Street ,
north of A new Plat of Hauge t s € Armstront;.
Plat submitted by the Engineer Pau-e -Armstrong Plat , Motion
passed to instruct the clerk to post notices for a hearing
to be held September 19th .
Motion passed to accept Engineers recomend<ation to pay Kaeser
Construction Co thier 1,'1300.00 that was held back for a Leal;
in the sewer line on Seattle Street .
Clerk to prepare list of i.ncomc for t1hc,, sear. of 7.�`h for huds��t
I,lr. Bell presented to the council ways of creating more
parking areas on R.R.Ave. a �d on FA,r t Ave. by utilizing
part of the prc�sfcnt parks that i le seed from tI e Railroad.
Street committee and the: Chief of Pol.icu eras at-pointed on a.
committee to ,iorl, with Jr. Bell and the Chamber of Commerce.
i�-iotion passed to indorse the as explained , and
before development ,.,as done that the council �aou.ld have the
final say on the procedure of the construction.
T�Tr. Ralston Vdas present at the i!ier. tiii anr.j as'':.e0 various
questions on the school se,,,rer for connections thereto,
f4otion passed to have an adjourned me.-Ming at 7 ;30 P.li.
Friday evenning for the clircussi.on nd action on LID 233
bids, and the removal of the old 'r:irschn :r bridge west of rent .
Roll call Friday evenrling 7 : 30 I J- OP
Present 9;
Pr. esent -Iilayor Mooney, Councilmen, Curran, 'arsons, 3'ozzi,
Scott , Shaffer, Strain, Thornton;
Engineer to give report on Bids, and adjust to come within
the 10;�) of the esti�,iate.
'lotion passed to recind the motion on the Kirschner briclge
that we request of the County to keep tl)e bridg(, to surport
our pipe line that belongs to the users on the south side
of the r .ver.T�:oti on to instruct the clerk to notify
r. Evans of the county Engineering office that the council
is not going to remove the pipe from the bridge , because 'it
belongs to the users on the south side of the river, and
for the clerk to send notices to the users that the city council-
will take no action to remove said pipe line off the bridge, but
we will give 'you assistance through our t,aater foreman, as to
how it should be done.
Engineer submitted a change in the low i.Si.d of Lake City
Gravel and Material , by their consent that would decrease the
bid about -.;';6, 000.00 and be well within the 10j9 of the
estimate given by the Engineer. r;otion passed to accept the
Engineer' s recomendation.
Motion passed to award the contract as adjusted to the
Lake City Gravel & I,Iaterial Co. :i`p 1+3 , 61 5.00.
Pleeting adjourned;
9 r
Mayor Chas. Bridges
City Clerk.
Salaries August 9, 069.34
Current Expense Claims 1,735.15
Water tt 1,132.19
Street 't 12, 605.30
Library " 51.71"
Garbage " 129.]_1
Sew. Rev. 297.05
Park fr 74-b.1
LID 230 2 357.38