HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/18/1955 Kent 'lashington July)$, 1955 . Regular meeting of ttje City Council present , ;Mayor ;looney Councilmen Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Thornton; Minutes read of the last regular me �tirig and approved; Report of officers presented and filed; i Councilman Scott reported on the defects in the gas boiler --- installation at the Treatment Plant , this matter was taken up with our Engineers Carey &: Framer, acid they referred it to the Contractor, which stated in a letter tnat they would take care of the matter. Also a water line wa recommended at the manhole where septic tank refuse- would be dumped, and also to improve the road into tha same location , by motion passed this .i,rork . was to be done. Letter received from Councilman Curran requesting a street light be installed on Hilltop Ave. and one at Al'vord, both to be on dames Street , if feasible , and also the removal of the old. benches at the reservoir on Guiberson Street . Street lights were referred to .the light committee , and the water crew was directed to remove the old benches. Letter read from TIr. Kelleher requesting the use of the judgeys chamber for use as a Justice of Peace court room. this matter was referred to the Building Committee. Motion passed to call for bids on a laver mower, one for the Park and one for the water department. Agreement from the State Highway Department was by motion passed to have the Mayor sign same, this agreement was made for the construction of sidewalks on North Central by LID. Hearing opened on LID 233 for the proposed construction of - � sidewalks, curbs, stormdrains and blacktopping certain streets. received a petition againest the project , and others opposed in person, the hearing was closed by motion, and by motion passed the city engineer was instructed a determin the amount againest the LID 233 project . i�Ir. Baffaro Chairman of the Park Board requested permission to use Park land on the Black-Diamond road for a target range the Police committee was instructed to work with Mr. Baffaro on the subject. Resolution No. 354 adoped by motion to set a hearing date on an annexation to t1ge north of the city limits, hearing sbb for August 15th. Mr. Armstrong of Armstrong and Hauge Construction Co requested a go ahead on his plat on the Reiten Rd. , and ask various questions on the requirements of water mains and streets. Street committee was appointed to look over the street proposal on the North side of the plat. Resolution No.355 by motion passed adopted by the council to purchase LID 230 bonds from the LID Guaranty Fund,B.I.& R. Fund, and Sewer Rese ve fund. to the amount of 8,086.26. Ordinance No. 905 passed the unanimous vote of the Council. Ordinance No. 906 passed the vote of the council excepting deed and easement for street purposes. Mayor Mooney announced that so far he has not been able to appoint a board of appeals for the building code, ones he has contacted felt that they could not have time to serve. Motion passed. to instruct the clerk to write the Legion a letter informing them that the city does not feel that they could trade its Park property on the Hill for the piece ad- joining the North Central Park property, that the ben&fit would be nill. Motion passed to hh-ee the street crew dust oil Kenoshia, property to pay for same. Motion passed to the Water Forman keep track of the pipe breakage on the ten inch water pipe and turn into the freight Co. for damages. continued; h� continued; CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; - Current Expense Claims 795.66 Water " " 22, 944.74 Street 'f2 693 .25 " Sew. Rev. " " 503.11 Library " " 113.87 Garbage " " 279.10 Park . " " 254.74 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. pridgesCityerk i • i I " I i i I___J