HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/15/1955 r r rr
Pent , 'Alashington Auglzst 1, , 1>».
Regular meeting of the City Coi)ncil pros ent Mayor Rooney,
Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Scott , Shaffer, Strain, Thornton;
Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting;
Report of officers presented and. filed, Clerk' s Treasurers,
and Budget ;
Hearing declared open for protests on the north end annexation
Petition was received %-iith various 11W11(JS bf property o;rners,
all. in Section 36 declarin, tl, t they did not want to come into
the City of rent , and also .requested that they be deleted :from
the annexation) after all had a chance to el.press their opinions
the hearing v,Fas declared closed, and Ordinance 907 react to
take in the area as by petitions filed. Motion passed to delete
that part of section 36 that was included in the area, if the
petitioners could furnish affidavites up to 50% of land value
in that district and friday was the :Ica(-! line.
I,Iotion passed to adopt ordinance as read if the pettioners
could not furnish the required proof of ownership and. the 50;-�
by land value , if proof is filed at the proper time that
potion of 36 will be deleted from the ordinance.
Tvlayor Mooney appointed three members to the apl)eal board
of the Building Code, the three of the five members' that is
required, Chas. Sells Sr. , Win. Campbell,` and I'TicLevecque sr.
'i-lotion passed by the council to accept the Ilayort appoint-
ments, accept Shaffer voted ney.
Mr. Holman an Attorney representing people of the hill area
east of the cmty limits of Kent presented petitions opposing
an annexation that was being purposed, also P11r. Roos and 11Ir.
Crandall spoke strongly against the thought of being annexed
to the City of rent ,
Letter received from a Pair. Spowart of the Ileridian district
requesting of the council if we were going to have another
source of water, and if some 1+0 homes may hook to the system.
Motion passed to place in hands of the water committee for
Resolution No. 356 by motion passed was adopted.
Bids were opened on the replacement of the old wood sash
in the bity hall , one bid received from l4cIntyre Construction
Co for the amount of 4"3 , 353 .17, by motion passed thte bid
was awarded to P-IcIntyre Construction Co.
Recommendation of the' street committee to change grade on
Hilltop Ave.and for 'Mr. walker to remove tree. !,,,lotion made as
recommended by the street committee , further motion passed to
table the motion.
PJIotion passed to have Mr. Walker bond released, all in favor
except Councilman Curran votin ney.
Motion passed to instruct the Engineer to furnish the city
Attorney with legal descriptions of the Sumitt Ave. street
rightaway so that improvements may proceed.
Mr. Gonnason on East Titus Street requested of the council
to have the proposed curb be placed next to the walk in front
of his property and Mr. Sipe' s so t}iat they may have more
parking space. Motion passed to have the Engineer figure this
request in the proposed improver-rient.
i Current Expense Claims 558.66
Water I? . It 1, 631. 52
Street " it 1,1 12.96
Library ,r it 61.38
Garbage " it 15.60
Sew. Rev. T1 IT
LID 230 " " 434-11
Mayor Chas. Bridges
City Clerk