HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/20/1955 Kent , Washington June, 20, 1955• Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting. Report of officers presented and filed; Budget, Clerk' s and Treasurers; Lester McIntyre was nominated for the vacancy on the council, and by motion passed elected, and the clerk was instructed to notify bfm as such. Councilman Curran reported that the Engineers on the water source was starting their work, and there would be a report soon from the. Firm. Councilman Scott recommended that section B be repaaled from the sewer ordinance , and an amendment be added to make a charge for the dumping of septic tank liquid into the manhole ahead of the Treatment Plant. By motion passed the recommended changes were- placed in the hands of the Attorney for draft, and the committee was to fix the rates as the motion called for. , Motion passed to call for bids for the installation of the balance of the alumin sash in the City Hall, and for Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for same. Motion passed to instruct the Engineer to prepare sketch plans for a new building for the storing of city street ,water, and garbage equipment. Councilman Pozzi recommended to the council that all good blacktop streets- be sealed and graveled to keep in shape, this maintenance job would cost about $3 ,600.00. P,lotion passed by roll call vote, Curran n#y, Shaffer n4y, Parsons yea, , Pozzi yea, Scott yea, Thornton yea, . Sidesewer renewal permit issued and approved for Reynolds , and the Mayor and Clerk instructed to sign same. Police report on a dangerous water hole at west Willis plced in the hands of the Health & Sanitation Committee for action. Letter from Howard Mfg. Co in regard to a change in the fire zone so' that they could build a non aproved shed, was placed in the 'hands of the building committee and City Attorney. Petition received from residences north of the City Limits requesting annexation, petition and maps was refered to the city engineer for checking. Hearing was held on Leber' s annexation, no one appeared so hearing was declared closed, and ordinance read 902 and passed the unanimus vote of the council present. State Highway Department presented resolution and agreement for the calling for bids on improvement of North Central by sidewalks. Resolution No. 354apsed by the unanimous vote of the council, and by motion passed the Mayor and Clerk was in- structed to sign the agreement for the State Highway to proceed with the calling for bids on the sidwalks, to be paid for by LID 232-'4 Mr. Thompson speaking in behalf of the Legion stated that they had the flags and brackets for the decoration of the streets, j and they would be up on diplay on the 4th. of July, and requested j permission to store the flags in the city hall when riot in use, l_ Motion passed to grant the request of Mr. Thompson to store the flags in the city hall. Mr. Bon Bell jr. requested of the council to trade the land the Legion purchased just north of the citie ' s recreation park for the park property north of the High school on the Black Diamond Road.By motion passed the finance committee was appoint- ed to make a study of the trade. Mr. Dragness brought before the council tie question of off street parking for his contmplated improvement to his business building on East Smith St . , he is intending to build an apart- ment on top. of his now owned business ruil_dir_g, and there is n not room for .an off street parking on account of no land sale. Mr. Dragness was instructed that this request must go before t the Plannin Commission and be presented to the council by that body for ac ion. continued. continued; Mr. Kelleher of Dean street opposes the improvement of Dean street , by raising the grad it pugs his property down in a hole that he objects to., would like for the city not to go further with this project , but would like to have the grade lowered. Mr. Francis living on the other side of the street opposes the lowering the street, that it would create such a high bank on hbs side of the street , not only that but it would mean lowering the water main. Committee was appointed ,to make study of same , Pozzi , Scott & Parsons. Kent Community Festival Committee requested of the council to block off R.R.Ave. between I,Ieekr & Gowe the night of the Festival. , Permmission as requested granted. Stoneburnerts PlatlZe_was submitted to the council, Motion pass- ed to instruct the Clerk to post notices according to law. Telephone Co requested to run underground conduit from their present office to their new building, Permission granted if streets were placed back as good or better. Motion passed that affidavite be taken from the property owners on tl�e petition on annnexation, for proof of owner- shhip. , Letter from the clerk to the catterpiller offender on 5th. ave. so. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; all except Herman Foxley, more information needed. Current Expense Claims 273.93 Water . 496.05 Street 396.32 Sew. Rev. 148.62 Garbage 60.34 Park " 54.77 Meeting Adjourned; 1 Mayor Chas. Bridges �✓ City Clerk i I I