HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/06/1955 F:ent , ;J�i.shington June 6, 1955. Regular me<;ting of the City Council pr,:sent 11ayor Mooney, Councilmen; Curran, i'oazi, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton, newley Vetted councilmen, Scott , Y'arsons, Pozzi, Thornton; --Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Councilman reported that the old dump doser was sold for 4'70.00. " Thornton'? . I r r ion on the Appointed committee met with the Planning �o_nmis question of a forty ft. street in the Stark proposed plat , the report of the committee that this could not be allowed, and there should be a strip of ground on LLe south side of the plat , thirty feet. Bids were opened for the construction of a 10" water main on south First Ave. Three bids were received; Harbor-Construction Co $ 3 ,303. 57; Joe Coluccio $2, 458.00; Frank Coluccio Construction Co, $2,; By motion passed the low bid was awarded to Frank Colluccio in the amount of $ 2, 129.66. Letter read .from t'ne Kent Safety Council recornlmending a side-= walk be constructed on the East side of North Central ,Ave. -from James Street to extend north to the Park entrance , for safty of foot traffic while summer sports were being, conducted. Motion to place on file and for t'he clerk to answer same. The Clerk was instructed to call the United State and Foundry Pipe Company in Seattle to determine when the 10" pipe will be delivered. Sidesewer contractors license was renewed of Grant Dunbar, and for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Petition was received requestin ; the oiling of VandeVanter and Dean Streets, ?Notion to place on file , and for the street crew to proceed 1,vith Mahe oiling. Resolution read and by motion passed placing July 18 th. as a hearing date for the improvement of certain streets by curbs, gutters, surfacing and drainage, Resolution No. 354 creating LID No. 233. Motion passed for the Street Committee and Engineer to work out plans on streets. Engineering on Gerber' s curb and gutters to be paid by City, and for the Engineer to work out a plan. Clerk to get informantion from Engineer on the cost of the curb to be placed in the alley, in rear of Boyker' s, Mrs. Carrols and Park Department property, and for the Clerk to place in Escrow the money be fore starting work. Mayor Mooney called on the new council members to take their seats, and -were sworn into office, and the following committees were apointed. Police & Fire; Alex Thornton, Shaffer, Pozzi; Water; Curran, Scott , Parsons; Health-Sanitation; Scott, Thornton, Vacant position; Buildings; Parsons, Vacant, Pozzi; Lights; Vacant, Curran, Shaffer; Finance ; Shaffer, Parsons,- Curran Streets; Pozzi, Alex Thornton, Scott ; Appointments; Chas. Bridges Fire Chief; Dr. Hogan, Health Officer; Ed. Sipe 6 year term Planning Commission; R.E.Wooden Police Judge ; Alex Thornton Mayor Pro-Tem; Motion passed to instruct the clerk to get new committee cards printed, and also a card showing all other committees. The Mayor advised the council that a councilman should be i selected to fill the vacant seat , by the next regular meeting. - Councilman Parsons was appointed along with the finance chairman to work out the sewer ordinance , and also include a fee for septic tank dumping into our treatmant plant. Gib Kendall street foreman reported on the drainage condition on North Railroad and James, Motion passed to have the chairman of the street committee work out the situation, so that it may be completed before the wet weather season. Motion passed to instruct the street forman to procure the screenings and crushed rock where available. Hearing on the sidewalk LID was declared open, no one opposing the creation of the improvement on North Central between James St. and East Titus, hearing was closed, and the Ordinance No. 901 read and by motion placed on its final passage. continued, Continued; Motion passed to have the street committee and city engineer ,to work with the StateHighwgy Engineers , on ,the part of the Hiway where the sidewalks are not installed. Motion passed to have the clerk notify the State fiiway Eng- i neers that LID has been passed to construct sidwalks from James Street to East Titus. Payroll ,& Claims presented and filed as allowed as follows; Police Payroll May 2,140.70 Payroll May 6,161.52 Fire Dept. . Payroll 258.40 Current Expense Claims 13746.24 Water 'T 1,237.13 Street .'f 1,4$1.79 Library " 21.$0 Sew. .Rev. ,t 494.$2 Garbage 'f 35.G$ Meeting adjourned; 4 Mayor Chas. Hridges city clerk I i I i