HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/16/1955 396 Kent Washington May 16, 1955• Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Pozzi, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting. Report of Officers presented and filed; Budget , Treasurerts and Clerks. Bids were opened and read for water pipe and fittings, hydrants and valves.the council recessed for 15 minutes to study the bids, Motion passed to award the bid for pipe and fittings to United States Pipe &. Foundry Co, amount of $22,992.28; and the bid on Valves and hydrants to E.N. Hallggren Co taken the alternate on hydrants with steamer plugs, $ 2 ,685.60 plus state sales tax. These bids being low bids. One bid received and opened and read for the purchase of a police car, from the Kent Motors, Motion passed to reject the one bid. ''Randall ,voted ney.' Councilman reported that the Walnut Street water main was now completed. Curran reported on the proposal of Hill_ &, Ingman and stated that the changes were included in the contract , but the City Attorney requested a change in paragraph six, and that the Engineers -had not oked it as yet , but recommended that the proposal be read as corrected and passed if the engineers w would concur With the change. Motion passed to accept the proposal as read with the City Attorneys correction, and oked by Hill & Ihgman, roll call vote was taken on the motion Curran yea, Pozzi yea, Randall refrained, Schultz refrained, Shaffer yea, Thornton yea. Resolution No. 353 by motion passed to annex certain lands j south of the city placing time of hearing. i Motion passed to renew Boyker Plumbing sidesewer license. Mr. Stark residence of Hazel Ave. North presented a proposed plat to the council, and requested a forty and a fifty ft . street . Motion passed to appoint a committee to work with the Planning Commission, Mayor Mooney appointed Pozzi, Shaffer, and Curran. Mrs. Larson of 703 James St . requested to hook into the sewer north of Cole Street in North Park. Motion passed to instruct the Engineer to make a survey of the situation for Mrs. Larson. Mr. Ralph Gerber of East Titus and East Smith Street requested of the council to make some plans to take care of the water condition in front of his building, in theway of placing catch basins, that his building was settlping from the runoffs after heavy rains. Motion passed to instruct the Engineer to ma�ea survey of the condition and report back at the next meeting. Mr. Clements requested water for his new house under construct— ing on Kenwood ave in the next three weeks. Motion passed to have the water committee make a plank for water from Dean St. and a report on a new main from the reservoir down Kenwood to tye in with mains on Gowe and Meeker, for an added supply into the lower city area. Mr. Pete Baffaro Park Chaiman wanted to know if the Legion had been granted permmission for the street rightawyy into their proposed building, Mr. Thatcher stated that he would prepare the paper work if all information was given him on the matter. Mr. Baffaro also statded that the Parks were in very poor condition, that the city man appointed to the job was not putting in enough time for the money he was getting, and had to hire extra help. Motion passed to have . the water committee purchase a mower for the water devartment to keen the grass cut at the various reservoirs. 4A m. continued �:�, � � 1:y1. continued; Motion passed to call for bids for the laying oR a 10" water line on First Ave. So. for the Lynch Furniture Factory. Motion passed to improve Sumitt Ave and Alvord Ave. up to $500.00 Councilman Curran stated that Mr. Ralston has requested to connect to the City Water System, and by motion passed the clerk was instructed to write Mr. Ralston a letter stating that the matter was under study by the Council. Offer was made From a Mr. P.iorgan of $65.00 for the old dump dolrer, by motion rejected and for Councilman Thornton to have power to sell at a higher figure if he could obtain same. Plotion ,passed to pay all claims read except Mr. Shipps ' claim for damages to his car by the Garbage Truck. CLAIMS PRESEPITED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense 314.29 Water " 1, 807.93 Street " 555 .38 Sew. Rev. " 62345 .30 Library " 13 .74 Garbage 12•36 Fleeting Adjourned; �- f Play or Chas. Bridges 74 City Clerk I!