HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/02/1955 ONJ 394 Kent Washington May 2 , 1955 Regular meeting of the City Council present , I,Iayor protem Thornton, Councilman Curran, Pozzi, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer T Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting accept for corrections as follows. Improvement to streets as submitted by City Engineer, Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw Resolution for LID for the improvement of streets. Motion was passed to call for bids on a police car. Report of officers presented and filed, Budget Clerk' s and Treasurers. Councilman Curran reported that he had the proposal and the additions that was recommended, ready for approval at the next regular meeting; of 11 Hill & Ingham" the engineering firm that is to do the work on seeking more water supply. The matter of constructing a new fence around the large reservoir was laid over in the committee for more study. Letter read from Richard Thorgrimson our attorney for the condemnation suit against Puget Power stating that the case was dismissed on April 22 55 , without cost to either party.114otion passed to place on file. Letter read from Mr. Erickson in regard to repairing a leak in the Treatment Plant line , by motion passed was placed on file. Vernon Birklid requested of the council to attach and use an 81111 wall for his party wall , on a building that he was going to construct. Motion passed to grant the request with stipulations that if the building was continued to the North or South, that the next extension would have to have a sixteen inch wall serving as a party wall. Resolution read for the creating of LID 232 for the construt- ion of sidewalks on North Central between James Street and Titus 1 Street , by motion passed the resolution. was adopted. Petition received and read from property owners on the West side of State Ave . North, for the estimated cost of construction of curbs gutters and drains and the surfacing of the parking strip. Motion passed to have the engineer give the estimated cost as requested by the petition. Letter from Libby McNeill_ & Libby requesting a meeting of the street committee in ref;ard to their loading platform at their plant on Fourth Ave. North. Motion passed to have the Street Committee meet with the street committee. Motion passed to have the fire dept purchase a consolet for station two at 520 Guiberson, up to ;p250.00. Motion passed to increase in pay the forman of the Water Dept. and the forman of the street dept . Twenty-five dollars per month each. until Dec, 31 1955• Motion passed to direct the Street Foremen under the supervison of the Street Committee and the City Engineer, to grade out street rightaways and crown as near center of said rightaway as practical. The following . streets are to be affected by this motion. (1) Chicago Street-- Rieten Rd. to VanDeVanter; (2) VanDeVanter From Dean Street to Rotter or Stoneburner Alley; (3 ) Guiberson; Scenic to VanDeVanter; ( 40 Summit from James St. to Smith St. ( 5) Alvord from Smith to James. (6) Asphaltic patching on Rieten Rd. where needed; It is the councils belief that this work is required due to relocation of water mains, and in all cases are to be brought back to condition as existed previously, but places as stated above to the center of rightaway. Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw license for rightaway into Legion community hall just north of the Park/. --continued-- continued IZay 2 , 1955. Motion passed to have the Engineer assertain tree cost of the improvement of the following streets, abutting property and enlarged area to be effective. Meeker Street- from State to Kennebeck; Kennebeck- from Smith to Kenwood; Kenwood from Kennebeck to Guiberson. this improvement to have a 24 ft . strip- of concrete near center of rightoway , and to include Curb & Gutter in canyon on Kenwood for erosive run off. the cost to be appligd ,to abutting property 50%, and 50% to the enlarged area that this improvement might serve. Motion passed by roll call vote to pay Ostruske-Murphy their retainer fee of 15%. Curran voting ney, Pozzi re- frained,, Randall I, Schultz I, Shaffer ney, being a tye vote, Thornton act Mayor cast a vote I Motion passed for the clerk to write a letter to Don Murphy and re:juest a letter of intention on the re- placement of the dirt on Johnson plilce that his Company removed under the construction of the Treatment Plant, PAYROLL AP4D CLAIMS PRESENT AMID ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Police Payroll April . 211-40.70 Payroll 5, 983 ,77 Fire Dept. payroll 258.4.0 Current Expense Claims 1,308.41 Water tl - 74-4.62 Street it o8.98 Library 'T it 1. 50 Garbage '1 53.68 Sewer Rev. It 35, 136. 52 Park 6.90 MEETING ADJOURNED; - Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk