HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/21/1955 388 Kent Washington March 21 , 1955• Regular meeting og the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Report of Officers read and filed Budget , Treasurer? s &, Clerk. Councilman Curran recommended to the council "that his committee was still working on three possible firms, and Councilman Thornton reported that he had two estimates that I he had not turned over as yet , Motion passed to have the water committee make further study and consider the two that had not been turned in. Letter redeived from the Pollution Control Commission in regard to a school for treatment plant operators to be held April 4, 5 , and. 6th. at State College at Pullman. Motion passed to send one of: our operators at the cit 's expense up 'to $100.00. Motion made to send Pete Baffro to the Washington State Re- creation Society conference at Boise Idaho April 17,18,19,and 20th.the expense of the trip to not exceed $60.00.'Motion passed to table until Baffaro arrived at the meeting. Motion passed to give committee power to purchase desk for treatment plant office. Letter from Bob Stoneburner requesting the enlargement of the existing water main along Carter Street , was placed in the hands of the water committee for recomendation. Letter read from Mr. Buxton owner of Valley Hardware request- ing a parking concession in front of the building on So. Second that he is °using for appliance display and storage. Motion passed to place in the hands of the Police committee for action. Hearing was opened on Sidewalk and storm sewer improvements by LID 231. Engineers from the State Highway Department was asked to explain-to the Council and the audiance the improvement of the Highway. from South City Limits to North City Limits, and the advantage it was to the people to have the . sidewalk and storm drains go in at the same time. Our City Engineer Mr. Drake answered questions and explained that without the improvement of the walks the Highway Department would not be able to construct such a wide highway as they have recommended, all the people in the District was requested to sign a paper against the issue if they so wished, hearing was brought to a close. Deed from Mr. ' Ullery for street purposes placed on file. Motion _ passed to adopt Ordinance No. 896 to accept and approve deed from Mr. S.J.Ullery for streets es. Motion passed to grant Mr. Thatcher city attorney his request to deal on the power question. Mr. Bell presented a portion of a claim of I-Zrs. Shermann for a fall on city walks, motion passed to pay portion of claim. Motion passed to instruct the City Engineer to have the walk repaired where Mrs. Sheriman fell. Mrs. J.C.Lane spoke to the council on the water situation, and requested a connection for her small house , and a pipe laid to serve it. Motion passed to have the water committee study the Lane water request. Motion passed to have the Mayor write a letter to the FIiA Office in Seattle , in regard to their stand on building homes in Kent , and amendment to the motion passed to have the Mayor send a copy of the letter to our Congressmen in Washington D.C. Councilman Shaffer presenV�aln offstreet Parking ordinance, Motion to instruct the Attorney to draw ordinance for off- street parking. continued continued from March 21 , 1955 ; Don Bridge requested of the council that he have a water line put into his place , and if not he would have to make someother arrangments. Motion passed to place in hands of water committee to report at next meeting. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter to Councilman Blessing `in� regard to his nono ,attendance e 'Council meetings. l'' Motion mdde to allow Pete Baffro $ 60.00 expense money to attend the Boise convention, motion lost for lack of a second. City Engineer submitted to the council the final assesment roll for LID 230, Motion passed to set a hearing date by special meeting at 8'oclock P.M. city Hall April 20th. and clerk to publish notices acording to law. Motion passed to seiid Peter Baffaro to the convention and up to $60.00 be allowed. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS;Current Expense Claims 952. 80 Water �► t� 969.3 8 �Street 279. 87 " ff Library " 1, 4.30 Garbage " " 101.99 Sew. Rev. " " l,o2i.91 Park " " 27.81 MEETING ADJOURNED; Chas. Bridges r� Mayor City Clerk