HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/07/1955 6`� 386 U Kent Washington March 7, 1955 Regular meeting of the City Council present , Mayor pro-tem Thornton, Councilman Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer; Minutes read of the last regular meetingand by motion approved except the word draft was use instead of the word, release in connection with the claim check for the Evans accident. Councilman Curran made a report to the council on the number of Engineering firms that had submitted their report to the water committee , there were 9 firms that submitted reports and Mr. Curran requested an other two weeks for study, and would recommend to the council of his findings. Mr. Thatcher reported 'to the council that Mr. Metcalf had not returned as yet from his trip East so had no report on the Power matter. Letter read from Mr. Irving Clark on his objection to being included in LID 230 by reason of being hooked to the sewer wystem since 1913 . Motion for clerk to place on file and present letter at the hearing, and notify Mr. Clak of the Action of the Council. Letter read from the Park Board advising the council ,that they had a meeting and decided to sell the Jeep, and use the mondy for a much better pC4,:�ce of equipment that would not cost so much for breakdowns, and Mr. Michelson of North Central offer- ed $200.00 for the Jeep and assumQ all bills for repairs against same. Motion passed to accept the offer of $200.00, and a letter from him that he will assume all repair bills against it. Letter read from the Seattle Chamber of Commerce in regard to having the city arrange for a represen*ive to go back to Washington D.C . &tr4the Eagle Gorge Hearing. Motion passed to have the Clerk write a letter to ,the Seattle Chamber that the council would vote on a represent�ive ,but could not pay their way under our 3rd. class laws, and also to write a letter to our Kent Chamber in regard to getting behind the same. Motion passed to grand the building permit to Mr. Ullery when he has delivered deed for dedication of 30 ft. ,street to Mr. Thatcher. Motion passed to instruct the Planning Commission not to issue building permits to property owners abutting the south 30 ft . of the same proposed street until they have given a deed to Mr. Thatcher for a 30 ft. street rightway. Letter read from Ostruske-Murphy Inc. attorneys in regard to the claim of Mr. Johnson and damage to his property, they were of the opinion that the contract did not call for such claims to be settled, by holding the final payment , and that it was up to them and their insurance Company, and the city was not liable for the action. Motion passed to have the City Attorney answer the letter'. The matter .of the Census was taken up , and the council agreed that an estimate would be in order this year. Ordinance No. 895 passed the vote of the Council for street dedication. Mr Kramer & Livingstone from Carey Kramer Co, requested an extension of time for Ostruske-Murphy on the Treatment Plant construction, Motion postponed until our next regular meeting for consideration. Letter read from Carey Kramer requesting the council for the acceptance of the treatment plant at this time. Motion passed to accept the plant as completed and for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Councilmen Shaffer Schultz, Thornton, Curran and Randall stated that they had inspected the plant and it was a very find job, and motion passed to sign supplement , and estimate No. 9 final. Miles Drake City Engineer submitted a blue print on Spur tracks on North First , and explained construction data, Motion for Engineer to get an easment on the drawing and an extra 3 ft. on the north side of Winner. Motion passed to accept the change on easment by N.P.Ry Co on tracks on 4th, ave north. continued 387 continued from 3/7/55 Motion passed to accept their pro-rated share of the guard- rail .on and along the N.P.Tracks. Motion passed to amend the water policy resolution to read, service connections outside the City Limits from $37. 50 to $75.00. Mr. Walker requested information on the water policy stating that he had sold lots from his addition to six persons and it was understood that the city had in the passed installed water mains. Motionpassed to install water mains at the citys expense for the six lots, and the balance of plat will go in under new policy. Councilman Curran explained to the council and the audiance the reason why the new policy of the water system. Earl Camhouse explained to councilman Shaffer that the two hand bills that w re on the street previous to the March 8th. election `,, paid for by Mooney, and the order placed by Vic Levesque, and picked up by him, Shaffer requested this to be placed in the minutes as an item of record. Salaries and Claims presented and allowed as follows; Police Salaries Feburary 2214.0.70 Payroll it 1f 5) 84.6.89 Fire Dept, it 267.00 Current Expense Claims 2, 54.0.69 Water 'T rr 1,110.4.4. Street 'it " 1,359.24- Garbage 11 tr 112.55 Park At it16.36 Sew. Rev. 12,327.$2 IAEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk i