HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/21/1955 Regular of tfic', City Goltl,cil prrsel)L 1,:,""'Yor 1 ,00"IC-1y, Councilmen Cur-ran, schulf—z, ",i-utes read Ipproved Corr( te1 to �ncl (1e metallic stora,-,e i,-t t1ie ,,,,arehousc of '.Jol-th�nrest and corr W',r�cLion to � , to ,,111d not to :r�, Lld , to six" n') ilij- 1 -op Ave. it in-)tallcd �-ias not �1 T)�ITt Oi" t"lle I?enort of of"icers, by ,:I�)Iilon on file ; i t I I d s ark Je(�p questionC1, L I the Ti,oati�icnt-, Mr. lAving,,ston of ,arey Kr"THIC11 01-1i Plant present , � d Made a 3-(?T)ort to Ght: cou]-c('il on the filial s�a�,es of the con-�i.-,rLicLion, -ijld proc-re,ss of the -f I chan(;-- ..'rations 'Ind 'addltiorl oil tilt' an,! for the (,un, trvctl on o" a r-nclll our roadvj� �11 4-o 4- 1 1) ant "'r-fiewin" ol t,16'0 T-L?ie , from the plant to tl-ie riv,,,re ,,,,Ioui(,n passed, to perliiit a chang- e order of, deletin"', r21,.0 00 and acI(Iirl�- 15C)-00 alli Motion pas-sed t,) instrticL th— cl-r],- 1-0 vlrite a letter to the Contractor stating; that tile cculLcij refuse tlie f'irial until such til:le that we receive a Roy Johnson stating that his T)roj)ert-1T ha:3 lhr,,c, j i-)FJore,(,i to his and siflhmit a I I u I , -i .,�, th(� delet,ion portion of the contract . ReCitj CrOVi 117'11� �O . dir dole'-, elo -i� the off aline :from L I - o -c.,=,J.n tji ra condition of th-� ripe . ,- Received and re�.,,d (,.t lctte3- from I.-he 5,0'0 y ('011, 'IN)rovin,Cii 11 1 the installation of fire L-ti-le lil-�hts- port, i,,ia,-!e on the progress of the lij-,hts and -,ta,-, I't) the ;,"[J police cor,imittees for intallation tip to 500.0J. 9. 1-.-.e 1��`; re�ainer fee a S SQ )y 0 d 1,�D-e--(-,� , cAothto?15 011e �Y38�9 dlo11-ars 5c).r 1 '1(3 SeWer On Seattle street , if -111 ciail-,-Ls 11�'-V- `)(',-q 1 2; id ar"(11 bond. bF' T,(-,- tained under the oriCnal Coritract . Letter T-e,,-i.(l from the ere ready to construct h. I I I J L c oul(A not tile City to -;t- E notion (-Llii,,- tiri o i )n passed to instruct cl�-`rlc to a letter to the I .P. and request the writer to s i,,,,n his ,iai-.qe to hii-s, letters from here on and instruct him L';,iat th(' nec(�,,-;::ary data "-las i'l file OfFice of the City Engineer. (7J Eir. Etoneburner of i,oiob Ifil-I ,1J"IiLiotl the (;oil-lcil with a deed for a street into hi., nevi --i('Nitioirl, and. by motion passed to instruct the Att.orricy 110 al'i orclinailce for. the street dedication. Re-solution No. 350 rc�::I.d for the of --teets by sid(e- v.,alks, an,-', placin�r -iearin,- to be held-) 2lsL,. day of Narch 1955 , 'Motion passed. to adopt the 1`(-30-tU -t ion- for the iiii- provement Recomendation for the Purchase of lab cqui-oi,ienL for the Treatine"A Plant up to ,,,?000.00 recorilf,,ended by motion passedfor the clerk to purchase same. Resolution No. 351 read on new policy of installation of water mains inside and outslie the city limits of Kent. Motion made to adopt the resoultion as read, and amenment theirto for the city to pay one half of the installation, and the o property pay the other half up to January lst. 1956. Motion passed on the amenment , and also on the motion. ,�,A LL 4 Motion passed to instruct the Mayor and Clerk to sign re- O lease on old water easment on Mary Youngs place, , NMotion passed to delay Power issue until word was heard from W Mr. Metcalf. z 02 Motion passed to instruct the Mayor and Clerk to sign draft for patrolman ''vans accident with Trs. -)taples. continued 38 continued meeting of Feb. 21 , 1955 ; Motion passed to accept the Lane plat ,with the construction of Sewers, Streets, and water mains as set up under our new policy. Motion passed to accept Mr. Sandwicks Flat , with the con- struction of Sewers, Streets and Water main installation under our new policy. Motion passed to accept Stoneburners and Drake' s plats, with the construction of sewers, Streets and water mains under our new policy. Motion passed to have the various sewer locations estimated by the City Engineer, from Mill Creek, So. city limits to Willis Street , and on Central to pioneer. Motion passed to have the Engineer work out estimate on the various streets for LID; Smith to I:enwood on Kennebeck; Kennebeck to Guiberson on Kenwood; Kennebeck to VanDeVanter on Guiberson; Dean to So. City Limits on VanDeVanter; VanDeVanter to Reiten Rd. on Chicago; Alexander Ave. to Kenwood on Dean; Central to' Kennebeck on Gowe ; State to Kennebeck on Meeker; State to Kennebeck Ward St. ;Meeker to Gowe or Titus on State ; Scemic Way to Smith on Titus; Motion ,passed to adopt a policy as filed with the clerk for the expression of a formal invitation to create annexations. Motion passed for the Chairman of the Street committee to work with the Gtty Attorney to draw ordinance for off street parking. Roll call vote was taken on the new water policy, amenment vote was Curran yea,Randall n4y, Schultz n4y, Shaffer yea, Thornton refrained. Blessing and Lamb being absent ; after some discussion the roll call vote was retaken Blessing still absent, Curran yea, Lamb still absent , Randall ney, Schultz ney, Shaffer yea, Thornton yea, amendment to the motion carried. Motion vote was by roll call Blessing still absent, Curran yea, j Lamb still absent, Randall ney, Schultz ney, Shaffer yea, Thornton yp-a, Motion carried. Letter presented from U.S. S. Henry M. Jackson, TelegramQf from USS Warren G. Magnuson in regard to the support that they will give to the Pacific Northern and Alaska Airlines, to keep them on their contract. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: the claim of Rothweiler Co and Nordby Supply Co was rejected till a latter meeting. Current Expense Claims 634.43 Water - " 119.92 Street " " 4,150.25 Sew. Rev. " " .94 Garbage " 123 .94 LID 230 " " 8�, 609.14 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk I t t N