HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/07/1955 7, 1955
Rr'r ular ( Of th(-' Cii,-", 101.1;1('11 pr(?oellt r ",-_lyor "Oorlr?y,
Councilmen Lainfl.,) Schultz, '111-1 orritoll
tinutes read_ ai)(;, ai)provr,l W' '� lie
z i 1�I I C IT -nals,
i()Il of
Wo Report made on tti�-,
0 U.
Wo report not complete so it -,-Jollld c-i I,Aid over ti
ll the
1� ne:-ft regular me,'Ainj,
Report was made on the cost )ncl 'rial to be used on a
W C4
biAlrail alon 1-11 the alley oil the west side
0 LL a 1 e r
D 0 and of Come Street . 11'�otioji pissc�rl to write
to the property owners t1lelli
to pay t1] .1'600 00 the Con-;t,t-nct-
i o n of *s a:-n e
Councilman Cirran reported tE the (--o'llicil Olt a th"'It
was lielcl ,-iith various to a n
ap;re(,,t,ient on the Hock �r ro-* c Y Arere to c-ub-
IrLit there propooal�- aw
Curran requested of the council tli<it t,I, w-!' ('.-T- cor:un.:ii;tee
chf)ck over the proposA_cs ,,.11,j si i,, down to L11 e be,:t three ,
be-fore submiti in- to Uhe council ,)rov,'A .
Councilman �'amb�� reported to file cou ,cil th,-A he Ivia-, "IOU sure
that the council should'. rive p C,r,!:; I i eglon L 0
erect flan holder: oil t'v light s.L,)ii,J'trJs or' riot , 'hecau-C, iL
created a liability problem, but he ,roul(i like Further time
to check -be-Fore he had his r(�cotimcii,,ktl,ioii t,o �71)bllrit .
There were 1) --o}its pr(;ent rat Liv-) to learn loc,J
government, operations, ("1116 all "-,o bli is lsojr Scout w(,k.
14r. Swanson from the Pacific [Jui-'uh Ai-clines ii:_ls
present at the meeting, ol, colincil, to ni,F!ent
to the President, of the U. S. For a renQi..,al of their coriLr,_)(-,t
between Seattle and al:o to e-iclu(le Alas11-a Air-
lines. illotion cias past to acc(,.I.)tl tl)(,, S t �t i i(I tEl'�i;ram3 be
sent to the various parties that has U., cont'roll of .-Mle ,
and amenment to the motion to ciicT11(J,, 1.ort.h pest irlirtos that
had the route to
Letter read from f,i:r. hichelson o('J'-i1w 150-00 for Lhf,
Jeep t'l-te Park o,,,,,ns. F[otion passed to hands Of the
Street Committee For iiivistic all-ion of ,� bettor price.
Request received to hav,� the city Y-c]_c-lse tJlp 'I tT
ary Youiig,
property just so. of tl-,(-, city on tll(� 0J, an old
water easmerit that has not been i),se,l -or years. rioLioll passe(I
to have the cloud reiiioved Uhe thE) prop(�rty, that the
City ha,,l no further use for
R'otion passed to allow North,,,jest Mletal to proceed with
their building as planlied, as, Ion;,, as ill ,,,as to be used ,is a
�,TharehoLise .
fuest for several hfandred doll-1----rs worth of tools for
the operatiort Of the Treati,tet Plant , r1otiori passed to place
in hands of Health cl),. Sanitation :for study arid prices.
Er. Thatcher reported oil the of the various cities
on the power issue , ;i..,id r�'porLed th.1,t each attorney ,,,,as to re-
port to its council , �-Ath th,-' ldera ,o pre,_;ent to t1l(,, flower
Company, their ideas on th�,, proposition, ?_rld to have spacial
council on the program. T;otion passed to instruct the attorney
to 4. proceed with special council arraji -,,�i.,;erits ;-.ind r,et a fixed
price 1rom the special council , and -Go f).oirl Nr. I'Letcalf and
report back to the council for actio-,Ii Oil the same.
0 11.1r. Boyle on (laden ave . -feouested Of the council about his
W street that is the oli riirhtwary, an,.1 ask if it could
,w be close by that Company at any tirie . Tlr. Thatcher asns-oler(I
0 0 LL the question, statin,�;,, that tliey mi, lhandt be able to, a [ he
W thought that if a group of people from that district a,,Tould
0-Z visit the Power Company that they give this portion
for a public street , or fol- r1. corjsidler�-.,tion.
Motion passed by Councili-,ian Curran to install about S00ft .
of 61, water main on !!ill Top Street. Correction" motion made
by Curran, anti -passed by the Council" .
continued- _Feb. 7, 1955
Piles Drake City Engineer vypl"in& to the council that the
State Highway Department was contemplating on resurfacin7,
Central Ave . From the South City Limits to the 'North Limits;
and the recommendation of the city Enqineer was to place new
si4ewalks, where they were to low, and this would have to be
done by A local improvement district , and the work would have
to go along at the time of the street work. Motion passed for
the city engineer to work with the State Engineers an the
project , and enclude the plans for sic walks as he has outlined.
Councilman Urran submitted several streets that should have
a survey made for improvements of 0 more permanent nature. Motion
passed to instruct the City Enninner to make a survey of the
Wed by Cur-an.
cost on the streets as reco4lven
11otion passed to have the Mayor contact the person that
making a fill on South 3rd. Ava. , where there aynenrs to be a
natural drainage water way. ed to work with the
Finance Committee and d nd street rocopmen
Plapning Commission on Off street Parking-
Police Salaries January 21140-70
Salaries IT 5.7440-16
Fire Dept . 267-00
Current Expense Claims 4
L92 -31
Street 643 .0
Gargagerr rr210-41
Sewer Rev. 54.97
Park 360. 50
Chas. Bridges
Mayor City Clerk