HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/17/1955 1�• Kent �4ashirigton jaritiary 17 , 1955. Regular meeting; of the City Council present hayor 1.1ooney, Councilmen, Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Shaffer, Thornton; P•rinutes read arid approved. R4cept the claim of Busch Construct- ion Co for eXtra work on the culvert vans to tlJhe ahnourhf; of :�,134.11 instead at written in the last minute:,) a: Report of officers presented ancJ_ filed; ?udn;et , 'Treasurers and Clerk' s. , I•Iotion passed to exterid a vote of tha.r_lks to lair. Irving Clark for his most -greful help onivinr tl"ie city all the data he has !gathered on tiie Rocl Creel<_ in the past thirty years of study. Letter' read from II hrt_d Kaeser file coT"Ttr it;o.r o; t:ie set!er job, as t}ir.i.t he be prilia on the hol;i the job is complebed, only part tli::)l, thl i_nt'iltration is a little gre�.ter than the State !,oard of ll(��i]J.h requires, and that with 11r. Kaesers erinission to hold ar;Tv�_LL perc�n.ta.ge to cover that condition if it g;et r.cr; ,:,.orse , ai,.J '!,A they will be liable. Letter from Engineerr recoriirt(,.hds tliat the Coun t . cil accept ie job a;-, complete , .. nd !,o hold the 15;�% f or thirty days , and 'r1300.00 i'()r' tIte fi::in o%' the lirle that is in question at a IaUer' date, notion prisse(l to accept the ,job as the Engineer recoi,-tmends. Letter read from i!r. `Piatche.r City .lt!,orr,ey ­ivinr_; the Council an opinion on thy! i): yin�"� O7 on t;�ie property that we have purchased Prorii the �,'o, he states that We have no right' to pay th" : tares under pre:errt law conditions. Bids were opened aiid rend from t,,,ro oil co�7,ralhys, on ;�;�isol.ine deliver�,.'d to the tank of city , for �:isolirhe for t,'..i(, year of 1955 . from T �-, T Oil Co 27. 5 le f� d��r-il_ tax, "xrt(i one from ;Standard Oil_ Co for .2;306) I-) � riot,ion p(�.s ;car] the low bid was let to the Stanu.ard Oil Co/. Hearing was declared o''v'ned. for (IlscUSSloii on a Crdi`iance for th- construction of t,,-m spur t'aCltiS ac.l. oss First Ave . i,lorth. Er. Ponw(ill of t,;e !`forth I'ark Iniprovc�rnri:it Club was the :l'lrst spe,:hl.,er on the 1c:SUe , r'e,jueS)Linl-, fourth ave . to be opened up aril for to ;be =i_(icluded for their school_ childreT1 to it,s,o ahile Llie cOii., itf .iCtlon Diorli ill pr'OF-;Tess, arld or pro"er grades to br' e ttabli.,'hed on ',fit"iner. l.lr. Harris spoke a._ o i t1ic' s?_me quP:A-,iom_;, f�_ no more per"oris �a_pperljl:_, a�;-hlllst or' .:_�� tt!F' l:,sue , the Ordi3iance was .read on its final_ reading; and b r i'iotioil pc:: sed ti:F unani-mous vote of the council_ present. Ordinance read for the d�,dicatiori of property f'or street purposes in of 1 noh I11.11 , notion passed t,o adopt ordirTaiice for t'l,it po:etioriof street. "�otion passed to instruct the City to cont:_ict property owners of Lot 21 , Block 19; Lot 14, Mock 17 ; Lots 1-20 ',lock 22 _lot lli. I3locic 1� and lot 1 , I31_ock '1 all. of .,iCI �,a' L: Iimr�b iIill_ : ,,t(-..n. so that Clhic<>>r;o tr�et Triay be opened up fram V',rideVanter to Kirkwood. :1:1 ap . e( h( for h coi �cil ,ii a re � et., as to what he should do to his -tre As tc, -et utilities in the streets ill his pea plat , that l-i(' is li,oih)�r to submit for approval ill the near -Future , the city ittorney -,ave i,•Iiat in- forr,,iation tl�at he �ras seel>inr. T`"r. Clements lri reC.11le:3t; fro'il the �L J"iTf_ ric,,,l T,C io n ,,rotild like r,- to have permission to irs�al_l_ -,'Ball f1i ; bractets of t`Te orrhamental_ lirM st,anllrir( s , planed. in tihc, li<inds of tiie l_iC;Iit committee for aci;iori. >affaro clhalr.Tan of our P ik I3o ,.r,;. l:itr riiiced i[r. ,:smith of the County Recreatiun Cor(lliilsslon, ai7-_?. he ,ave a talk. on planriin- for recreat iori iri t}ir Darks, , T'iotion passed to instruct the cl,1,.ri to notify the Planning Corruitission of a ,iieeting with the council irondrh_y evelz�hiing, and. also to notify each councilman of saute. `'lotion passed to have councilman h.,)_f'fer purchase a map for the use of the Planriinf; Commission, riot exceed :;100.00. ; otion passed to construct a wall in the srial_l rooril of_1: tl"he auditorium, for a civil- I)eff. nse room. continued; ; ; continued; I/17/55 I,iotion passed to have patrolman Iwa.n' s ��c,.lar;r continued ,chile off in the Hospital atld .hom_-� from 1, �,riE�s .,rhile on duty. Iiotion passed to have the T ire ol_ice Coirnw ittee study the possibele ity of placin;.; Stop signal at various, intersections to be use in an emer;;ency. Motion for ')treet Department to purcII�sc Tn'sc,---, ous tools and -reasin; e.quip,iient up to �; 250.00 f��r us�� in the city shop. CL:1IIi PIS ;;>J 1T1',i) 1!:i;) Current Expense Claims 8o.06 ;relater 1, Street IT ? 331.39 (� �T I �'• 5' Library + 1�70.97 Gar. ba�e , (-enwer Rev. It 1, 671 .18 LID 230 'f 35.68 Park " l�<>6. 5 III '.TI dG ADJOUl"ilr.D; ��L_ T;:zyor Chas. ' r. idn•es City Clerk