HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/03/1955 Kent Washington January 3, 1955 Regular meeting of the City Council present ilayor Mooney, Councilmen Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; I'linutes read and approved except one ommission, as corrected to read, Councilman Curran reported to the council that there is 080.00 or there abouts assessed against Hock Creek property that we purchased from. the N.P.Railway Co, :for the year 1955. � Report of the Police Department presented and filed; Bids were opened and read for the purchase of a dump truck for the Street Department, two bids received Strains Auto Company, and Kent Motors, Motion passed to recess for five m minutes for the consideration and study of the two bids, council reconvened in a few minutes with a motion that we accept the Kent Motors bid, that being; the lour bids for the i amount of `)3 ,774. 56 including state sale tax. Notion passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter to P. S.P.L .L. CO in regard to the poor service they are giving in replacing the burnt out bulbs in the street light systom, Jack Sutterland from Hooker Chemical Co of Tacoma, enplai.ned to the council the proper use of Liquid Chlorine, that is to be used in out Treatment plant in the near future. Motion passed to refer the two contracts submitted for chlorine, " Pennsylvania Salt and Nook— Wemical Cos" to the Sanitation Committee for study an. reportiat the next meeting. Letter r-end from the Bush Construction Co requesting an additional.` bum m of 1 42 . 25 for extra work done on the Culvert at Smith Street, the Engineer was requested to check over the work claimed and return with a recommendation to the council Northern Pacific Railway Franchise Ordinance read on its first reading, Motion passed for the clerk to publish notices to call for a hearing on the final re rdina and passage , Jan. 17, 1955. Notion passed to instruct City Engineer to get cdiscriptions of property on the Forth side of Winner Street , and for the City Attorney to contact people that own property on the North side of Winner Street , for the widening of same. Motion passed to have the City Engineer and City Attorney to work out a plan and locate, Alvord from East - Smith to Highway No. 5-A, Suditj Ave. extended to Iti ghwNY 5*A, and Kenwood to the insection of Chicago and landeVanter Streets, this to be done for future planning as the map inticates as presented by Councilman Shaffer. RZr. Baffro Chairman of The Park Board, once again brought up the matter of a Recreation Commission working; under the Park Board, and for them to handle money that was given by the different club'& as a gift , and to expend same. City Attorney to give legal advise on the sug ;estion. Councilman reported and submitted a street plan policy Shaffer and by motion passed the council present , and said policy plann to be made a part of the minutes of this meeting by reference, and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. Map as submitted to be presented to the Planning Commission for approval, and after said approval to he part of the file of the clerkts office. Plants 'of the policy to be run off on ditto machine for the use of the public , when such improvements to the streets are to commence. Monday January 10, at & P.M. a men ting of the council acting as a committee will meet in the city hall. Motion p- 77. 1 to call for bids on a new gasoline contract. Mayor protemMoPhoon made the appointment of Lin Love in the place of Mrs. Bovell to the Civil Service Commission as recommended by Mayor Mooney and was approved by the council. Motion passed for the Chairman of the :dater Committee to request proposals from Engineering firms on Rock Creek de- velopment . continued Continued January 3 , 1955 ; Piotion passed to pla}­_T"--rcury-Vapor lii;Ilts on State Ave. Second Ave. and two on Rail-ro<�: _ in riot to exceed '•p500.00. City Engineer made a re�ont to the council on the Busch Con- struction extra work that was done. after the explanation, the an motion was passed, to pay Busch Construction Company :��p 11-2.25. Salary, Claims z)resented and read `'.yid flowed as follows; Police Salary December. 2,130.15 Salaries " 5,053 •20 Fire Dept. " 267.00 Current Expense Claims 1. 1979.23 ��Tater '' It 1, 653 .86 Street 'r 'r 461.41 Garbage 11 " 81.27 Library " " '75. 50 Park " rr 2.00 Sew. Rev. rr 11 57.89 Curri. Fire " '► 2 ,065.37 LID 228 " +► 6. 51 P'IEFTIIdG ADJOUR IED; r'a or. Chas. Bridges `I y City Clerk