HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/06/1954at0
I 1,-1ashington December 6, 1954.
Regular meeting of the City Council pre.-ent ,•'iay or I,looney,
Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lar;lb, Randall., .,chultz, Shaffer,
Report of the Police Department placed on file;
Iiinutes read and approved of the last regular meeting;
Councilman Shaffer recommended to the council that the report
of the committee was for tie Engineer to .set the markers for the
N.P.Rai__lroad Co at their oc-,ense.
r1lotion passed. to instruct the City En�,inec�r to place the markers
at the expense of the IJ.P.Railroad Co,ipany, for locr,,.tion points r-_t
the Ramsay Estate.
The letter from the Retirement system ,aas discussed and the
opinion of the cou:icil was in accord with tiie recommendations of
the letter from the Board, and a motion passed to ,lace on file.
1,Iayor Mooney appointed a cornrriittee of the finance and streets
to meet with the Railroad Company officials o!i the feasibility
of having 4th. ave. North extended from Shinn St. to u°linner..
Letters read from the Planning Commission and the North Park
Improvement Club in regard to the lath. Ave. project. Motion passed
to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the Planning Comr:rissi_on
and also to the North Park Improvement C)_ub in rez-_;ard to the
thinking of the Council on the extension of 4th. Ave.
Letter of Recommendation from the City INnf ineer to accept the
culvert being completed, motion passed to accept the recommendation
of the Erigineer.
I,Iotion passed to accept the t,%Tater main job as being completed as
recomended by the 110n,;ineer by letter.
I'.Iotion passed to instruct the clerk, to ;write .a letter to tl-ie
Harbor Construction on the well performed job they did on the
construction of our water mains on Knob Hill.
Letter read in regard to the rctireir;ent of IIr. Rod our 1.�7ater
superintendent, from the pension board. Flotion passed to place
on file.
notion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the Excise
Tax Division and get and extended time limit on the rernit!'ance
of back taxes and have th Mayor write a letter to the i3oard.
to have the interest and penalty removed.
Perm/fission granted to the lAavy to have a. recrutinF; office
up stairs in the large hall_ or small one, as the case may be.
i;iayor 11Iooney announced that the chairman of the Police Civil
Commissi.on7l,irs Gertrude i3ovell'► handed in her resignation,
and was accepted.
T,Iay6r appointed Mrs. Gertrude Jovell as Director of the Civil
Defense and was confirmed by the council.
Police Salaries November 2,130.15
Salaries it 5,107.58
Fire 'Jept.Salaries It 267.00
d rrent Expense Claims 3,379.04
Water ►i ?i 23,164.10
Street tt fr 882.22
Library ?► 'i 21$.53
Park ►i 313.27
Garbage ri ?i 172.63
Sew. Rev. '► 11,4.20
LID 230 '? 4, 4-59. 67
Cum Bldg. ?i 35.91r
TIayor Chas. }3ric4es
City Clerk