HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/04/1954 Kent , Washington October tr, 1954. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall , Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes read of the regular previous meting and approved; Culvert bids were opened and read, four bids were rceived, Busch Construction Co. $2235 .00 plus tax; Workman Construction Co, 03280.04; Harold Kaser Co. .0 , 425. 50; iiclntyre Construction Co. 1p3988.68; Motion passed to award the bid on the Culvert to Busch Construction Co. Tennis Court bids were received a}Lcl read , t_hree bids received. McIntyre Construction Co ; t8l'77.00; i=lusch Conbt .ruction C0`}005.00 G.F.I,iiller of Auburn I1�To _ cert_ified check �-aith bid, �n6541.15 no fence encluded. T)Iotion passed to have City Attorney, Park Board and finance committee study bids and make a report at next re- gular meeting. Two bids received and read on the co,iil)l� tion of the fire station; McIntyre Construction Co, :for _q'14 , `#30.70; Busch Con- struction Co ; $5 ,1.92.75 ; r`.clntyre bid did not enclude all materiel as per specifications. T,Iotion passed to have ire , and Building committees mare study. Water committee was re juested to proceed -vsith T11r. Clark on his maps, and data that he has compiled on the Rock Creek development , and motion passed to h.:-r the w,,Aer committee expend not more than .$450.00 on the ' maps and data that Mr. Clark has , and for the Engineer to develop, the: maps. Finance Committee reported that they had a contract from H .P.Pratt & Co, on the financing and furthering the defrelop- ment of Rock Creek. Motion passed to accept the contract that was submitted by Pratt & Co. Ttiiotion passed to instruct the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Petition received for the vacation of an ur:amed street in Marlowe ' s Addn. to gent . Motion passed to refer petition to Engineer, and report back in 30 days. Motion passed to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the Kent Planning Commission, for future planning for streets, and by amendant passed to enclude the fringe area of Kent. Ordinance No. 888 passed the vote of the council, for a change in rates on the garbage pickup. Ordinance No. 889 read on trailer courts and trailers, and by motion passed referred to the Police Committee for study; Contract from the NP. was read and placed in the hands of the Street Committee to contact P-Zr. 14Ioore of the Company, for explaination of certain parts of same. Motion passed to have the Sanitation committee contact the Kent Planning Commission for to arrange for an other Dump site. Motion passed to instruct the Police -Dept . to purchase a camera up to A, 175.00. Motion passed to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the P.S.P.&.L. CO to install a luminar light at Kenwood and Guiberson Streets to replace the smalt residnet reflector light the one to be moved is from old stock that -is on hand, when replaced by Mercury-vapor lights on Central Ave. , also a resident light to be installed .at Kd!ningsenton and Chicago St. Creation of a Fire Lane from Guiberson and through Kenwood and down Gowe Street to Central Ave. SALARIES AND CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOVIED AS FOLLOWS; Police salaries September 2, 130.15 Payroll 'f 5 ,346.44 Fire Dept. salaries 't 267.00 Current Expense Claims 4) 330.44 Water 472.08 Street 'T 242.28 Library 'T 14..00 Park 150.68 Garbage 11 67,g5 LID 230 14,712.38 Cum. Fire 't 2�. 957.19 MEETING ADJOURNED Mayor �C as. Br'i ge C ' ty Clerk