HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/07/1954 Kent , Washington September 7, 1954. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved, July 6, Minutes to be corrected as to Randall being omitted from the roll call. Report of the police department presented and placed on file ; Bids were opened and read for the construction of water mains, Power Construction Co of Seattle , :p6, 404.11; Ed. B. Chapman of Seattle,.$9,196.27; Coluccio and Carlo Company of Seattle ,{�7,294.92 Hood Construction Co of Seattle I�P12,098.85 ; Harrington, Harpel, & Airheart, and Riley Bros Spanaway, p10, 634.24; Hanson Construct- ion Co of Seattle $7, 545.10 ; Harbor Construction Co of Seattle , p6,406.36; Harold Kaeser Co, of Seattle, $7, 851.00. I-lotion passed to palce in the hands of the water committee for study, and re- port at the next regular meeting. Bids were opened and read for the construction of a Culvert three bids received and read, Harold Kaeser Co p2,733 .00; Victor D. Workman of Kent , yp1, 458.48; L.R.P,,IcIntyre $3 ,175.00; Motion passed to award. the construction of the Culvert to Mr. Workman of Kent. Councilman Shaffer reported on the possible sale of the water building on R.R.Ave. So. and also the price that a new one at a new location woyld cost. Shaffer also reported that he had contacted H.P.Pratt & Cc to give them an estimate on the cost of the development of Rock Creek, and if a bond issue could be sold at a low rat- r,�' nterest.;:lr. Penketh of Pratt 1: Co gave a report to the Council on a portion of the project. , the council requested of Ilr. Penketh to have his Company pre- pare a cost estimate for the financial survey of the Rock Creek project , such as they prepared for the Couficil on the Treat- ment Plant project. Mr. Penketh proposed to the council t.;­t his Company �111rould take all the LID 230 1 ends at a premium of of the Council decided that they would rather sel-I the bonds to the local people. Hearing on the Little & Walker Plats viere set,Rver till the next regular meeting on account of the notices -,9R::R- not posted according to law, or not posted at a11. Mr. Walker was present at the meeting and made a request to extend the se-vier in his new addition, 1lotion passed to grant the re west and that it shall be clay pipe and put in under the supervision of the City Enf;ineer and all costs to be paid by P,'Ir. 111alker. Motion passed to have the clerk c.,17_ for I7ic.ls on the inside work of the fire station if enoug u l-1 iorieY 1_eft in the building Fund. Police Department recommended that no curfew be enforced. at this tune. Mayor recommended that, the Pol_ice Cotninittee and the ­cliooa_ Truant Officer have a meeting to sturdy [:rile ;Atiiation. Leger read from 14el I'leal in to the put out by the t^Tashington Cities. Lejer read from tire Sta:,ewide City Rei,Arement System in regard to the retirement of I;lr. T�Tartin in October, .lotion passed to have the clerk write a lett,(,r to t :e Sysyem for the retirei-iient of ITr. T1artin, Mr. Baff_aro Chairman of the Park l3oard made a report of the Park Board on activitives this sur.:iier in the Recreatioi) Perk, and also recorai,,iende.-3. l,li<zt:, tljF city council set up a Recreation Com,,Tiission, and have a Park caretri_ker '.;;Iat worked part time � with other city de:: ,artments , under supervision of the Water or Street , also submitted plans for trio tennis courts, 14otion passed to have the plans turned over to a committee for study, Mayor appointed Councilmen Curran, Randall , Rlessi.ng, to ,,!ork on the Recreation Committee, and t}re finance committee to study the plans for tl-le tennis courts. 1,4r. Knudson o_i' Kent; T!Totors present and requested to black top in front of hi._, lot at Central and Gowe St. P-"iotion passed to have the Engineer supervise the construction according to city ordinance . continued. 370 continued- 10= pot kotion passed to havq the clerk write a letter to the City Transfer and Mr. hrath, and inf orm thom not to clump canner ; wastes at out city dump, thAt it created a severe rat menace. Damage claim was reported to the council in re7ard to one of our trucks backed into a septic_ tank at the Dent Concrete Products Co and broke it; beyond repair, the damage was 14)77.00 and was turned over to our insurance Company . CLAIMS PRZSi;NTED AND ALLONED AS FOLLOWS; Police Payroll Augutt 2,130.15 Payroll August 52 362.44 j Fire jept. It 267.00 Current Exp, Claims 3,048- 53 Water 11 TT 1, 344.016 Street 'r Tr 1, 405.52 Park rr It 220• 59 Library 'r it 23 .17 LID 230 Warrents 14,153 .01 Garbage 'r Claims 68.90 MF,ETING ADJOURNED Playor Q_, Ally Chas. Bridges City Clerk i i