HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/17/1954 Kent Washington May 17, 1954. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Council- men Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton. Minutes read and approved of the last regular meeting; Report of officers presented and filed, Budget , Treasurer' s Clerk' s repaort; Motion passed to have the streets around the large reservoir dust oiled. Discussion on the control of the Garbage Dump, it was proposed that a tractor of some make be purchased, as recommended by the Health & Sanitation Committee, to keep the dump in proper shape and for the two disposal men on the truck to operate same. Motion passed to take no action on septic tanks that were be- ing constructed just prior to the creation of the LID 230 sewer program. Councilman Curran made a small report as to the progress on the purchase of the land from the. N.P.Ry. Co. that contains Rock Creek, for future water development. Bid on fencing and Backstops was awarded to Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp. they being low bid, fencing in place for the amount of $3 ,415.00 plus sales tax, for the £wo Backstops in place $ 8.80.00 880.00 plus tax. The Bleachers were laid over till the next meet- ing for study. Motion passed to radify the call for bids on the Bleachers & Backstops. Letter read from 1�1r. Bell -our supervising agent on insurance, stated that Mr. Holmes had moved out of his office on North Central and requested of the council if award of any of the cities insurance should go to him. Motion passed to instruct Mr. Bell that moving out of the City and operation of an office being discontinued, dis- qualifies him for the buisness of the city. Letter read from the Chief of Police stating that two police officers were out of sick leave , and recomended that their salary be paid owing to the fact that they were hurt on the job. Letter read from the Police Civil Service Commission stating the condition of the case , and a Resolution passed by the Commission recomending that the city pay their salaries up to three months, if not back to wank before that time. !,lotion passed to allow the payment of salaries up to three months if disablad that length of time and to place resolution on file. Motion passed to have the Attorney take care of the matter of the transfer of the WSD fund to the Sewer Revenue fund/. Petition received and read from various people requesting a change of garbage rates from units to cans. Motion for petition to be placed on file and for the Health & Sanitation committee give it study. Ordinance No. 876 adopting fire prevention code by roll call vote all voted eye accept Curran voting ney. Ordinance No. 877 adopting catterpillar control passed by unanimous vote except Shaffer voted no. Motion passed to have catterpillar ordinance amended to read for the city to do the work if the people did not comply and charge same to them. Ordinance No. 878 passed by motion for the control of weeds, trees and etc . if they be a public nuisance . Ordinance No. 879 by motion passed adopting a Building Code known as the National Building Code. Mr. Sipe presented his plan of his trailer court as requested at the last council meeting, Councilman Curran reported that it might not be feasible for a trailer court in the buisness area. Councilman Randall made motion for accepatance as per plans. Councilman Shaffer stated that owing to the fact that he was absent last meeting and had no time for study made a motion to table the request for two weeks, motion passed. Mr. Morrison of Shinn Street announced that something should be done about the Boat Company on West Shinn Street , placing their boats out on the street , and also the garbage cans were always full and running over. Chief of Police announced that he had al- ready spoken to the Company about the boats, and for the Clerk to look into the garbage can condition. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to call for bids on 5 mercury- vapor lights to placed on Central Ave. continued t�e)� continued- Motion passed to instruct the clerk to place small add in the paper, for the sale of old sash that was taken out of city hall, and sell same for the best offer. Motion passed to have the Mayor get in touch with our Engineers and Finance on the Sewage Treatment plant , and give them instructions to give to our industries , informantion in re- gard to the sewer charge. Motion passed to place Herb Rude in temporary position as Superintendent of Sewers. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 209.15 Water 't 805.98 Street " 381. 58 Library - rr 65.24 Park 314.79 Garbage 114.36 Sewer Rev. f' 4.74 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk