HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/03/1954 3Ju ..� Kent Washington Hay 3 , 1954. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Randall, Schultz, Thornton; , inutes of the last regular meeting read and approved,with exception of one correction and one omission.Correction for the Planning Commission to give in writing to the City Council its recomendation -as to the vacation of Kenoshia street. Omission that Councilman Shaffer stated that he wanted , to go on record as opposing the appointment of H.E.Clements to the position of operator of the Sewage Treatment Plant , and also Councilman Curran stated that he would go along with Shaffer on the opposition. Bids were opened and read for the purchase of PRrk Equipment six bids were received. Motion passed to place the bids in the hands of the Finance Committee and the Park Board for study, and report back at the next regular meeting. City Attorney brought to the attention of the council that the suit of condemnation was still pending, in regard to light and power, it was suggested that we get together with the other three cities, and see what there was to be done with the situation. Motion passed to approve the new form from the Milwaukee in regard to the dedication of a private rightawyy for a public alley. Building committee to work with city clerk to pick out a color for the south wall. of the city hall. Councilman Thornton reported that one of our patrolman was hit by a truck, and was in the hospital in Renton. The Fire Committee recommended that Bush Construction Co be awarded the bid on the construction of the Fire Station at Guiberson and Kenwood, Motion passed to award the bid to the Busch Construction Cc as per bid. T�Iotion passed for the Health & Sanitation Committee to take care of the Uump, owing to the fact that it has not had a care- taker for a month, and it is in a very deplorable condition. 1,11iles Drake City Engineer stated that LID N'o. 230 would be in shape to call_ for bids about the lst. of July. Motion passed for the clerk to call for bids on water pipe and fittings for the Knob Hill Job, as specified by the .eater committee. i'iotion passed to have the :i.ter Committee hire a bulldozer and have the little reservoir filti�,in at Guiberson & Kennebeck which has not been used for years. !'Motion passed to have the city attorney draa-:, amendmont to create a two hour parkin,g, on lvorth side of East ileeker, be- tween Central and State Ave . Motion passed to instruct the Mayor & Clerk sign Estimate IIo. 1 on the Treatment Plant , for the payment of the Contractor and Engineers. 11r. Rod Water Superintendent announced to the council that the Rational ?'Dater ',,;corks Convention „Ias bean; held in `_;ea-tale this year, and .would like to have the Council an_ -,ia.yor attend if possible.i=otion passed to have t}ie ';later Supt . ').nd one as.:istant attend the Convention 11rith expenses paid. 1r. 'ipe requested of the council for a tic- nse to Operate a trailer court at R.R. Ave . and `Titus Street , it i:ras su -,<-estd to I r. :ripe that he prepare a plan For ttic operation , aid. consideration Mould b" rriven nett mcc'tin`-. I%Ir. Coen on Alvord Ave. 5rour7ht to the atten o on of the Clerk that the trees across from his home was Cull of catterpillars and he requ--,stet. so:ae tl�..in ; do��c about the c.I�m.iition. cti:m pa0-n tI- ',l -._ __ 0 `iIl'.� a Lt'-2 iY('�)1) '1' �' f7 about the caterpillars. I-[otion passed for the (.;ity Attorney to dra).,l ordinance F'c;r tree control of bugs, and unsitely vacant lots. SALARIES AIdD CLAIMS FRf';SIs1I'C?;D APdD ALLU'.ViD .`15 FOI LO`'IS : Police Salaries April 2) 102.81+ Salaries ff 5, 107- r6 Currnht Expense Claims 1 , 535.96 ( continued.) cointinued - .dater Claims 788.41 Street 11 514.67 Sewer Rev. " 25,070.13 Park 203 .90 P,`E"TING ADJOURNED; Mayor - Chas. Bridges city clerk I