HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/05/1954 Kent 1,1ashi.ngton April_ 5 , 1954• Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Mooney, Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Schultz, Shaffer, Thornton; Minutes of the last regular meeting read and filed; I4Iotion passed to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the News Journal stating that our Health Officer did not give the counil an ulitmatum in regard to the discontinued use of our city dump, and to create sewer districts through out the city and do away with all septic tanks. Mr. Kramer of Carey Kramer, Engineers for the treatment plant explained to the council the three conditions in the contract as to the inspection of the plant under construction, By motion passed the the inspection plan A.-vas awarded to the Engineers, this being 2'g7 of the contract. Two men of the county health department app�red before the council in regard to the use of the count dump, they said that they were seeking a new plan for garbage Rumps also, and they would, try to work with the Icing County Planning Commission on locating a site for the Kent Dump. Census this time would be used as an estimate instead of taking an actual count as was done last year. Iiotion for clerk to take care of the paper work on same to be sent into the State Census Board. Motion passed to accept Mr. Foster proposal on the repair of the main roof on the Blue Banner Building, for the amount of !P4$8.73. An improvement plan in the parking strip on East Meeker and on North State Ave. submitted by the members of the P'I.r.Church by drainage and blacktop and curbs, and for regulating park- ing for two hours periods, was by motion passed granted the request and all work being done under the supervision of the City Engineer. Petition received from property owners on the alley in Block 16 of '�V.C.I.COs First Addn. Requesting an improvement of their ally by drainage and blacktop. Motion passed for the improvement at their expense under the supervision of the City Engineer. Bids opened for the purchase of 2000 ft. of 4" cast iron pipe. Three bids received. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co of Seattle �P1.82 per ft. Pacific 11ater 1Iorks Supply Co of Seattle , $1.16 per ft. , and United State Pipe and Foundry Co at 1.143 per ft. Motion passed to award contract to the low bidder United States Pipe and Foundry Co. of Seattle. Building Committee to purchase paint for the south will of the City Hall,, and for night janitors to apply same. Ordinance No. 873 passed the unanimous vote of the council present. Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw necessary papers to release old easement on Mr. Dunbars property on East Smith Street , this easement was for an old water pipe line. Motion passed to have the street crew clean out ditch in alley north of East Smith Street, from Clank Ave. to the Creek. Motion passed for the intention of passing the dedication of a strip of ground for an alley, north of Shinn St. at 6th. Ave. Motion passed to have three councilmen attend the Spokane C ' Convention of i°lashington Cities, and expenses paid. Mr. Thatcher submitted a plan that the N.P.Railroad Company requested to keep the ally open along their rightaway on the 'Jest side of their tracks from Gowe St. too Titus St. Motion passed to have the street committee check into the matter, and report at the next meeting, and also contact the property owners. Mayor appointed Mr. Jerry McDermott and was approved by the council to the planning commission in the place of P-Zr. C.C.Wallace resigned. Motion passed to refer to the City Attorney for his legal opinion on the recommendation of PIr. Baffaro chairman of the Park Board. Mr. Baffaro made a very fine report on the convention he attended at Spokane. Motion passed to have the police judge purchase three used benches for his court room for the price of ;,,17. 50 each. continued 6 a I Continued Motion passed for Clerk to call for bids on Cyclone fennce for Park Grounds and small water reservoir on Scenic Hill. ,and for the Park Board and the Water committee to recommend the amount of fencing needed. Payroll and Claims presented and allowed as follows; Police Payroll P-iarch 2,102.84 Payro112 It 5 , 290.70 Fire Payroll it 267.00 Cur. Expemse Claims 2 , 518.96 Water tt it 264.12 Street tt It 271.69 Library tt 53.93 Park it 486.78 Garbage tr It 21+ 00 L.I .D 229 tt 5125 Sewer Rev. 11 33.48 PIEETING ADJOURNED; 1-77 Mayor Chas. Brid s city clerk