HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/15/1954 646 I'�ent Washington March 15 , 1954. Regular meeting; of the Cite Council present Iiayor Rooney Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer and Thornton; Minutes read of the last regular meeting and approved; i I Report of officers presented and placed on file , Budget, Treasurers and Clerks ; Motion passed to instruct the clerk to refund the property owners money that he has in escrow, on the K=-iood Sewer job, after all claims are paid. I,lotion passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter to all known insurance agencys, and request them to hand in a business report on the amount of insurance they sell. Motion passed to have the Pow- Company place a street light bracket on Summit Ave. , and for the clerk, to write a letter to the Company for authorization for the instaall- ation of same. Dr. Hogan appeared before the council , a,-id. sus;ested that the use of the City 1)url.p be abandoned on account of the rat menace , and for the council to advocr:te the installation of sewers in the city, because the action of septic tanks is billed on account of all the new soaps being used, and the automatic equipment used in tl,c home creating; a heavy load of water that runs into the septic tank that the action of the bacteria is restricted. Letter read from the County Commis:,ioners in regard to the city usin; the county clump for one month, as a. trial test as to costs, they have referred it w.o the Iling County health Dcpt , for study. Letter read from Jr. in re,;ard to the Building Inspectors instructions to move the house in North Park back in accordance ,,ri-bli the Zoning Ordinance i'lotion passed to table the letter until. the April_ l'ieeting. i,.,r. Siler requested of the council_ that the people in the area of ?'lock 16 I�'.C.I.Co. First Ild ?�n. -could like to improve the alley by drainage and surfacing. I!Ir. Siler was requested to present a. petition t'o the council for the improvement. Letter read from I. C. Clarl; statirl- t hat he was already connected to the sewer system, and he woul�l like to have his property dropped from the LID roll . Letter read from IIr. Eckland requesting he be made part of-the firms on the City insurance list. City attorney explained to the council that he could not complete the se:rer ordinance on control , and rate ordinance until he had more information from the council. 1-Iotion passed to have the I`ayor and Clerk sign the contract for the construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant ,and notify Carey 8:; Framer to send letter to tize contractor to proceed with the contruction of the plant. Motion passed to have the Engineer, one councilman and the Mayor to get in touch with Carey 1:ramer and wort; out i the matter of a residence inspector on the treatment plant I while under construction. I Dedication eras presented from the li1-viaukee on the alley by Clinton Foods, corrections were made as to alley instead of street , and provision for future and present utilities. This document was re:Ce :c ed back to the ilwaukee for correction. City Engineer gave estimate for the widening of Chicago Street in the amount of �, 00.00. continued 64V continued 1-,arch 15 , 54- !.1ater & Health committee chairmans to contact Carey Krammer in regard to the size and location of the i•aater pipe to be 'installed at the `1'reatmc z-it Plant by the water department. Clerk was instructed to get an estimate on the repair of the roof at Blue Danner. Engineer was instructed to get a cost estimate on the wideing of l�ennebecic where it intersects 'Smith Street. Engineer was instructed to not .fy til property owners on the North side of Smith Street , from Clary. St. to State Street to fi: the sidewalk. lotion for clerk to v,rrite a letter to 1"ing County to aquire a strip of land alon„ the acst side of Prospect Ave. from James Streot i`Iorth. CLAIIIS I-Tt"SENTED AND ALLO?°�TED AS I�'OLLO�� S; Current "Expense Claims .eater It Claims 1;1tF.92 Street Cl air.,is 254.90 Library Claims 55.33 Park Claims 39.62 Garbage 11 Claims 71.3(") D.-ewers Cl<<iinS 2 ,659.00 T,1-,L;TING ADJOTJTdVT; Chas. Bridges Ilayor city clerk