HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/01/1954 64b Kent Washington Iiarch 1, 1954. Regular meeting of the city council present , i,layor 1,Iooney Councilmen Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz, Shaffer, and Thornton; Minutes read and approved of the last re ;ular meeting; Bids were opened and read for the sale of jP270, 000.00 par value of sewer revenue bonds of the city. Bids were rec,:ived from McLean c, Company 772 Commerce Street , Tacoma, Pacific Northwest Company of Seattle , first Washington Corporation of Seattle, Foster w Marshall of Seattle , and Grande :_ Com>>any of Seattle. I•iotion passed to have the City Attorney and our finanical advisors adjourn to an other room and give study to the various bids, and report their -;:indings as to the 'nest bid for the City. Councilman Curran reported on Rocic Crec k,as to tl e progress he was making with the N.P.Ry. Co, in regard to the purchase of the land, at the next regular mectin,, he thought he would have more definite information from the Railroad Attornies on the conditions of the sale. P,'Ir. Bellamy an architect from Safeway Co requested of the council permission to remove curbs, and make drive-ins, on Central Ave. North of the present Safeway Store, the sketch as presented requested two, 0-41 drive-ins on North Central. Motion passed to instruct the City Engineer to make a survey of 'the drainage conditions in that part of North Central , and Pioneer Street and report back at the next council meeting. Motion passed to grant the request of I•Ir. Bellamy for the two curb cuttings as requested, and in addition the council request- ed the improvement of the alley if they saw fit , north of their.' lot to Pioneer St. Damage claim was presented for action, and by motion passed i was referred to the City Attorney for answer in the negative. Letter read from Mr. Harry Richmond of 214 1-1orton Street , requesting some action be taken in regard to the dumping of crank-case oil,and an unkempt condition of the old Time Oil Service Station at South State and Morton St. Motion to place letter ^onlfile , acid have the Fire Chief tale care of the condition that exists. Letter read from Mr. Baffaro Chairman of the Park Board, re- questing expenses to Spokane , Wash. to attend Con ference of the National Recreation Assn. Motion passed to allow up to a�. ,; 60.00 for the expenses to the Conference. Letter read from six property owners requesting their money returned that has not been used for the sewer construction job on Guiberson & Kenwood. Motion passed to have the street committee meet with the property owners and work out a settlement for the replacing of the streets to fair condition. Letters from I,1r. 1,iergenthaugh, Iriss Lillian Bacon read in�1 protest to the construction of a sewer LID. Motion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw rate ordinance for the treatment plant, to be submitted to the council at the next regular meeting.l,iotion passed to instruct the City Attorney to draw an^ ordinance for the controll and use of the city sewer system. Motion passed to have Jim Scott dig the sewer line across Guiberson Street , for the proposed fire station at that location while he had his equipment on the job, for a cost of %�P100.00 j plus tile pipe. City Engineer report on the feasiblity of a sewer in an ally south of Willis street that was requested by a group of people at the last regular meeting, he stated that it, was possible if the alley was filled in, in the low parts. Motion passed to instruct the water superintendent to locate water pipes in alley and the Engineer to give estimate on the job, and for the people to place their money in escrow with the city clerk, before the start of construction of the sewer line. Advise offered to the council from our fiscal agents and atttarneyg, was to reject all bids. continued 644 I.1otion passed by the unanimous vote of the council to reject all bids for the sale of Sewer Revenue Bonds. -lotion passed to accept the negotiated offer of Mr. Taylor an officer of Foster P, I,1arshall as stated in his bid, &'Xcept the delivery date , 11 the bonds are to be delivered to us within 45 days from this date" instead of 30 days. Motion passed to award Ostruske-Murphy of 1515 Center St Tacoma. , the bid for the construction of the Sewage Treat- ment Plant, for the sum of 239,000.00 as per bid of Jan. 18, 1954. Hearing opened on Resolution 1I0. 344 for the creation of a proposed sewer district. Petition received with. 21 signers in opposition to the improvement in their part of the proposed district.Tp all encluding the petition there were 40 signers against the improvement , no one else had any objections the 1,1ayor anounced the hearing closed. Motion passed to write the County Commissioners a letter in regard for permission for the city to dump garbage in their dump at Bow Lake for one month on a trial basis. Motion passed for Mayor and Clerk- to have add run in the Washington Cities Magazine , and Daily Journal of Commerce Paper for man to operate the sewage treatment plant. Motion for claim of damaged car at Guiberson street be rejected. Motion passed to have the city attorney draw an ordinance for the adoption of the National Building Code. Motion passed to instruct the city attorney to draw ordinance to adopt the 1953 Fire Prevention Code."National" Motion for clerk to purchase a siren for the fire depart- ment , amount of "%127.00. Motion passed to accept the maintenance and small cost of a radio system for the fire department. Motion passed to purchase tires for street equipment where needed. Motion passed to have an adjourned meeting at 7;30 P.M. Thursday , March 1vth. for the purpose of discussion on the proposed LID sewers. PAYROLL AND CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLO11ED AS FOLLOWS; Police Payroll February 2,102.84 Payroll " 5,290.70 Fire Dept. Salaries it 267.00 Current Expense Claims 1,021.42 Water " 926.11 Street T' 73.88 Park 'r 372.87 WSD Sewers " 90.66 Meeting c alled to order by Mayor Mooney, Councilmen present., Blessing, Curran, Lamb, Randall, Schultz , Shaffer Thornton. City Engineer explained in detail on the drawing of the LID where the protests were , and the number equaled 25 .10 After quite a discussion on the boundry of the district, Motion made to accept the plan as dram by the City Engineer. the motion by roll call vote was, Blessing,Curran, Shaffer, and Thornton for the motion, and Lamb, Randall, Schultz ney. Motion passed to instruct the city attorney to draw for the adoption of the district. an ordinance Motion for Engineer to get a cost on Chicago Street for laying of the sewer line. MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridges/ city clerk